Manual for ESA dmpl tool - ESA M&P database server for

Manual for ESA dmpl tool
Version 2012
ESA DMPL Tool manual
Slide nr:1
Setup for DMPL Tool
Resposibility of Prime contractor
• The prime sets up the users/password relationships in the tool
• The prime inserts the subssystem and equipment data
• The prime distributes the subs and subprime databases.
Resposibility of subprime
• Identical to the ones of the prime
Resposibility of subcontractors
• Populating the database with MMPP data
• Sending the database back to subprime/prime
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Setup for DMPL Tool
Password system
Starting the DMPL tool
Updating DMPL database
Communication with servers
Layouts of screens
Approval system
Associated DML’s
Filemanagement (for prime only)
Subcontractors screens
Compact and Repair
Help screens
Import of data
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Users/password system
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Opening screen
This is the opening screen.
It shows four buttons:
about, Close, check for update
and communication connection
and a documentation area.
The first action is the enter the
project name
Give project name
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Check for programme update
Click for update check
The latest version of the DMPL tool is on
the ESMAT website.
Using the update option a check is made
if you have the latest version. If not the
latest version is downloaded and will
replace the current version. The DMPL
tool will close and restart automatically.
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Check for programme update
A new version is found on
the ESMAT server and can
now be downloaded.
Update check can also be
reached via the about
Yes or no to update or not
Click to start check
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Enter project name
The project name is an important
parameter in the ESA dmpl tool. It
determines the directory visible in
the WebDav server and it is the
entry point for the password
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Ini file check and open database
Check for ini file
After entering the project name, a
check is made if a dmpl.ini file
exists on the start-up directory. If
no ini file exists a new one is
created with the correct project
entry. If an ini file is present a
check is made for the project
The ini file contains a project
entry, the contractor shortname
and a flag for the
absence/presence of a mech.
parts list.
Select database
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Select database
Select database
After pressing the select database
from disk button, a selection
screen opens (same directory as
the ESA Tool programme) and
one can select a database.
Change directory as required.
Press OPEN to open the
Open button
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Give password
The information of the selected
database is given at the bottom of
the screen
Every database is protected by a
password. This password is given
by the prime contractor. A check is
made on this password (the
encrypted password is inside the
database itself)
Give password
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Password check
Name resolution from password
The filled in password is
compared with the encrypted one
in the database. If identical you
will be identified by name and
database editing is allowed,
otherwise only read-only access
is possible.
Click YES if OK otherwise NO and try again
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Clicking the about button opens
the about screen.
This gives information about the
programme version. It also list the
e-mail address, telephone and fax
number of the developer.
The latest update of the ESA dmpl
tool can be obtained by pressing
the update button. Be sure to
enable the comunication first.
Press OK to close this screen
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Upgrade database to V4
Upgrading database
The early databases consisted of text
fields having 255 charcters maximum.
Inside the database this is called version
Later databases have certain fields
capable of having 65000 chararcters
(comments fields, summary fields etc).
The programme recognize that and
gives the option to upgrade. Old versions
of the DMPL tool are not capable of
showing these fields
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Enable Webdav or FTP connection
Enable communication with server
Before the communication to the
ESA WebDav server or dedicated
FTP server, the correct
information is required, such as
presence of a proxy server, the
correct proxy port.
Press the button to start this
communication protocol.
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Communication with servers
Entry for server
You are requested to enter the
information about your server.
Not all users are behind a proxy
server. When the information is
left blank, it is assumed that no
proxy server is required.
Pressing OK start the
communication connection.
Entry for proxy
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Check for connection
Check communication
After giving the information about
the server, the connection to the
ESA WebDav server (or
dedicated FTP server) is checked.
If a connection can be
established, communication with
these servers is possible.
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Get database from server
Receive database
To receive a database from the
ESA server, goto File->get
database. If the server connection
is not enabled, a connection is not
Enable connection first.
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Databases in server directory
Databases found on server
If the communication is correct
and a valid project name is given
at the start up of the ESA tool, the
databases present for this project
are shown.
The prime contractor sees all the
databases in the project. The
subcontractors can only see their
own databases.
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Select remote database
Database selected on ftp server
Get database
To download a database slect the
one to download and press
Get file
When all is correct a progress bar
opens and the download starts.
This downloaded database will be
stored in the directory of the ESA
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Goto DML screen
Goto dml screen button
After the confirmation of the
password, the menu buttons
become visible and one can
select the DML.
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Layout of DML screen
Print dml
Export dml
Edit dml
Subcontractor comment area
Prime comment area
This is the main DML screen. This
is also the only DML screen for
the Prime contractor and the
The subcontractor, the prime
contractor and the customer can
enter their comments (each in
their own box) and the DML
database can be exported or
Excel export or print ECSS
content and PDF export is
Customer comment area
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Click column headers for ordering content
There are many ways to visualize
the DML data.
Sorting by categories and classes
is possible.
Consolidation (sorting by group,
itemnumber, subcontractor) is
Content sorting on all columns is
possible by clicking the column
Sorting possibilities
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Approval of DML item
The approval is performed by
clicking on the approval status
boxes. The subcontractor, the
prime contractor and the
customer have their own boxes.
A second window opens and a
selection can be made.
At the insert only, only one status
change is performed. To have
more status changes, use the
right side of this window. After a
status change the next DML item
will be displayed.
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Approval Status
If a lower tier want to change the
approval status and the higher
level has already approved the
item, the programme will protest
and the item will not be changed.
The higher level has to unapprove the item first.
Item was already approved at higher level
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Print layout
Menubar with print,save and print setup
Print preview of the DML. The
items are consolidated.
To print this DML use the print
function at the menubar
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Export to Excel
Export of DML to excel
The content of the DML can be
used in other programmes such
as excel, word etc.
Export is in MSExcel format.
The complete DML can be
exported, including all columns or
a subset
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Goto DPL screen
Goto DPL button
To go to the DPL screen click on
the Goto DPL screen button
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The DPL screen
Export dpl to excel
Print dpl
Edit dpl for sub
Area for prime to give comments
Area for subcontractor to give references
The DPL screen has the same
functionalities as the DML screen.
Area’s are available for the
subcontractor to give their
references for the process, for the
prime contractor and the
customer to give their comments.
Export and printing of the DPL is
possible by clicking on the export
buttons. The subcontractor can
edit the DPL
Area for customer to give comments
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Approval of DPL item
The approval is performed by
clicking on the approval status
boxes. The subcontractor, the
prime contractor and the
customer have their own boxes.
A second window opens and a
selection can be made.
At the insert only, only one status
change is performed. To have
more status changes, use the
right side of this window. After a
status change the next DML item
will be displayed.
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Associated DML entry
Associated DML
The DPL screen contains entries
for the associated DML
numbers.These numbers are
entered by the subcontractor. The
reviewer can select a DML entry
and click on it to see the material
in the DML
The material used in the
process given in the DPL is
shown after the selection of the
dml entry in the dpl. Close this
window to go back to the DPL
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Click column headers for ordering content
There are many ways to visualize
the DPL data.
Sorting by categories and classes
is possible.
Consolidation (sorting by group,
itemnumber, running number and
subcontractor) is possible.
Content sorting on all columns is
possible by clicking the column
Sorting possibilities
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24. Print layout of DPL file
Menubar with print,save and print setup
Print preview of the DPL. The
items are consolidated.
To print this DPL use the print
function at the menubar
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Export DPL to excel
Export to Excel
The content of the DPL can be
used in other programmes such
as excel, word etc.
Export is in the MSExcel format.
The complete DPL can be
exported, including all columns or
a subset containing only the
ECSS required columns.
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Goto DMPL screen
Dmpl screen button
Pressing this button, opens the
dmpl screen.
This button is not visible when at
the start of a project a mech.
Parts list is not selected.
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The DMPL screen
Exporting and importing
The DMPL screen has the same
functionalities as the DML screen.
Area’s are available for the
subcontractor to give their
references for the process, for the
prime contractor and the
customer to give their comments.
Export and printing of the DMPL
is possible by clicking on the
export buttons. The subcontractor
can edit the DMPL
Area for prime to give comments
Area for subcontractor to give references
Area for customer to give comments
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Consolidation DMPL
Click column headers for ordering content
There are many ways to visualize
the DMPL data.
Sorting by categories and classes
is possible.
Consolidation (sorting by group,
itemnumber, running number and
subcontractor) is possible.
Content sorting on all columns is
possible by clicking the column
Sorting possibilities
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Approval of DMPL item
The approval is performed by
clicking on the approval status
boxes. The subcontractor, the
prime contractor and the
customer have their own boxes.
A second window opens and a
selection can be made.
At the insert only, only one status
change is performed. To have
more status changes, use the
right side of this window. After a
status change the next DML item
will be displayed.
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Print Layout DMPL
Menubar with print,save and print setup
Print preview of the DMPL. The
items are consolidated.
To print this DMPL use the print
function at the menubar
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For Prime Contractor
The following pages are applicable to the
prime contractor only
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File management (prime only)
The file management button is
only visible to the prime contractor
File management button
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The File management screen
The option for the file
management are show at
the left.
The status area shows the
effect of the option
Status area
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Edit System files
Edit system status
Several status options
Clicking on the system files option
button open the system table
editing options
Status area
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Edit Project name
Edit project name
The first step in a new project is to
give a project name. Click on edit
project name and a table opens in
the status area.
Add a project name by clicking on
the ‘+’ in the navigation bar.
This table is also used to give a
document number. This is
possible for each subcontractor
individually. Type in the table area
the required information
Navigation bar
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Edit Subcontractor Names
Edit subcontractors
By clicking on edit subcontractor
name, new subcontractors or
lower level prime can be added to
the database.
A warning pops up saying that in
certain cases the list is empty. In
the case of an empty list while
data should be there, logout and
login again as masterkey and
check entries.
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New subcontractor
Typing area for names
Add new lower level primes and
subcontractors by clicking on the
‘+’ sign on the navigation bar.
Give the required information. The
controller is the contractors who
controls that particular
Give a password and click on OK.
An encrypted password is
generated and inserted in the
Navigation bar
Password creation
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Edit sub-system file
Edit subsystem button
Click on edit subsystem file button
to add or edit the subsystem file.
Click on the
‘+’ sign to add a subsystem,
‘-’ sign to delete a subsystem
‘^’ to edit a subsystem
‘v’ to confirm the changes to the
Navigation bar
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Edit equipment file
Edit equipment button
Click on edit equipment file button
to add or edit the equipment file.
Click on the
‘+’ sign to add a equipment,
‘-’ sign to delete a equipment
‘^’ to edit a equipment
‘v’ to confirm the changes to the
Indicate on which subsystem this
equipment is located.
Navigation bar
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Edit DML/DPL/DMPL group
Edit group buttons
The dml, dpl and dmpl group
defined in ECSS-Q-70C can be
edited or extended.
This is not a general practice and
should not be necessary in
normal circumstances
Navigation bar
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Edit status files
Edit status button
Specific status button
All status files can be changed to
fit the purpose and policy of the
The status included in the
standard database are reflecting
those in ECSS-Q-70C
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Edit specific status file
Edit specific status button
In some cases a specific status
can be changed.
A well known one is the
temperature status. In many
projects different temperatures
ranges are defined.
Select the status to be changed
and edit or add data in the editing
Content of specific status
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Edit materials file
also applicable for process and mech. parts
Edit materials button
Edit material group button
The content of the material files
can be changed.
Click on the edit button and a
second selection winow opens.
Select the material group content
to change.
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Edit specific material file
Materials group button
By clicking on a materials group,
the database entries for that
material group opens.
Using the buttons on the
navigation bar, new materials can
be added, existing one can be
Data included corrosion data,
outgassing data etc.
Special remarks for the
subcontractor can also be given.
Editing area
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Export subcontractor
Export of subcontractor data button
After commenting by the prime
and/or the customer the database
shall be send back to the
Click on the Select subcontractor
for export button.
Check for subcontractor list
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Select subcontractor for export
Export of subcontractor data button
If the list is OK it will be displayed
and a subcontractor can be
List of the lower level primes and subcontractors
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Check subcontractor file
Export of subcontractor data button
After the selection of a
subcontractor, the content of his
database is displayed to check if
this is the correct one.
Click on Export this subcontractor
to disk, to save the database of
this subcontractor for later
Content of subcontractor database
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Export Subcontractor database
Export of subcontractor data button
After clicking on the export button,
the database of the selected
subcontractor is saved to disk.
Data of other subcontractors is
not included.
Name of the subcontractor database
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Import subcontractor database
Option how to handle the merging of
the data.
The prime and customer comments
in the prime database can be
appended or replaced by the ones of
the subcontractor database.
Append is default.
Select option
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Import subcontractor database
Import of subcontractor data button
When a subcontractor has made
changes by adding or editing, the
data should be synchronized with
prime database. Click on select
subcontractor for import and
select the correct database.
Select subcontractor from list
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Import subcontractor file
Import subcontractor button
The data added or changed by a
subcontractor should be
synchronized at certain times with
the one from the prime.
Before synchronisation a back up
is made from the prime database
with the extension ‘tmp’
Safety feature: before import database backup
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Export customer database
Export to customer button
A certain project milestones the
database shall be exported to the
The customer database is fully
identical to the prime database.
The customer can then comment
the content of the database.
Name of the customer database
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Import customer database
Select the customer database
When the customer commented
the dmpl database, the data
should be synchronized with the
prime data.
Select the customer database and
click on open. The customer
database will be merged with the
prime database (only the
customer approval status and
Button to select customer
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Export material file
Name of the M&P file to be send to sub
The material files, status files and
system files are always included
with the database. When a prime
sends the subcontractor database
to the subcontractors the latest
tables are included.
To avoid overwriting of the
subcontractor data, whenhe is
ahead of the prime, only the M&P
data can be send.
Button to create M&P file
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Back up database
Name of the back up database
A back up can be made from the
active database The back up
name will have the extension ‘bak’
If the database is corrupted or lost
this back up can be used.
Rename the ‘bak’ extension to
Back up database button
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Create new project database
Type in the name of the new project
To start a new project database
an empty database has to be
created. The fastest way is to use
an existing database an clear the
subcontractor data.
The M&P data of the old database
(materials/process names etc) are
maintained in the new database.
Make a new empty database button
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For Sub contractor
The following screens are for the sub
contractor only.
These screens are dealing with the editing
of the M&P data itself, which is always the
responsibility of the subcontractor.
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The subcontractor start screen
The subcontractor start screen
shows different options as
compared to the prime
contractor start screen.
1) Merge disk file with database
2) Change document name
3) Insert new M&P file
Items on subcontractor screen
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Merge with another database
Different people can work on the
same dml/dpl/dmpl. The only
requirement is that they do not
work on the same item.
E.g. One can work on metals and
another one of polymers. One
person should be the focal point.
That person can include the
additional database into his own.
Additional database
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Change document title
Document change window
A document title, issue number
and revision number can be given
here. If left empty the programme
determines these values
Document change button
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Select new material list
The prime can sends a new M&P
lists, with updated materials,
processes, mech parts and
system and status.
Select the correct new M&P list
here. Press open after selection.
The new M&P list will be inserted
in the database.
Select new list and press open
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Sub contractor edit screen
Navigation bar
The subcontractor edit screen is
for use by the subcontractor only.
The navigation bar forward and
backwards in the database.
‘+’ add a material
‘-’ deletes a material
‘v’ inserts material in database
‘x’ cancels editing process
Information area of the
Comments and approval
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Select a group
Click ‘+’ to add data
To add a material to the database
click on the ‘+’ sign on the
navigation bar. This open a
window with the materials groups.
Select a group. This will open the
materials list in that group.
select the group
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Select a material
Select a material from the list.
This list is provided by the prime
Materials present in the
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Data filled in by database
Some data is filled in by the
database automatically.
item number
Material or process or mech. Part
References and other information
deemed necessary by the prime.
Data already filled in
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Select sub system
Click on the empty box to access
the subsystem selection table (if
filled by the prime)
Select a subsystem from
the list
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Select equipment
Click on the empty box to access
the equipment selection table (if
filled by the prime).
Only those equipments are shown
for the already selected
Select an equipment from the list
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Select environment
Select the correct environment or
sizes from the dropdown list.
The following environments can
be selected/changed
Radiation, Ambiance,
The following sizes can be
selected: Mass, Volume, Area
Environmental selection
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Select associated DML
Associated DML button
After pressing the associated
DML button, the screen of the
DML opens and a materials used
in this process can be selected.
To select more than one material
hold down to CTRL key during
Press Clear to clear associated
DML content
DML for selection of DML
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Upload database to server
Upload button
Check for FTP connection
A database can be uploaded to
the ESA server.
Click on File->upload database to
WebDav/FTP. Be sure that the
connection is enabled.
Passord and username are
supplied by the tool when webdav
is used
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Select database for upload
Select the database for upload
and press open.
Select database
Open button
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Compact and Repair database
Compact and repair
After a certain amount of adding
and deleting items in a MSAccess
database, the database can
contain lots of empty records.
These records, although empty
still occupies space. (new records
are always added at the end).
To retrieve this space and make
to database smaller, it is
recommended to compact the
database occasionally.
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The Help System
Help button
A extensive help file is present in
the ESA tool programme.
Help screens
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Import of DMPL data
Subcontractor data can be
imported into the DMPL Tool,
although not recommonded.
Various MSExcel formats are
allowed, but a transform
Excel file needs to be
The disadvantage of
importing data is with the
DPL connection to the DML
via the associatedDML,
which is not guaranteed
when using import.
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Import of DMPL data
An extensive help system is
available how to contruct a
transform file
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Import of DMPL data
For simple MSExcel files as
reproduced for example by the
previous import tool. The
heading and sequence of the
data should as defined as in
the DMPL tool itself.
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