What is Figurative Language? - mkmoore

Exploring Language
Come in and clear desks- copy homework, take out
notebooks, 1st block read silently.
Warm Up: Language Vocabulary- Use the glossary to find the
 Sensory Language/ Imagery:
 Onomatopoeia:
 Alliteration:
 Personification:
 Rhythm:
 Simile
 Metaphor:
 Hyperbole:
 Imagery:
 Fill in the blanks with information about figurative and
sensory language.
Figurative Language
 Figurative Language is when an
What is
author makes their writing more
interesting by adding
comparisons or expressions to
convey their feelings
Figurative Language
 Simile: when you compare two somewhat
unlike things using “like” or “as”
 Ex: Busy as a bee
What are
types of
 Metaphor: a comparison of two seemingly
unlike things, which does not include
“like” or “as”
 Ex: You are what you eat
 Personification: A figure of speech in
which human characteristics are given to
an object or an animal
 Ex: My computer hates me
Figurative Language
 Alliteration: The repetition of the same
sound in a series of words.
 Ex: Charlie chases cheetahs
 Onomatopoeia: The use of a word to
imitate or synthesize a natural sound or
the sound made by an object or an action
 Ex: Snap! Crackle! Pop!
 Hyperbole: An exaggeration that is so big
that no one would believe the statement is
 Ex: This class is taking forever!
 Idiom: An idiom is a funny expression in
Practice With a partner, choose a theme from below and write
as many examples of figurative language as you can
think of.
Example: Home
• The dog snores like a chainsaw.- Simile
• The kitchen is the heart of the home.- Metaphor
• My computer seems to hate me today.- Personification
• Leigh likes lemonade and lollipops- Alliteration
• Woosh! There is something wrong with the washer. Onomatopoeia
 Write an original example of each type of
figurative language:
 Simile
 Metaphor
 Personification
 Hyperbole
Warm Up
Identify the figurative language in each.
1. The sorry engine wheezed its death cough.
2. My dad is always working.
That was the easiest question in the world.
3. The typical teenage boy’s room is a disaster area.
4. Food?” Chris inquired, popping out of his seat like a
toaster strudel.
5. That was the easiest question in the world.
Recognizing Figurative Language
The opposite of literal language is figurative language.
Figurative language is language that means more than
what it says on the surface.
 It usually gives us a feeling about its subject.
 Poets use figurative language almost as frequently as
literal language. When you read poetry, you must be
conscious of the difference. Otherwise, a poem may
make no sense at all.
Recognizing Literal
“I’ve eaten so much I feel as if I could
literally burst!”
 In this case, the person is NOT using the word
literally in its true meaning. Literal means "exact" or
"not exaggerated." By pretending that the statement
is not exaggerated, the person stresses how much he
has eaten.
Literal language is language that means exactly what is
Most of the time, we use
literal language.
What is figurative
 Whenever you describe something by
comparing it with something else,
you are using figurative language.
Types of Figurative
 Simile
 Metaphor
 Alliteration
 Personification
 Onomatopoeia
 Hyperbole
 Idioms
 A figure of speech which involves a
direct comparison between two unlike
things, usually with the words like or
Example: The muscles on his brawny
arms are strong as iron bands.
 A figure of speech which involves an implied
comparison between two relatively unlike things
using a form of be. The comparison is not
announced by like or as.
Example: The road was a ribbon wrapped through the
 Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the
beginning of words or within words.
Example: She was wide-eyed and
wondering while she waited for Walter to
 A figure of speech which gives the qualities of a
person to an animal, an object, or an idea.
Example: “The wind yells while I walk in the woods."
The wind cannot yell. Only a living thing can yell.
 The use of words that mimic
Example: The firecracker made a
loud ka-boom!
 An exaggerated statement used to
heighten effect. It is not used to
mislead the reader, but to emphasize a
Example: She’s said so on several
million occasions.
 An idiom or idiomatic expression refers to a
construction or expression in one language that
cannot be matched or directly translated wordfor-word in another language.
Example: "She has a bee
in her bonnet," meaning
"she is obsessed,"
cannot be literally
translated into another
language word for word.
Literal Vs. Figurative
 Literal vs. Figurative You will get an example of Figurative language.
 Analyze it for both literal and figurative meanings.
 Then draw a picture that illustrates the FIGURATIVE
Figurative Language Examples For Illustrations:
Ellie’s cell phone dropped into the toilet like a falling star.
“Food?” Chris inquired, popping out of his seat like a toaster strudel.
Grandpa lounged on the raft in the middle of the pool like an old battleship.
If seen from above the factory, the workers would have looked like clock parts.
Toby manipulated the people in his life as though they were chess pieces.
Kathy arrived at the grocery store with an army of children.
Waves of spam emails inundated his inbox.
Her eyes were fireflies.
Nothing can bother him.
I can smell pizza from a mile a way.
I went home and made the biggest sandwich of all time.
The cactus saluted any visitor brave enough to travel the scorched land.
The world does not care to hear your sad stories.
Warm Up
 Choose two vocabulary words from our list and create
two word squares.
Review and Discuss
 What is figurative language?
 Why do you think author’s use it?
 What are the types?
 How are the types used?
 How does figurative language improve reading?
Gallery Crawl
 Travel around the room and find the Figurative
Language examples on the wall.
 On the chart write the type of figurative language and
the meaning.
 The wallpaper jumped off the wall.
2. What type of Figurative
language? What does it
 The wallpaper jumped off the wall.
3. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 In the morning the city spread its
What type of Figurative language?
What does it mean?
 The fog comes on like little cat
4. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 Her teeth are pearls.
5. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 She’s so tired she could sleep for
ten years.
6. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 The sun kissed the dew off the
7. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 Her eyes are like blue marbles.
8. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 The sweet smell of pumpkin pie
filled the air.
9. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 The witch’s eyes looked like two
brown swamps.
10. What type of Figurative
language? What does it mean?
 His desk is a jungle.
 Read for 30 minutes and write a summary of what you
have read.
Warm Up: Use simile, metaphor,
personification, or hyperbole to describe three of
the objects below.
 Watch the short video and complete 3-2-1
 3-new facts about similes and metaphors
 2-unanswered questions about similes and metaphors
 1- overall summary of the video
 Complete the simile and metaphor sheet.
 Read carefully-
 Take your time- quiz grade
Trade and Grade
 Trade papers 3 times
 Use a marker
 Only mark the one that are incorrect
Ticket Out
 I learned…
 I liked…
 I struggled with…
 I still have questions about…
Warm Up
 Write a quick poem describing a friend using only
similes and metaphors.
 Example:
 Her hair is like silvery straw
And her laugh is a whistle
She is as wise as an owl
Her eyes are like the ocean
She knows me like the back of her hand
Review from Guided Notes
Explain in your own words:
Explain in your own words:
 What does each sentence mean? What is the
 The ancient car groaned into third
 The cloud scattered rain throughout
the city.
 The tropical storm slept for two
Personification Challenge
 Complete the activities with a partner to practice
 Remember you are giving a non-human object human
 Vocabulary Square- Quiz tomorrow
 Hyperbole: