online-registration-slides - UConn Early College Experience

UConn ECE is your opportunity to take UConn courses
while still in high school. The UConn ECE courses you will
take are equivalent to the same course at the
University of Connecticut.
Benefits you earn from
UConn ECE:
The potential for over a semester’s worth of college credits.
An official UConn transcript verifying highly transferable college
An understanding of the academic requirements and a belief in
your ability to succeed in college courses.
Significant financial savings in paying for college (ECE courses
are 1/10th of the cost of the same course on a UConn campus).
A head-start in a chosen field of study
The potential to study abroad, volunteer, and intern while in
college and still graduate in four years.
UConn ECE Facts
Registration is Now Online!
Increased level of student responsibility.
Student will apply and enroll for UConn Early College Experience
courses online using Compass.
Students will use a Registration Guide which includes a consent
Students will register for UConn Early College Experience courses
by following three easy steps:
Deadline to apply is
June 1st
Apply online- Account creation
 Please note the requirements listed for your User
Name and Password.
 When entering Address Information be sure to put USA
in the Country field, then click Edit Address to enter
your home address.
 A box will appear, as shown below, to enter your
address. Once you have entered your full address click
 Once all information is entered click Submit to
create your Compass account.
 Once Submitted you will receive the following
message confirming your Compass Account has
been created.
 To complete your application click Login Now
Apply Online- Email Confirmation
 An automated e-mail confirmation with your Compass User Name will be e-mailed to
you for your records
Apply Online- Complete application
Complete all Application
When completing the question
“What admit term are you
applying for?” select Fall 2014 in
the drop down menu.
Click Continue once all Questions
are answered
Type in your User Name and
Password and click Login.
Reminder: Your User Name and
Password are case sensitive.
Apply Online- Welcome page
You have reached the Main Menu
Navigate to the right hand menu and click Bio-Demo Information
Please note:
Green Check: the
page is complete
and saved
Red X: the page is
Yellow Check: the
page is optional
To complete your application you must complete all required pages, save your
data on each page, and submit your application.
Navigate to each page by clicking the page title in the right hand menu bar.
Apply Online- Bio-Demo Information
 This page will auto fill information you provided when you
created your Compass account. Be sure all information is
 Complete all required fields.
Be sure to provide an
e-mail address you
check regularly as
you will receive all
program information
via e-mail
Be sure to select a
Gender under
Once all required
fields are
complete click
Once you click Save the red X will change to a green
check. Continue to complete your application by clicking
the next page in the Menu, Application Program Data.
Use the ADD
button to provide
additional contact
information if you
Apply Online- Application Program Data
 The Application Program Data page is already complete.
 This page is auto filled from the Application Questions you were asked when you
first logged in.
Please note: your page
should match the screen shot
on the left unless you have
taken UConn Early College
Experience courses before. If
you have previously taken
UConn ECE courses your
Admit Type will read NonDegree Readmit.
If there is incorrect
information on this page
follow the instructions on the
top of the page to correct it.
Click Return to continue to
complete your application.
Apply Online- Relationship Information
 Click on Relationship Information in the right hand menu
 Enter parent or guardian information on this page
 Use the ADD button to provide additional contact information
 Once complete click Save
Once you click Save the red X will change to a
green check. Continue to complete your
application by clicking the next page in the
Menu, Ethnicity Information.
Your Menu bar should now show
that your first three pages are
complete and saved. Continue to
complete your application until all
pages show a green check.
Apply Online- Ethnicity Information and Residency
 Complete this page by answering both questions.
 Once complete click Save
Once you click Save the red X will change to a
green check. Continue to complete your
application by clicking the next page in the Menu,
Once you click Save the red X will change to a green
check. Continue to complete your application by
clicking the next page in the Menu,
Supplemental Questions.
Apply Online- Supplemental Questions
 Use your mouse and the drop down feature to answer each Supplemental Question
Leave this
question blank
if you only take
courses at one
high school.
 Once complete click Save
Once you click Save the red X will
change to a green check. Continue to
complete your application by clicking
the next page in the Menu,
Upload Documents.
Apply Online- Upload Consent Form
 Here you will upload your completed and signed Consent Form.
 Select Consent Form from the drop down menu under Upload Document Type
 You do not need to fill in a Description.
Be sure to read
 Click Browse
 A pop up window titled File
Attachment will appear as shown
 Click Browse and select your saved
Consent Form from your computer
 The file name of your document will
appear in the File Attachment box
 Click Upload
 Your attached file name will appear in
the File Name box shown above.
 You may view your attached
document by clicking View to be
sure the attachment is a clear
version of your consent form
 Once complete click Save
Once you click Save the
red X will change to a
green check. At this time
you should have a green
check next to each page.
 Click Return to Main
Apply Online- Student Certification
 To review any of your complete pages
click on the desired page from the right
hand menu
 Be sure all information is accurate.
If necessary update information and
click Save before returning to the
Main Menu
 Click Submit Application
 A Certification Statement will appear
 If you agree to the statement click ‘Yes, I accept’
and click Submit
Apply Online- Successful Submission
 You will receive a confirmation message that
your application has successfully been
No payment is due at this time. An e-Bill will
be sent after you complete the course
enrollment process
 Click Return to Main Menu
 From the Main Menu you may:
 View your Application Summary
 Print your Application for your
 Reset your User Name password
 Logout
Once you have submitted your application the
Submit Application button will no longer
Apply Online- Confirmation Email
 You will receive an e-mail confirming the successful submission of your application.
You have completed the Application Process!
Check your e-mail regularly for your
approval to ENROLL in your UConn Early
College Experience courses!
You are half way there!
Enroll in Courses
Deadline to enroll is June 30th
 You will receive an e-mail notification that you
have been approved to enroll in your courses
 Follow the link in your e-mail to enroll with your
NetID and password
 Choose your high school from the drop down
menu to reveal available courses
 Select the course(s) your school has approved
you to enroll in for next year
 Follow directions to submit your enrollment
Helpful Resources
 Online Tutorials
 UConn Early College Experience Registration Helpline
1-855-382-UECE (8323)
 UConn Early College Experience website:
Online Registration Helpline
1-855-382- UECE (8323)
Available Monday- Friday 7:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
April 1st – June 30th
A True UConn Experience
 You will receive your UConn NetID as soon as your
online application has been processed via e-mail.
 Your UConn NetID will give you access to UConn
library resources as well as HuskyCT.
 You will receive an e-bill after you are enrolled in
your courses
The Add/Drop
Enrollment Period
You will be able to add or drop courses from
August 15th- September 30th.
There is a $25 processing fee during the Add/Drop
 Students who register before June 2014 will receive an
electronic fee bill in June 2014.
 Students that register in June and beyond will receive their fee
bill electronically within two days after course enrollment.
 Fall and Full-year courses have a payment due date of
November 2014.
 Spring courses have a payment due date of January 2015.
Student Billing
Thank you!
Visit the UConn Early College Experience website
for registration information:
Follow us on: