The Student Management System (SMS) is used to administer and manage student-related business functions for the Washington State community and technical colleges SMS provides data requirements for state and federal reporting SMS was designed by Washington State community and technical college SMS users to meet their business needs SMS has been modified by Washington State community and technical college SMS users to meet their changing business needs SMS is an online, integrated system of modules and functions SMS is based on tables of standard codes used by all the modules and functions in the application SMS also has many tables that are college defined which allows colleges to customize it to fit their own requirements Many SMS functions are cyclic in nature SMS users process data for future quarters, the current quarter and past quarters Typical SMS users are college staff from admissions, registration, student records, instruction, and advising College staff from other campus offices access SMS data and screens such as testing, financial aid, cashiering, and business office SMS modules and functions Course Management Admissions and Student Biographic Registration Program Enrollment Grades and Records Student Progress State and Federal Reporting Web Functions Optional Third Party Software Schedule25/25E/Resource25 – room and event scheduling software SMS Extracts for other third party software Endeavor – library system software ID Card Software Course Management Catalog Course Coding Course Requirement Table Schedule Construction Class Schedule Desktop Publishing Requisite Checking Virtual Campus Catalog and Schedule Catalog Contains course information that is static in nature Optional, except required for Degree Audit Catalog data can be used with schedule construction and quarterly class Screens, datasets and files updated: SCREENS TITLE DATASETS/FILES DATABASE CM3001 Course Catalog COURSE-D SM COURSE-TITLE2-D SM COURSE-ASSGN-D SM CM3002 Course Description COURSE-DESC-D SM CM3003 Department Division Codes DEPT-DIV-M SM CM3004 Course Description 2 COURSE-DESC2-D SM CM3005 Course Description Upload CM3005S.Run CM3006 Course Features – Schedule25 Course Partitions – Schedule25 COURSE-FEAT-D SM COURSE-PARTN-D SM CM3007 Code Tables: IS1007 – Administrative Unit Codes (college defined, ADMIN-UNITM, ADMIN-UNIT-D, SM) IS1008 – Footnote Codes Table (college defined, FOOTNOTE-M, SM) IS1010 - Institutional Intent Codes (system defined, INSTIT-INT-M, TBL3) IS1011 – Funding Source codes (system defined, FND-SRC-M, TBL3) IS1013 – Section Status Codes (system defined, SECT-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5020 – College quarterly Information (college defined, YRQ-M, SM) SM5012 - Fee Pay Status Codes (system defined, FEE-PAY-STAT-M, TBL3) BM1001 - Fee Code Table (college defined, FEE-CD-TBL-M, FEE-CDTBL-D, TBL1) Course Coding – an automated process to submit course coding data to the Table 3 database for new courses or course coding changes for existing courses. Data is entered on the Submitted Courses screen SM5014 Course Coding data is stored in the COURSE-INVEN-M dataset on TBL3 Course Submittal Extract job (SR2214J) is scheduled once a quarter to submit course coding data to Table 3 SR2214J disables Submitted Courses screen The Table 3 implementation re-enables Submitted Courses screen Any course coding corrections are loaded with the TBL3 Implementation Submitted File, SR2214S.DATA contains: COL-CODE EDUC-PRG-CD CR COL-NAME FIRST-APPROVE CLOCK-HOURS COURSE-ID LAST-APPROVE CONTACT-HRLEC ACAD-DISADIND WORK-BASEIND CONTACT-HRLAB CIP REC-CD CONTACT-HRCLIN LIM-ENGL-IND COURSE-TITLE CONTACT-HROTHR RVSN-DATE INSTIT-INTENT CONTACT-HRSYS Course Requirement Table Previously used by technical colleges (when using clock hours) to grade individual subject areas taught in a vocational preparatory course Entered on Course Requirement screen, CM3010 Stored in COURSE-REQR-D in SM database No longer used but appear on transcripts of students who attended prior to conversion to credits Schedule Construction Used to build and maintain class records prior to moving to quarterly class schedule Schedule construction records can be created through a batch job Schedule construction records can be copied from course catalog, previous quarter or both Optional Screens, datasets and files updated: SCREENS TITLE DATASETS DATABASE IS1019 Schedule Construction Options CONSTR-OPT-M TBL4 IS1018 Course Construction CONSTR-D SM COURSE-CONSTR-D SM COURSE-ASSGN-D SM CONSTR-D SM COURSE-CONSTR-D SM COURSE-ASSGN-D SM IS1004 Class Construction IS1005 Construction Room/Instructor CONSTR-ROOM-D SM IS1006 Construction Clusters CONSTR-CLUSTER-M SM IS1027 Construction Features CONSTR-FEAT-D SM IS1028 Construction Partitions CONSTR-PARTN-D SM IS1031 Construction Room/Instructor Features CONSTR-RM-FEAT-D SM IS1032 Construction Room/Instructor Partitions CONSTR-RM-PARTN-D SM Code Tables IS1007 – Administrative Unit Codes (college defined, ADMIN-UNIT-M, ADMIN-UNIT-D, SM) IS1008 – Footnote Codes (college defined, FOOTNOTE-M, SM) IS1009 – Employment status Codes (system defined, EMPL-STAT-M, TBL3) IS1010 - Institutional Intent Codes (system defined, INSTIT-INT-M, TBL3) IS1011 – Funding Source codes (system defined, FND-SRC-M, TBL3) IS1012 – Time/Location Codes (system defined, TIME-LOC-M, TBL3) IS1013 – Section Status Codes (system defined, SECT-STAT-M, TBL3) IS1014 – Days of the Week (system defined, DAY-D, TBL3) IS2002 – Advisor/Instructor (college defined, ADV-D, SM) SM5020 – College quarterly Information (college defined, YRQ-M, SM) SM5012 - Fee Pay Status Codes (system defined, FEE-PAY-STAT-M, TBL3) BM1001 - Fee Code Table (college defined, FEE-CD-TBL-M, FEE-CD-TBL-D, TBL1) Class Schedule Active information about a quarterly class Used for registration, rosters, grading, payroll and MIS reporting Class Schedule Screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screens Title Datasets/Files Database IS1001 Course Schedule CLASS-D SM COURSE-CLASS-D SM COURSE-ASSGN-D SM IS1001S.DATA IS1002 Class Schedule CLASS-D SM COURSE-CLASS-D SM IS1001S.DATA IS1003 Class Clusters CLASS-CLUSTER-M SM IS1015 Alternate Room/Instructor INSTR-ROOM-D SM IS1016 Schedule Information Accesses CLASS-D SM CLASS-CLUSTER-M SM INSTR-ROOM-D SM Class Schedule Screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screens Title Datasets/Files Database IS1017 MIS2 Verification Accesses CLASS-D SM INSTR-ROOM-D SM COURSE-ASSGN-D SM IS1020 Instructor Matrix CLASS-D SM IS1021 Class Report Group CLASS-RPT-GRP-D SM IS1022 Course Entry Code COURSE-ENTR-M SM COURSE-ENTR-D SM CM5030 Special Funding Source SPCL-FND-SRC-M TBL4 IS1023 Class Features CLASS-FEAT-D SM IS1024 Class Partitions CLASS-PARTN-D SM IS1025 Alternate Room/Instructor Features INSTR-RM-FEAT-D SM IS1026 Alternate Room/Instructor Partitions INSTR-RM-PARTN-D SM Code Tables IS1007 – Administrative Unit Codes (college defined, ADMIN-UNIT-M, ADMIN-UNIT-D, SM) IS1008 – Footnote Codes (college defined, FOOTNOTE-M, SM) IS1009 – Employment status Codes (system defined, EMPL-STAT-M, TBL3) IS1010 - Institutional Intent Codes (system defined, INSTIT-INT-M, TBL3) IS1011 – Funding Source codes (system defined, FND-SRC-M, TBL3) IS1012 – Time/Location Codes (system defined, TIME-LOC-M, TBL3) IS1013 – Section Status Codes (system defined, SECT-STAT-M, TBL3) IS1014 – Days of the Week (system defined, DAY-D, TBL3) IS2002 – Advisor/Instructor (college defined, ADV-D, SM) SM5020 – College quarterly Information (college defined, YRQ-M, SM) SM5012 - Fee Pay Status Codes (system defined, FEE-PAY-STAT-M, TBL3) BM1001 - Fee Code Table (college defined, FEE-CD-TBL-M, FEE-CD-TBL-D, TBL1) Desktop Publishing Used to select and download catalog or quarterly class information to be used with Ventura or PageMaker desktop publishing software Six job groups to select catalog or quarterly class data to extract Desktop batch job group creates file, Punnnnnn.RUN (combination of “PU” and the 6 digit job group transaction number) Desktop File Download screen, IS1030 is used to download the file Requisite Checking Used to establish the requirements necessary to register for a class Requirements include prerequisite courses, test scores, cumulative credits and GPA Requisites are checked when the student registers using in-line, web or batch registration Option to check requisites when student builds a schedule in the web Schedule Planner Requisite screens and datasets updated: Screen Title Dataset Database CM4001 Course Requisite COURSE-D SM CM4002 Requisite Sets RQSIT-SET-D SM CM4003 Requisite groups RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-SET-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM CM4004 CM4005 CM4006 CM4007 Requisites Requisite courses Course Requisite Profiles Test Requisites Screen Title Datasets Database CM4008 Course Set Requisites RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM CRS-SET-M SM CRS-SET-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM RQSIT-SET-D SM RQSIT-GRP-D SM RQSIT-D SM CRS-SET-M SM CRS-SET-D SM RQSIT-D SM CRS-SET-M SM CRS-SET-D SM CM4009 CM4010 CM4011 CM4012 CM4013 GPA Requisites Credit Level Requisites Requisite Copy Options Course Set Master Course Set Detail Virtual Campus Catalog and Schedule Used to submit college courses and quarterly classes used in the Virtual Campus searchable course catalog and quarterly class schedule Virtual Campus Screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title CM3008 Update Virtual Campus Catalog Datasets Database Accesses COURSE-D SM COURSE-DESC-D SM COURSE-DESC2-D SM COURSE-TITLE2-D SM CM3008S IS1037 Schedule WAOL Classes Accesses CLASS-D SM IS1037S IS1038 Schedule WAOL and College Classes Accesses CLASS-D IS1038S SM Typical course management process flow: Catalog records built Course coding info Requisite checking Schedule construction Quarterly classes built Desktop publishing Admissions and Student Biographic Admissions Module Student Biographic Test Scores SID Assignment Admissions Module Used for tracking the progress of prospective students or students from their first point of contact with the college to their initial enrollment in classes Optional Admissions Module screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screens Title Dataset/File Database SD1013 Admissions Download SD5131S1.RUN SD5020 Admissions Progress Codes ADM-PROGRESS-M ADM SD5021 Student Activity Codes STU-ACTV-M ADM SD5022 College Document Codes COL-DOC-M ADM SD5023 Contact Origin Codes CONTACT-ORIG-M ADM SD5024 Student Interest Codes STU-INTEREST-M ADM SD5025 Optional Admissions Field Table 1 OPT-ADM1-M ADM SD5026 Optional Admissions Field Table 2 OPT-ADM2-M ADM SD5027 Optional Admissions field Table 3 OPT-ADM3-M ADM Screens Title Dataset/File Database SD5027 Optional Admissions field Table 3 OPT-ADM3-M ADM SD5028 Progress/Activity Relationship Table ACTV-RELATE-D ADM SD5029 Progress/Document Relationship Table DOC-RELATE-D ADM SD5030 Initial Entry ADM-STU-D ADM ADM-CONTACT-D ADM ADM-INTEREST-D ADM ADM-XREF-ID-D ADM ADM-STU-D ADM ADM-CONTACT-D ADM ADM-INTEREST-D ADM ADM-XREF-ID-D ADM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM CENTRAL-SID-D CA SD5031 Information Entry Screens Title Dataset/File Database SD5035 Activity Tracking ADM-STU-ACTV-D ADM ADM-REQR-D ADM ADM-DOC-D ADM ADM-ADDTNL-DOC-D ADM ADM-STU-ACTV-D ADM ADM-HIST-D ADM SD5036 SD5037 Document Tracking Activity Tracking Roster SD5038 Download Configuration FILE-TEMPL-D ADM SD5039 Admissions Group Codes Table ADM-GRP-M ADM SD5040 Duplicate Name List Accesses ADM-STU-D ADM ADM-XREF-ID-D ADM STU-D SM Code Tables SM5020 - College Quarterly Information (college defined, YRQ-M, SM) SM2003 – Time Preference (system defined, TIME-PREF-M. TBL3) SM5006 – College Educational Program (college defined, IS2002 – Advisor/Instructor (college defined, ADV-D, SM) ZX0020 – Zip Code Table (college defined, ZIP-TBL-M, TBL2) SM5007- Ethnic Origin Codes (system defined, ETH-ORG-M, TBL3) SM5022 – Citizenship Status (system defined, CITZ-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5011 – Residency Status (system defined, RES-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5012 – Fee Paying Status (system defined, FEE-PAY-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5013 – High School Codes (system defined, HI-SCHL-M, TBL3) SM5014 – College Codes (system defined, COL-CD-M, TBL3) SM5008 – Veteran Benefit Codes (college defined, VET-BENE-M, TBL4) SM5009 – Student Type Codes – college defined, STU-TYP-M, SM) (system defined, RACE-TBL-M, TBL3) (system defined, HISP-TBL-M, TBL3) Student Biographic Used to create and maintain student biographic information Used to create and maintain information about the student while attending the college Student Biographic screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screens Title Datasets/Files Database SM2001 Admissions STU-D SM STU-M SM PREV-NAME-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM CENTRAL-SID-D CA SM4002S.DATA SM4002 Registration/Admissions STU-D SM STU-M SM PREV-NAME-D SM STU-EMERG-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM CENTRAL-SID-D CA SM4002S.DATA Screens Title Datasets/Files Database SM4015 Student Quarter Comments STU-COMMENT-D SM SM4016 Student Previous Name PREV-NAME-D SM SM5001 Student Records STU-D SM STU-M SM PREV-NAME-D SM STU-EMERG-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM STU-OPT-D SM CENTRAL-SID-D CA SM4002D.DATA Screens Title Datasets/Files Database SM5002 Student Verification Accesses STU-M SM STU-D SM UNUSUAL-ACTN-D SM STU-YRQ-M SM EDUC-PRG-M SM TRAN-DEGREE-D TRAN SM5003 Student Unusual Action UNUSUAL-ACTN-D SM5005 Degree Information Accesses TRAN-DEGREE-D SM5015 SM5016 Student Search Alternate Address SM TRAN TRAN-STU-D TRAN Accesses STU-D SM PREV-NAME-D SM OLD-SID-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM ALT-ADDR-M SM Screens Title Datasets/Files SM5023 SID Updates SM5023S.DATA SM5026 Student Outcomes STU-D SM SM5027 Student Pin STU-PIN-D SM SM5033 Maintain Student SSN SID-SSN-XREF-D SM TRAN-STU-D TRAN ADM-STU-D ADM TRNSFR-EVAL-M TRNSFR STU-HIST-M HIST CENTRAL-SID-D SM5034 Lookup Student SID Database CA Accesses STU-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM ADM-STU-D ADM TRAN-STU-D TRAN TRNSFR-EVAL-M TRNSFR STU-HIST-M HIST EMP-M EMP STD-MAS SAFER Code Tables SM5004 – Punitive Action Codes (system-defined, PUN-ACTN-M, TBL3) SM5008 – College Educational Program (college-defined, EDUC-PRG-M, SM) SM5009 – Student Type Codes (college defined, STU-TYP-M, SM) SM5010 – Student Intent Codes (system defined, STU-INT-M, TBL3) SM5011 – Residency Status Codes (system defined, RES-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5012 – Fee Paying Status Codes (system defined, FEE-PAY-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5013 – High School Codes (system defined, HI-SCHL-M, TBL3) SM5014 – College Codes (system defined, COL-CD-M, TBL3) SM5019 – College Information (college defined, COL-INFO-M, TBL4) SM5020 – College quarterly Information (college defined, YRQ-M, SM) SM5021 – Unusual Action Codes (college defined, UNUSUAL-CD-M, SM) SM5022 – Citizenship Status (system defined, CITZ-STAT-M, TBL3) SM5025 – College Parameter Table (college defined, COL-PARM-M, TBL4) SM5028 – High School District Codes (system defined, HI-SCHL-DST-M, TBL3) IS2002 – Advisor/Instructor (college defined, ADV-D, SM) SM2003, Time Preference Codes (system defined, TIME-PREF-M, TBL3) (system defined, RACE-TBL-M, TBL3) (system defined, HISP-TBL-M, TBL3) (system defined, FAM-STAT-M TBL3) (system defined, PLAN-ATTND-M, TBL3) (system defined, WORK-ATTND-M, TBL3) (system defined, PRIOR-EDUC-M, TBL3) Test Scores Upload and manually enter test scores and other data from third party PC software into SMS Coordinates of the data file produced by the third party PC software entered into template Template is uploaded into one of two files on HP3000 Data file from third party PC software is uploaded to the HP3000 Batch job posts the test data from the coordinates entered into the template to student record Test Score screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screens Title Dataset/Files SD1008 Test/Profile Template Download SD1008.EXC (DOS application) SD1005 Test Score/Profile Coordinate File1 SD1005S.DATA SD1006 Test Score/Profile Coordinate File2 SD1006S.DATA SD1004 PC Test Score/Profile Data Upload SD1004S.DATA SD1002 Test Score TEST-SCORE-D Database SM SD1002S.DATA SD1003 SD5014 Test Score Evaluation Student Profile Update Screen TEST-EVAL-M TBL4 TEST-EVAL-D TBL4 STU-PROFILE-D SM SID Assignment – to avoid duplication of student records in multiple databases, SM, ADM, TRNSFR, TRAN, HIST, or EMP CENTRAL-SID-D in CA database checked if student provides SSN If match found, SID associated with SSN is assigned to the new record If SSN does not exist in CENTRAL-SID-D, new SID is assigned If student does not provide SSN, new SID is assigned Each college assigned a range of SIDs – stored in SIDRANGE-D in TBL3 database Colleges can reserve groups of SID’s from their assigned range for special student populations or situations SID Assignment datasets: SID-SSN-XREF-D – contains the student’s SSN if provided OLD-SID-D – contains the SID assigned to the student prior to the conversion and their new SID SID-ASSGN-D – 3500 unassigned SIDs available for assignment to new student records. Job SM5226J adds more SIDs. SID-RESRV-D – reserved SIDs. SID-CNTRL-D – the last SID added by the last run of SM5226J. Typical method for creating a student record Student submits application through web admissions and the data is loaded into the ADM-STU-D in ADM, STU-D in SM or both Student’s data is manually added using a biographic screen into ADM-STU-D in ADM, STU-D in SM or both Student’s biographic data is manually added using the Registration screen (SM700A) creating a STU-D record in SM Student’s biographic data is manually added using Program Enrollment screen (SM3001) creating a STU-D record in SM Student’s biographic data is entered into ADM-STU-D in ADM via an upload file Registration Registration Fee Calculation Class Waitlist WAOL Enrollment Management Registration Used to enroll students into quarterly classes Three modes of registration HP3000 screen (SM7001/A) Web Batch Other registration related functions are: New student registration appointments Returning student registration appointments Registration transaction log screens Class rosters – printed, web or download Registration screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Dataset Datebase SM7001/A Registration STU-YRQ-M SM STU-CLASS-D SM STU-YRQ-XREF-D SM CLASS-D SM CLASS-CLUSTER-D SM COURSE-ENTR-D SM STU-COURSE-D SM STU-ENR-TRNS-D SM STU-GR-TRNS-D SM STU-M SM STU-D SM PREV-NAME-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM CUST-ACTV-D CA CENTRAL-SID-D CA Registration screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Dataset Database SM4005 New Students–Registration Appointments NEW-APPT-D TBL4 SM4006 Returning Students – Registration Appointments RET-APPT-D TBL4 SM4007 Registration Appointment Time Schedule APPT-TIME-D TBL4 SM4008 Registration Appointments APPT-D SM SM4010 Student Enrollment Transactions STU-ENR-TRNS-D SM SM4011 Course enrollment Transactions STU-ENR-TRNS-D SM SM4014 Class Roster Download Accesses CLASS-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM STU-YRQ-M SM STU-D SM COL-OPT-M TBL4 Registration screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Dataset Datebase SM4012 Touchtone Registration Configuration TTONE-CONFIG-M SM SM4013 Touchtone Registration Student Information Screen TTONE-STU-OPT-M SM FC2001 Touchtone Optional Fees Table TTONE-OPT-FEE-D SM SM7030 College-Specific Waitlist Screen COLLEGES MAGWL SM7031 Year/Quarter Specific Waitlist Parameters Screen QUARTERS MAGWL SM7032 Class-Specific Waitlist CLASSES MAGWL SM7033 Class Range Waitlist Parameters CLASSES MAGWL SM7034 Class Waiting Lists WAITLISTS MAGWL POSITIONS-CHANGES MAGWL STUDENTS MAGWL STU-WLIST-XREF-D MAGWL SM7035 Waitlists by Student Registration Edits Class Class capacity Allow registration Registration dates for and web Instructor permission Requisites WAOL class – checks WAOL database for WAOL class capacity Registration Edits Student Registration block Past due fees Time conflict Maximum credits by quarter or student type Registration appointment Underage/senior citizen Types of Registration Transactions Add * Override class capacity Drop * Override add date Withdrawal * Override drop date Withdrawal suppress * Override fee pay status Add with audit grade * Override exit date Add with pass grade Override entry date Add with designated grade Override prerequisite block * Override credit amounts for variable credit classes * Override instructor permission requirement * Override blocks Add to class waitlist * *Available with in-line and web modes of registration Fee Calculation Occurs after the student is enrolled in the class. Tuition and fees are stored in the CUST-ACTV-D dataset in the CA database. Tuition and fees are displayed on the registration screen, SM7001, web registration, Cashiering screen, BM1600, and Customer Account Inquiry screen, BM1625. Uses the fee pay statuses from the student’s quarterly biographic record (STU-YRQ-M), the class record (CLASS-D) and the student’s enrollment record (STUCLASS-D) Tuition and fees are displayed to the student on web registration and the web student schedule Class Waitlist The class waitlist process places students in chronological order onto a waiting list for a specific quarterly section of a course that has full enrollment When an opening becomes available in the class, the first student on the list can be registered into the class manually or using batch registration Waitlist works with on-line registration, web registration and batch registration Class Waitlist Colleges can define: Quarters and classes allowed to have a waiting list Maximum number of waiting lists a student can be on Maximum number of students on a waiting list Last date that a student can be added to a waiting list Whether or not students can be added to a waitlist if they are already registered in a different section of the same course or if there is a time conflict Students can check waitlist status on the web and can remove themselves from a waitlist WAOL Enrollment Management Provides the ability to automatically monitor and control the number of students registering for Washington On-Line courses Enrollment information is automatically sent to the WAOL database WAOL Enrollment Management Colleges schedule 3 batch jobs that communicate between the college’s HP3000 and the WAOL database SM4232J (Send Enrollment Transaction to WAOL) This job automatically sends student biographic information to WAOL (approximately every 30 minutes) SM4236J (WAOL Enrollment Control) This job assists in sending registration requests to WAOL SM4233J (Terminate Job SM4232J) This job stops the previous two jobs, SM4232J and SM4236J Typical Registration process flow: Student is assigned a registration appointment At the appointment time or any time after, the student registers via on-line, or using the web Student can check their schedule view or get a copy of their schedule through the web Program Enrollment Was used by some clock hour technical colleges to record and manage enrollments into open-entry open-exit vocational preparatory programs – no longer used for this purpose Used by some colleges to manage waitlist for vocational preparatory programs Program Enrollment screens and datasets updated or accessed: Screens Title Datasets Database SM3001 Program Enrollment STU-PRG-ENR-D SM STU-PRG-XREF-D SM STU-PRG-TRNS-D SM STU-PRG-OPT-D SM STU-M SM STU-D SM PREV-NAME-D SM SID-SSN-XREF-D SM CENTRAL-SID-D CA STU-PRG-WLIST-D SM SM3002 Program Section Waiting List SM3003 Student Program Information Accesses STU-D SM STU-PRG-ENR-D SM STU-PRG-OPT-D SM STU-PRG-WLIST-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM EDUC-PRG-SECT-M SM Program Enrollment screens and datasets updated or accessed: Screens Title SM3011 Student Program Enrollment Transactions SM3012 SM3015 Program Enrollment Transactions Program Section Seat Roster Datasets Accesses STU-D Database SM STU-PRG-TRNS-D SM EDUC-PRG-SECT-M SM Accesses EDUC-PRG-SECT-M SM STU-PRG-TRNS-D SM Accesses STU-D SM STU-PRG-ENR-D SM STU-PRG-OPT-D SM STU-PRG-WLIST-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM EDUC-PRG-SECT-M SM Program Enrollment screens and datasets updated or accessed: Screens SM3016 SM3017 Title Program Section Open Seats Program Section Seat Openings Datasets Accesses STU-D Database SM STU-PRG-ENR-D SM STU-PRG-OPT-D SM STU-PRG-WLIST-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM INSTRN-CAL-M TBL4 INSTRN-CAL-D TBL4 Accesses STU-PRG-ENR-D STU-PRG-OPT-D SM SM STU-PRG-WLIST-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM INSTRN-CAL-M TBL4 INSTRN-CAL-D TBL4 PRG-STRT-DATE-M TBL4 Program Enrollment screens and datasets updated or accessed: SM3020 SM5030 College Educational Program Sections Instructional Calendar EDUC-PRG-SECT-M SM EDUC-PRG-SECT-D SM EDUC-PRG-XREF-D SM INSTR-CAL-M TBL4 INSTR-CAL-D TBL4 Grades and Records End of the quarter grading Transcript maintenance Electronic transfer of transcripts Grades and Record screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Datasets/Files Database SM6002 Grade Attributes GR-ATTR-D TBL4 SM6003 Grade Processing Options GR-PROCESS-OPT-M TBL4 SM6004 Grade Posting Screen STU-CLASS-D SM STU-ENR-TRNS-D SM STU-COURSE-D SM STU-GR-TRNS-D SM SM6004S.DATA SM6005 Grade Roster Update GR-ROSTR-M TBL4 GR-ROSTR-D TBL4 STU-GR-TRNS-D SM STU-ENR-TRNS-D SM SM6007 On Request Transcript SM6007S.DATA SM6008 Transcript biographic TRAN-STU-D TRAN Grades and Record screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Datasets/Files Database SM6009 Transcript Degree Information TRAN-DEGREE-D TRAN SM6010 Transcript Quarterly Data TRAN-YRQ-D TRAN SM6011 Beginning Credit Information TRAN-STRT-D TRAN SM6013 Transcript Classes TRAN-YRQ-D TRAN TRAN-CLASS-D TRAN STU-COURSE-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM Accesses TRAN-STU-D TRAN SM6015 Student Transcript TRAN-YRQ-D TRAN TRAN-CLASS-D TRAN TRAN-STRT-D TRAN TRAN-DEGREE-D TRAN TRAN-COMMENT-D TRAN Grades and Record screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title SM6017 Print Transcript SM6050 Class Grade Roster Update SM6051 SM6052 Student Grade Roster Update Student Course Requirements Datasets/Files Database GR-POST-M TBL4 GR-POST-D TBL4 STU-CLASS-D SM STU-COURSE-D SM STU-GR-POST-M TBL4 STU-GR-POST-D TBL4 TRAN-YRQ-M TRAN TRAN-STU-D TRAN TRAN-CLASS-D TRAN TRAN-STU-REQR-D TRAN STU-CLASS-D SM STU-COURSE-D SM TRAN-CLASS-D TRAN TRAN-STU-REQR-D TRAN STU-CLASS-D TRAN STU-COURSE-D TRAN Grades and Record screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title SM6053 Transcript Print Screen – With Course Requirements SM6054 Student Transcript Datasets/Files Database Accesses TRAN-STU-D TRAN TRAN-YRQ-D TRAN-CLASS-D TRAN TRAN-STRT-D TRAN TRAN-DEGREE-D TRAN TRAN-COMMENT-D TRAN TRAN-STU-REQR-D SD3001 Transcript Transfer Request TRAN SD3001S.DATA TRAN Grading Process Job group scheduled to produce grade roster file File SM6242D created to use in Instruction Briefcase Grading process Grades are entered into grade roster file SMS screen SM6005 SMS screen SM6004 Instructor Briefcase Grades are posted via SM6220J to enrollment record (STU-CLASS-D) Job group scheduled to post grades from enrollment record to transcript Cumulative data is also updated Electronic Transfer of Transcripts Allows colleges to send and receive transcript information to and from other WA state community and technical colleges Allows colleges to send electronic transcripts to the 4-year public institutions in Washington State Electronic transfer of transcripts SID or SSN of student requesting transcript sent entered on screen SD3001 Job Group SG103R sends the transcripts via DS lines Receiving college runs SG104R or SG105R to print transcripts or just obtain the student’s course information Transcripts to 4-year colleges FTP’d from server at SBCTC-IT Bellevue Student Progress Transcript evaluation Degree Audit Early Intervention Honor Roll/Probation Student Progress screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Datasets/Files Database SD3002 Grade Translation Table TRNSLT-GR-D TBL4 SD3003 Course Translation Table TRNSLT-COURSE-D TBL4 SD3004 Transcript Evaluation Screen TRNSFR-EVAL-M TRNSFR TRNSFR-EVAL-D TRNSFR TRNSFR-COURSE-D TRNSFR TRNSLT-COURSE-D TBL4 STU-COURSE-D SM STU-D SM TRAN-STU-D TRAN ADM-STU-D ADM SD3004S.DATA SD3005 Transfer-In Course Screen TRNSFR-COURSE-D TRNSFR STU-COURSE-D SM STU-D SM ADM-STU-D ADM SD3005S.DATA Student Progress screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Datasets/Files Database SD5010 Intervention Code Table INTRV-ACTN-TBL-M TBL4 SD5011 Corrective Action Code Table CORR-ACTN-TBL-M TBL4 SD5012 Intervention Roster Update INTRV-ROSTR-M TBL4 INTRV-ROSTR-D TBL4 STU-INTRV-D SM SD5013 Intervention Posting Screen SD5013S.DATA SD1009 Intervention File Download SD5017 Student Intervention Screen SD5018S1.RUN Accesses STU-D SM STU-CLASS-D SM STU-INTRV-D SM Student Progress screens, datasets and files updated or accessed: Screen Title Datasets/Files Database SM6014 Honor Roll/Probation HONOR-D TBL4 SD5018 Honor Roll/Probation Exclude Grades HONOR-D TBL4 SD5019 Consecutive Quarter Update Screen STU-YRQ-M SM SD1011 Honor Roll/Probation Download SD5110S.RUN Transcript Evaluation Evaluation of transcripts received electronically or entered manually Can use pre-entered grade and course translation tables Evaluated transferred-in courses are added to the student’s SMS record and are used in Degree audit Requisite checking Registration appointment priority based on cumulative credits earned Degree Audit Compares the student’s transcripted courses, evaluated transferred-in courses and currently enrolled courses with program and degree templates Real time, fully integrated with SMS Administrator, Advisor & Student interfaces Provides ability to print audits in batch Early Intervention Process to notify appropriate college staff of student academic deficiencies early in the quarter Corrective actions can be taken by college staff to notify the student with appropriate assistance for student success Early Intervention processing steps Intervention rosters are generated Instructors indicate which students are meeting the college defined criteria for academic deficiencies Intervention roster data is entered into a SMS screen Intervention and corrective actions are posted to the student’s record Letters can be generated to notify students of their deficiencies and corrective actions they can take Attendance Attendance collection is a requirement for financial aid disbursement at a clock hour college Attendance hours are collected from class instructors and entered on a SMS screen Attendance hours are posted to the Financial Aid system from attendance hours entered in SMS No longer used for colleges who have converted to credits. Honor Roll/Probation Colleges can enter criteria that defines each of the honor roll or probation categories Batch jobs are scheduled to extract students that meet the specified criteria Reports, transcripts, mailing labels and mail merge data files can be produced Honor roll or probation categories labels (President’s list, Dean’s list, etc.) can be posted to the student’s transcript State and Federal Reporting MIS Reporting – quarterly reporting of: Payroll data Class data Student data Enrollment data College data submitted to SBCTC is primary source of data used in SBCTC Data Warehouse MIS Reporting Batch jobs are scheduled during quarter to edit class, student and enrollment data Payroll records are compared with class record to ensure staff paid for instruction are assigned classes and coding matches SBCTC specifies range of dates for colleges to run MIS finals to submit quarter data Data is sent automatically via transporter to SBCTC’s HP3000 Web Applications Use Web Transaction Server to access information stored on the college’s HP3000 Web functions: Web Admissions Center Student Web Access Schedule Planner Web Registration Student Address Student Kiosk Access Instructor Briefcase Degree Audit Web Admissions Center College applicants enter standard admissions information in a centralized database and submits any number of participating colleges Application information is stored on an NT server – Web Admissions Center – housed at SBCTC-IT Colleges place Web Admissions Center link on their web site A notification e-mail is sent to designated college staff when an applicant submits an application to the college Web Admissions College staff log into the college’s account at the Web Admissions Center College staff review applicant data and add necessary coding When the application is approved, the student’s data is automatically loaded into the college’s SM database, ADM database or both via the Web Transaction Server E-mail is sent automatically to the applicant with a college defined message Student Web Access functions Class schedule What’s My SID Registration Appointment Student PIN Change Student Schedule Unofficial Transcript Schedule Planner Provides students the ability to plan their schedules for a particular quarter Students indicate what times and days they are not available during the week Students select desired courses Schedule Planner displays open sections of the courses that meet the time requirements of the student Can link directly into web registration Colleges schedule job group to create a file of courses offered each quarter. The file is loaded onto the web server Web Registration Allows students to register for classes over the web Enforces college defined requirements for quarterly registration Colleges enter quarterly registration configuration information on SMS screen SM4012 Student Address Allows students the ability to view or change their address, phone number and email address over the web Colleges typically link web student address to web registration Student Kiosk Access Provides students the ability to view student web access information on a stand-alone kiosk Used with a web browser Can be used with a touch screen Uses Web Transaction Server Instructor Briefcase – provides the ability for faculty to manage their classes over the web; functions include: Class rosters Web grading Employee PIN Change Degree Audit Web-based advising module that includes: Administrator interface – for setting configurations & building requirements for the college’s degrees & certificates Advisor interface – for running audits, creating academic plans, and maintaining advisor notes+ Student interface – students can run audits against any certificate or degree program where requirement exist; view up to 5 academic plans created by their advisor; view any public advising notes created by an administrator or advisor