RELIGION AND PEACE Revision SYLLABUS OUTCOMES Peace expressed through sacred texts Christianity: New Testament Islam: Qur’an & Hadith Principal teachings about peace Contributions to Peace Inner World TEACHINGS Christianity Pacifism Non-violence Justice Islam Tawhid Five Pillars Jihad THINK ABOUT… Islam: Qur’an and Hadith Jihad – Five Pillars – Tawhid Greater Jihad, Salat and submission to Allah Lesser Jihad, Hajj, Zakat, Sawm Other examples of individuals and groups THINK ABOUT… Christianity: New Testament Pax Christi – Pacifism – Justice/Building the Kingdom – Just War Theory Prayer, meditation, Reconciliation Statements/encyclicals from Popes, Organisations against violence and war Other examples of individuals or groups. EVERYTHING IS LINKED Within religious traditions, all aspects of the religion are linked! Principal beliefs Ethics Sacred texts and writings Teachings You cannot write about teachings without referring to aspects of religion PEACE IS A LIVED EXPERIENCE Peace in both traditions is not something that is passive but something that comes about if adherents follow the tenets of their religion. E.g: Islam – by following the Five Pillars, Muslims are working towards peace; Sawm (fasting) and Salat (prayer) contribute greatly to inner peace; Zakat (almsgiving) contributes to world peace. 2009 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS TRIAL Analyse how the key teachings about peace in TWO religious traditions guide adherents in either their search for inner peace or their contribution to world peace Analyse: Identify components and the relationship between them; draw out and relate implications ANALYSE HOW THE KEY TEACHINGS ABOUT PEACE IN TWO RELIGIOUS TRADITIONS GUIDE ADHERENTS IN EITHER THEIR SEARCH FOR INNER PEACE OR THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO WORLD PEACE Make the relationship clear between the teachings of TWO traditions and either inner or world peace of adherents You need to identify the teachings about peace as found in the sacred texts You need to mention how it all stems from Christian principal beliefs (LD+R) You need to choose either inner or world peace