Topic 1: Introducing The University of Hong Kong Libraries – And its Role in Knowledge Exchange 第一讲:香港大学图书馆简介 及其在知识交流中的角色 Peter Sidorko, David Palmer and Tony Ferguson HKU HKU Main Library HKU HKU The University 香港大學 Evolved from the Hong Kong College of Medicine, founded in 1887 前身为1887年建 立的香港医学院 Founded 1912 奠基于1912年 Multidisciplinary/compre hensive - undergraduate & postgraduate 多元化及综合化 的学科供本科生 及研究生选择 The University 香港大學 22,000 students (Government & self funded) 22,000 名学生(由政府资 助及自费) 111,000 students (Continuing education school) 111,000 名学生(持续教育 学校) Ranked24 in the world’s top universities (THES, 2009), 18th in 2007 2009年世界排名第24位, 2007年第18位 (世界大学 排行榜〉 Ranked1 university in Asia (Quacquarelli Symonds,May 2009) 亚洲排名第一 (Quacquarelli Symonds Survey,May,2009) The Library today 今日的图书馆 1 Main Library (arts, architecture, humanities, science and technology, social sciences) 6 branches (Dental, Education, Law Medical, Music and Chinese) ca 235 staff including 33 professionals 1所总馆 (文学、建 筑、人文、科技、及 社会科学) 6 所分馆 (牙科、教 育、法律、医学、音 乐及中文) 约230名员工,包括 32名专业馆员 Main Library Content 内容 2,729,901 physical volumes 二百七十二万九仟九 百零一册纸本书 1,895,309 e-books 一百八九万伍仟三百 零九册电子书 57,862 e-journal subscriptions 订购了五万七仟八百 六十二册电子期刋 707 databases 七百零七个数据库 Many locally created databases 多個自建数据库 Budget Shift towards Electronic 经费运用趋向电子资源 Year % of Materials Budget 01/02 12% 02/03 21% 03/04 29% 04/05 42% 05/06 48% 06/07 50% 07/08 56% 08/09 59% 09/10 71% Services and usage 服務及用途 102,401 registered users including 46,891 alumni • 1.9 million physical volumes reshelved last year (1.3 million checked out) 180 million hits on our website last year E-resources accessed 3.7 million times 14,000+ enrollments in our information skills classes Answered 70,000 reference questions including 2,881 sent in by email 24,124 sqm 102,401登记用户,包括 46,891名校友 • 去年重上架的纸本书数目达 一百九十万册 (借出一百三 十万册) 去年本馆网页有一亿八仟万 的登入记录 电子资源使用量达三百柒十 万次 报读信息技巧课程的读者达 14,000以上人次 回答了70,000个以上的参考 咨询查询,包括2,881个电 邮查询 24,124平方米 Major challenges 重要挑战 • Lack of collections space. Annually have to store 90,000+ volumes in remote storage (Hingwai and Main Storage) • 缺乏储存馆藏的空间。每 年需将90,000册以上的书 籍储存至离校存仓 (兴伟 及总存仓) • Lack of library resources fund budget increases. Annually in deficit situation. Relying upon rapidly dwindling carry over funds from previous years. • 购书经费没有增加。年复 一年的赤字。依赖早年携 带下来的经费,而这笔经 费正在迅速缩减 • Insufficient overall funding for the Libraries once our carry over funds are exhausted • 当早年携带下来的经费耗 尽后,图书馆整体经费将 出现短缺 Major challenges 重要挑战 • Complications related to our moving from print to digital world • Need for better trained library staff (now have 32 professionals – down from 44 seven years ago) • 由纸本迈向数字化的复 杂性 • 需要更完善的人才培训 (专业馆员由7年前的44 名缩减至现时的32名) • 引进无线射频识别设备 • Introduced RFID - world’s 技术 –世界上最大规 largest academic library RFID 模采用RFID技术的学术 implementation 图书馆 • Knowledge exchange and open access • 知识交流与公开存取 Knowledge Exchange and the Scholar’s Hub 知识交流及香港大学学术库 The HKU Scholars Hub 香港大学学术库 Aligned with HKU’s Mission, Vision & Strategic Plan 为配合香港大学的使命 、抱负及策略计划而建 HKU: Vision 香港大学的抱负 The University of Hong Kong, as a leading international institution of higher learning in Asia, strives to attract and nurture outstanding scholars from around the world through excellence and innovation in teaching and learning, research and knowledge exchange, contributing to the advancement of society and the development of leaders through a global presence, regional significance and engagement with the rest of China. 香港大学跻立国际 优等学府之首列, 标领亚洲,怀抱中 华,旷眼世界。教 学科研,是必竭心 悉力,交流广益。 期勉于精上求精, 开新启昧,荟萃天 下英才,教以成美 ,树人淑世,明德 新民,止于至善。 HKU: Mission 香港大学的使命 The University of Hong Kong will endeavour: To… To… To be fully accountable for the effective management of public and private resources bestowed upon the institution and act in partnership with the community over the generation, dissemination and application of knowledge To serve as a focal point of intellectual and academic endeavour in Hong Kong, China and Asia and act as a gateway and forum for scholarship with the rest of the world 香港大学将全力以赴,以求 达到下列目标: To… To… 有效管理来自政府及民 间的资源,与社会携手 合作,拓展知识,并加 以传扬和应用 使港大成为香港、中国 及亚洲的学术活动中心 ,加强才智交流,并致 力促进与世界其他地区 的学术联系 HKU: Strategic Development 2009 ~ 2014 2009 ~ 2014 策略方針 “We will continue to inculcate in our academic staff members a culture of knowledge sharing with the public. “They will be encouraged to share their intellectual knowledge through public and inaugural lectures, media interviews, publications…” “我们将继续于港大教职 员之间推广公众共享知识 的文化,鼓励他们透过公 开讲座、就职演讲、媒体 访问、刊物 ……分享其知 识……” Operational Priority: “… setting up a database to record knowledge exchange activities in the University and improving communication within and outside the University, we will facilitate dissemination of information and 实施重点:“建立数据库, 记录港大的知识交流活动, 并加强大学对内对外的沟 通,促进信息传播并担当 serve as an exchange hub.” 交流中心的角色。” Knowledge Transfer (KT) KE 知识转移 知识交流 HK University Grants Committee HK$50M / year to 8 institutions “the systems and processes by which knowledge including technology, know-how, expertise and skills are transferred between higher education institutions and society, leading to innovative, profitable or economic or social improvements” HKU’s interpretation of KT is KE, emphasizing a two exchange between HKU and its community 香港大学教育资助委员会 每年5仟万港币予8间院校 “在高等教育院校和社 会之间转移知识(包括 科技、技术、专业知识 及技能,所用的系统和 方法),从而带动经济 上或民生上的效益, 与 及带来创新及有经济效 益的活动。” 港大将知识转移詮釋为知 识交流,着重于大学与社 会间的双向交流。 The HKU Scholars Hub 香港大学学术库 To collect, preserve and provide open access to the intellectual output of HKU 2008/2009 25,000 items Over 1M downloads Now, it must become an “exchange hub” for KE, to make HKU research & expertise highly visible 收集、保存港大的 学术成果产出及为 其提供公开存取 2008/2009 25,000 项 下载超过一百万次 现在,有必要 将其变成知识交流 的“交流中心”令 港大的研究及专门 领域更易于搜找 Before: The Hub was article-centric 以前,学术库主要收 集文章 HKU ResearcherPages 港大研究者頁 Created for every current HKU researcher; 2,000+ Knowledge Exchange: A database in which government, industry and the community can easily find an HKU expert for media comment, contract research, collaboration, etc. Our development Partner 为港大2,000名以上的所 有现任研究人员而设 知识交流: 是一个港大专才参与,让 政府、工业界及社会易于 查询媒体评论、合同研究 及合作等等的数据库 我们的发展伙伴 Cilea, Consorzio Cilea, Consorzio Interuniversitario Interuniversitario Authority Control 规范控制 Hierarchy of Authority & Synonymy Authorized headings Variant headings Multi-script Synonymy Roman, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc. (UTF-8) 规范及同义字的阶层 规范标目 变体标目 多种语言同义字 罗马字、中国繁体 字、中国简体字、 日本字、韩国字 通过这些接入点可在 Google找到谭教授的 踪迹:名字、部门、 职位、发言、写过的 文章及其主题等等 Access points by which Prof Tam can be discovered (in Google!): names, dept, position, languages spoken, papers written, their subjects, etc. Marshal Data for Upload 整理资料准备上载 Name & Contact Details 名字及联络资料 HKU Communications 港大通讯录 Directory Picture & Biography 相片及简传 Departmental web pages 部门网页 Media Spokesmanship 媒体发言人 HKU Communications & Public Affairs Office Metrics Scopus & ResearcherID Native silo Visual Studio Excel XML The Hub 港大传讯及公共事务处 计量 Scopus & ResearcherID 原生型储存 Visual Studio Excel XML The Hub Metrics : Scopus 计量指标:Scopus Project: Scopus Bibliometric Rectification 1,000 HKU researcher names Disambiguate like named individuals Unify variant names for one individual 项目:Scopus计量指 标修正 1,000个港大研究者的 名字 消解重名 统一同人异名 Name Papers Scopus AuthorID Yam, V.W W 7 34769423500 Yam, Vy W W 265 18539304700 Yam, V. 34 34820310 Yam, V.W.W. Yam, V.w. Yam, V.W.w. Yam, Vy Metrics: Web of Knowledge 计量指标:学术信息资源整合体系 No authorized headings for personal or institution names Serious Search Noise University of HK Chinese University of HK City University of HK HK U of Sci & Tech Etc. 个人或机构名字的规范标 目 搜索中遇到的严重滋扰 香港大学图书馆 中文大学图书馆 城市大学图书馆 香港科技大学图书馆 等等 计量指标 Metrics / Project: RID Batch Creation 1,000 HKU researcher names Upload all publications Auto match on WoK Results: Exact Search & Deep linking to RID pages 项目:成批制作RID 1,000港大研究者的名 字 上载所有出版物 在WoK上自动配对 结果:确切的搜索及深链 接到RID网页 Web Services to Integrate with Workflow Institution automatically creates RID profiles • Unique identifier for each researcher • Researchers maintain control of information and privacy • Current updated Web of Science citation counts into institutional repositories and systems Updated citation counts, profile and publication data flow into institutions HKU 网络服务与 工作流程整合 研究机构可自行建立RID档案 • 研究人员独一无二的识别账号 • 研究人员自行维护并控制个人 信息 • 将及时更新Web of Science 引文 数据引入机构智库和系统 及时更新的引文数据,个人概 况和发表的论文数据汇总于研 究机构 港大 Slide, courtesy of Thomson Reuters. 由Thomson Reuters 提供的幻灯片 New index, many ways to search 新索引,多种搜索方法 Collapse Button Expand Button 折叠按钮 扩展按钮 MouseOver on “R” produces popup 鼠标悬停在“R”会 出现一个弹出窗口 Media Spokesmanship 媒体发言 Clickable bibliometric counts from Scopus & ResearcherID 可点击以Scopus 及ResearcherID计 算的计量指标 OA fulltext items in the Hub for this author “” indicates there is a RP. 该作者在此学术库 开放存取的所有全 文项目 “”显示有RP User Authentication 用户认证 HKU Single Sign-on (SSO / CAS) 港大单一登入 (SSO / CAS) Staff Mode 职员模式 Each RP owner can, Edit Add Delete Hide 每一RP的主人可 更改 加入 删除 隠藏 On any relevant search, entry for Hub usually comes top of page 在任何有关的搜索,学 术库的项目总是该页的 首项 KE: Relevant Key Indicators 知识交流:有关重要指标 Objectively measured 基于学术库资料的客观 量度 by The Hub Item count of HKU Theses in 港大论文开放存取资 Open Access Item count of HKU research in Open Access Applications for patents Download counts of the above Number of staff for media contact 源的项目数 港大研究项目开放存 取资源的项目数 专利申请项目数 上述内容的下载次数 传媒联络过的职员人 数 KE: Relevant Key Indicators 知识交流:有关重要指标 Outcomes, indirectly attributable 间接归功于学术库的成 to The Hub 果 Number of collaborative researches Number of contract researches Number of consultancies, and income thereby generated Number of invited public lectures, symposia, exhibitions, performances & honorary degree speeches Number of University staff invited to be mentors Number of positive media impact related to knowledge transfer coverage, including print, online and electronic media Number of appointments of external members to HKU advisory boards 合作研究项目数 合同研究项目数 提供顾问服务次数及因此而产生的 收益 获邀公开演讲,出席研讨会、展览 、表现及名誉学位演讲的次数 获邀为辅导教师的大学职员人数 产生与知识交流有关的正面媒体效 应的次数,包括印刷、网上及电子 传媒 受聘为港大顾问委员会的校外委员 人数 HKU Colleagues 港大同僚 Terima Kasih спасибо شكرا لك 謝謝您 감사합니다 cảm ơn bạn धन्यवाद Σε ευχαριστώ תודה 有り難うございます Thank You a This PPT & PDF are licensed under a Creative Commons license. This license permits non-commercial use of this work, so long as attribution is given. For more information about the license, visit Archived at, CLOCKSS: Archiving in the Hands of the Community An Example of Cloud Computing 雲計算的一個例子 53 CLOCKS MEANING C CONTROLLED/regulated 控制/管理 L LOTS 大量 O OF 的 C COPIES 副本 K KEEPS 保存 S STUFF 電子資源 S SAFE 安全 54 The Problem Libraries don’t have sufficient space to keep bound journals 图书馆是没有足够空间 来存放装订期刊 Digital content at high risk of loss 电子资源存在很高的遗 失风险 A number of long term 一连串的长期档案存在 archives exist to solve 并有需要解决这问题 this problem CLOCKSS believes that archiving belongs in the hands of the community 55 The Solution: CLOCKSS – a library & publisher solution to a library & publisher problem Publishers deposit content with CLOCKS 出版商用CLOCKS来存放 资源 Content held at selected CLOCKS libraries, worldwide 资源是放在被CLOCKS 挑选的世界性图书馆内 International communitygoverned archive Free access to abandoned and orphaned content 国际性共同管理档案 自由存取那些遗弃和放弃 资源 收费低 Low fees 56 Serving The World’s Scholars Content can be accessed when not available from any publisher CLOCKSS makes it freely available to all The only way to keep open access content, open access 当资源不能在任何一位出 版商中找到,也能取出 CLOCKSS可使所有人自 由地存取资源 是唯一的方法来公开存取 资源 57 3 Examples: Open Access Content 例子: 公開存取資源 Graft Sage Auto/Biography Sage Brief Treatment & Crisis Intervention OUP 58 Brief Treatment and Crisis Intervention 3 Archives 三種檔案 Ingenta Portico CLOCKSS 59 Ingenta: (send money 寄出金錢) 60 Portico: (Members Only 只限會員) d=ISSN_14743310v8i4&articleId=pf1gm2zr90&fileType=html:FullText&fileValid=true 61 How does CLOCKS handle this problem? (free to all 所有人是免費) 62 Decentralized Preservation Australian National University OCLC Edinburgh University Indiana University Japan NlI Rice University Stanford University University of Alberta University of Hong Kong University of Virginia Increased security through geographic, geologic, political redundancy 63 CLOCKSS: Four Unique Benefits Free access to abandoned and orphaned content 自由存取以至遗弃和放 弃资源 Content held at libraries, world-wide 资源是放在世界性图书 馆内 International community-governed archive 国际性共同管理档案 Low fees 收费低 64 Governance Structure The archive is managed by all participants Board of Directors and Advisory Council 档案是由所有参加者管 理 - 董事会成员和 咨询委员会 Publishers and librarians have equal say 出版商与图书馆员拥有 同等的权利 You direct strategic directions and priorities 您可在策略性方向和优 先级上作出管理 65 Governing Board 管理成员 American Medical Association American Physiological Society Atypon Elsevier IOP Publishing Nature Publishing Group Oxford University Press SAGE Publications Springer Taylor & Francis Wiley-Blackwell Australian National University OCLC Edinburgh University Indiana University Japan National Institute of Informatics Rice University Stanford University University of Alberta University of Hong Kong University of Virginia Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 66 Advisory Council 咨询委员会 You! 是您! Each supporting library has one delegate 每一间支持的图书馆可 派出一名代表 Voice in CLOCKSS Archive governance 能在CLOCKSS档案管 治中发出声音 Meet quarterly 每季会面 67 Publisher Participants 参加的出版商 American Academy of Pediatrics; American Institute of Physics; American Medical Association; American Physiological Society; Association for Computing Machinery; bepress; BioMed Central; Co-Action Publishing; Edinburgh University Press; Elsevier; IOP Publishing; Liverpool University Press; Nature Publishing Group; Oxford University Press; Rockefeller University Press; Royal Society Publishing; RSC Publishing; SAGE Publications; Society for the Study of Reproduction;Springer; Taylor & Francis; Wiley-Blackwell Others still joining! 68 Low Library Participation Fees: US$ Materials Budgets Under $1 million $1 - 2 million $2 - 3 million $3 - 4 million $4 - 5 million $5 - 7 million $7 - 9 million $9 - 11 million $11 - 13 million $13 - 15 million $15 - 20 million $20 - 25 million Over $25 million Annual Contribution $450 $600 $1,200 $1,800 $2,400 $3,000 $4,200 $5,400 $6,600 $7,800 $9,000 $12,000 $15,000 69 Low Publisher Participation Fees: US$ Publishing Revenue Under $250,000 $250,000 – 500,000 $500,000 –1 million $800 $1 – 5 million $5 – 10 million $10 – 50 million $50 – 200 million Over $200 million Annual Contribution $200 $400 $2,000 $4,000 $9,000 $15,000 $25,000 Free back file ingest; Front file ingest $.25/article; No charge for the first 500 articles; Fees capped at $75,000/year. 70 Driving Costs Lower Discounts for groups of libraries are available CLOCKSS recently lowered fees for small publishers CLOCKSS IS raising funds to create an endowment fund 对数间参加的图书馆给 予折扣 CLOCKSS 最近便调低小 规模出版商的收费 CLOCKSS 正在筹募经费 , 创立捐赠基金 71 Summary: Four Unique Benefits Free, open access to content abandoned by publishers 出版商遺棄的資源能够 自由,開放存取 Globally distributed archive nodes 全球地派發檔案節點 Community-governed archive 共同管理檔案 Low participation costs so everyone can participate 參加的成本費低因此所 有人能夠參與 72 Contact CLOCKSS for more information Victoria Reich CLOCKSS Founding Director Stanford University Libraries 73