LGPS 2014 Essex Pension Fund March 2014 Matt Mott 1 2014 Scheme Overview 50/50 section APC AVC Flexible retirement Protections Pensionable Pay & Contributions Employer Responsibilities & Discretions 2 CARE Scheme (Career Average Revalued Earnings) Accrual rate of 1/49th - It’s better Annual revaluation by CPI Normal retirement age (NRA) is State Pension Age (SPA) ◦ Find your SPA at www.gov.uk/calculate-state-pension Voluntary retirement from age 55 (without employer consent) Flexible retirement From age 55 (with employer consent) 50/50 section Benefits accrued prior to 1st April 2014 protected Protection for those within 10 years of retirement in April 2012 Actuarial reductions for ER will differ for different periods of membership Pensionable pay is actual pay Vesting (refund) period increased to 2 years Average member contributions of 6.5% Cost envelope of 19.5% Band pensionable pay range for an employment Contribution rate for that employment 1 Up to £13,500 5.5% 2 £13,501 to £21,000 5.8% 3 £21,001 to £34,000 6.5% 4 £34,001 to £43,000 6.8% 5 £43,001 to £60,000 8.5% 6 £60,001 to £85,000 9.9% 7 £85,001 to £100,000 10.5% 8 £100,001 to £150,000 11.4% 9 £150,001 or more 12.5% 5 All other ancillary benefits to remain the same Additional Pension Contributions (APC) Pension accounts Automatic Aggregation Link to Public Service schemes AVC Benefit Regulations Received September 2013 6 Pay Accrual Pension CPI Total Pension Year 1 £20,000 1/49 £408.16 n/a £408.16 Year 2 £22,000 1/49 £448.98 n/a £408.16 £12.65 £489.80 n/a £869.79 £45.23 Year 3 £24,000 1/49 £869.79 £1404.82 Employee pays ½ contributions Benefits accrue at 1/98th All other ancillary benefits to remain the same Temporary arrangement ◦ Employees put in main section on AE re-enrolment date Cannot begin or continue APC ◦ Unless for “lost pension” 8 During periods of nil pay sick leave 50/50 section members must be re-enrolled into main section Employers must maintain full contributions 9 Spouses benefits Civil partners Children’s benefits Lump sum death grant Co-habiting partners Maximum £6,500 Monthly or lump sum contribution A scheme member benefit only Must cease if employee elects for 50/50 section Also shared cost APC ◦ Contribution split must be agreed Buy extra pension 11 Used to buy “lost pension” ◦ Authorised unpaid leave ◦ Child related unpaid leave ◦ Strike* If election is made within 30 days of return to work: ◦ Employee pays 1/3 ◦ Employer 2/3 (except strike*) Election after 30 days of return to work: ◦ Full cost paid by employee 12 Current 2014 regulations ◦ Contributions up to 100% of pay after LGPS contributions and NI ◦ Tax free cash 100% of AVC fund ◦ Added to 25% LGPS lump sum = 55% tax charge Intention (probable amendment) 2014 regulations ◦ Contributions up to 100% of pay after LGPS contributions and NI ◦ Tax free cash restricted to 25% of fund ◦ Added to 25% LGPS lump sum = Nil tax charge Pre 1 April AVC administered by 2008 regulations 13 From age 55 with employer consent Actuarial reduction or strain may apply Employees can choose to receive payment: ◦ of all benefits ◦ of all pre 2008 benefits ◦ of all, part or none post 2008 benefits ◦ of all, part or none post 2014 benefits Plus “additional benefits” in accordance with actuarial guidance issued by the Secretary of State 14 All membership accrued pre 1 April 2014 protected LGPS 2008 regulations apply including: ◦ 60th & 80th ◦ If applicable lump sums ◦ Normal retirement age 65 ◦ Link to final salary at eventual retirement Members in receipt of a pension or a deferred benefits are unaffected by LGPS 2014 15 Protections can be lost if 2008 deferred benefits are aggregated with current 2014 membership if employee has had a break in public sector pension schemes of more than 5 years 16 1 7 18 Active members on 31 March 2008 Were within 10 years of NRA on 1 April 2012 Receive pension on or after NRA Do not have more than 5 year break in membership of any public sector pensions The underpin is only paid if the 2008 scheme (had it continued) provides a better pension than LGPS 2014 19 Is so complicated I am not going to try and explain it!! Example: 58 year old member Rule of 85 satisfied Can retire and immediately receive pension Will there be an actuarial reduction? Yes,11% of pension and 6% of lump sum! 20 Why? Age plus membership in whole years = 85 Who has protection? = In before 1 October 2006 This protection continues from April 2014 *Does not apply to* new option of drawing your pension from age 55-60 21 Exercise discretion to waive the reduction ◦ If so you will have a strain cost Employers must publish a policy Essential to read the HR and Payroll guides 22 Actual pensionable pay (PP) ◦ Including overtime ◦ Does not include expenses Assumed Pensionable Pay (APP) ◦ What the employee would have earned ◦ Replaces notional pay ◦ See HR/Payroll guides 1/2 employee contribution rate if 50/50 elected Employer contributions always paid in full 23 Final Pay (2008 definition) ◦ Required for all pre 2014 membership ◦ 10 year Underpin ◦ Also PT hours and average hours ◦ Added years and CoP Will you know who these apply to? Therefore, we require them for all employees!! Contribution bands will be revalued every 3 years only Employers to review employee contributions ◦ Annually in April ◦ When material change occurs ie promotion 24 To provide starter details to the Fund within 1 month ◦ By spreadsheet To request within 3 months of employee start date employment and LGPS histories Inform employee: ◦ Contractual enrolment ◦ Auto Enrolment ◦ Contribution rate payable ◦ They can opt out ◦ Where to find scheme information ie website! 25 Upon 50/50 section election provide employee with impact of pension loss Upon AE re-enrolment all 50/50 section members must be put into main section For periods of nil pay sick leave 50/50 section members must be put into main section Inform employees where to find the opt out form ◦ But not to supply it!! Opt out with less than 3 months membership, refund contributions and notify the Fund 26 Opt out with over 3 months membership, send the Fund normal leaver forms APC for “lost pension” employers must: ◦ Enable employee to make election within 30 days Should ideally: ◦ inform employee of the amount of lost pay ◦ inform employee of the amount of lost pension To provide data on spreadsheets (do not amend) each month ◦ Same data fields for all employees To provide end of year data (correct) by date specified by Fund, usually mid April 27 50 50 switch form 28 Main switch form 29 Join the scheme form 30 Opt out form 31 All leaving details must be provided within 1 month of date of leaving: All pay figures Periods of membership ◦ Main Section ◦ 50/50 Section Contribution amounts ◦ Main Section ◦ 50/50 Section 32 The draft pay form contains up to 9 different values Required for all employees 33 34 35 Employers must formulate, publish and keep under review policy statements The Fund should receive these by 30 June Five main areas: ◦ Voluntary funding of additional pensions (SCAPC) ◦ Awarding additional pension via whole cost APC ◦ Switching on 85 year rule for those 55-60 ◦ Flexible retirement ◦ Waiving of actuarial reductions A list of discretions will be provided by the Fund 36 www.lgps2014.org www.lgpsregs.org Please read the HR & Payroll Guides Contains essential information! www.essexpensionfund.co.uk email: pensionenquiries@essex.gov.uk telephone: 01245 431912 37 Thank you for listening Essex Pension Fund 38