Study Abroad Pre-departure Orientation

Study Abroad
Pre-departure Orientation
Preparing yourself for a great
study abroad experience
Congratulations on your decision to study abroad!
The purpose of the Study Abroad Pre-Departure Orientation is to help you
prepare for your study abroad experience.
The opportunity to travel, study or work abroad in any of the foreign country is
undoubtedly one of the greatest privileges in any student’s life. The predeparture information provided here will assist students in making all the
necessary preparations for staying healthy and safe abroad.
Although this orientation covers a lot of important information, study abroad
students are encouraged to assume the responsibility of ensuring that they
have prepared themselves for a successful study abroad experience by
researching additional information about their program and destination. Some
useful sources of information are books that are related to the country and
culture of destination, previous participants, international students from such
destination, articles about culture shock, living with a host family, etc.
Registration Process : 4
Expectations: 5
Academic Policies: 6
Changes In Courses: 7
Housing Arrangements
Financial Aid: 8
International Education Fee & Scholarships: 9
Money and Budget:10-11
Types of Housing Arrangements: 12
Comparing Housing Options: 13
Things to Know about your Housing: 14
Advice for Students Living with Host Families: 15-17
Health and Safety: 18
Cultural Adjustment: 19
Culture Shock: 20
Travel Arrangements
Passport: 21
Visas: 22
Packing: 23-24
Don’t Forget!- 25-26
Photo Contest: 27
Registration Process
All students participating in Texas State exchange and affiliated
programs must enroll in CATSweb in ISEP courses.
The ISEP courses serve as place holders in the system so you
can maintain your Texas State student status at Texas State while
you are abroad.
Failure to register in the ISEP courses may have serious
consequences such as your financial aid not being able for
Please follow the instructions provided by the Study Abroad
Office carefully and meet all deadlines. The ISEP courses will be
replaced with the courses you will be transferring from abroad.
This is a great opportunity to explore the world while
continuing your education.
Challenging situations and difficult moments might occur.
Your attitude can make a huge difference in your study
abroad experience.
The more you prepare, the more you’ll enjoy the experience.
Students usually refer to study abroad as “a life changing
experience”; we hope this will be your case too!
Academic Policies
You must observe the attendance policy in place for your
program and make sure that you comply with financial aid
You will receive letter grades for your courses. These grades
will impact your GPA.
Your academic learning will be assessed either via exams,
presentations, papers, etc. You will need to earn your grade!
You will only receive credits for the courses approved
through the transfer credit agreement form.
Changes in courses
Texas State Credits
If you are participating in a faculty-led program you
will receive Texas State credits. If you decide to take
a different course from the one approved you will
need to:
Fill out the “Request for Change” form
Receive approval from your Academic Program
Transferring credits
If you are participating in a Texas State
exchange program, affiliated program or nonaffiliated program you will receive transfer
credits. If you decide to take a different
course from the ones already approved, you
will need the following:
Receive approval from your academic advisor at
Texas State
Receive approval from Texas State Study Abroad
Keep a copy of all these approval for your files.
Drop/Add course(s) through CATSweb as
required and necessary
Changes in courses are not allowed after late
Complete a new transfer credit agreement
form available from the Texas State Study
Abroad Office. This form needs to be
approved by the Texas State Office of
Undergraduate Admissions via the Study
Abroad Office. Graduate students need to
contact the Graduate College.
Remember that if you received an IEFS award or financial aid,
you must maintain a full-time status to qualify for your funding.
Financial Aid
If you are receiving financial aid for your study abroad
program you must contact Ms. Mary Rios at the Office of
Financial Aid and Scholarship to verify that you have
completed all the necessary requirements to receive your
You will be required to submit the verification of academic
engagement form during your semester abroad. This form is
available from the Study Abroad Office website.
Failure to comply with Financial Aid requirements may result
in having to repay your awards.
International Education Fee
Scholarships (IEFS)
Students who received an IEFS award must maintain full-time
enrollment abroad (12 US credit hours per semester in
spring and fall and 6 US credits hours in summer).
Failure to comply with this requirement will result in having
to repay your IEFS award.
For more information and scholarship opportunities please
check out:
Money and budget
Find out the current exchange rate, as well as recent history
of this rate. This can give you an idea of how this rate may
fluctuate upon arrival.
Contact your current financial institution and inform them
that you will be traveling abroad so they won’t freeze your
account (due to possible fraud).
Know your limits on how much money you can withdraw on a
daily basis.
Inquire about foreign transaction fees.
Make photocopies of your cards in case they get lost or
stolen and put them in a safe place.
Figure out best form of banking abroad for you. Is it
recommended to open a bank account while abroad?
Find out if your current bank is affiliated with a bank at your
Set up a budget for your time abroad.
Prepare yourself with some resources in case of an
unexpected expense.
Avoid carrying large amounts of currency.
Follow local safety recommendations.
Although different in appearance, it will be real money what
you’ll have with you! Have a sense for money conversion
when spending money!
Types of Housing Arrangements
The type of housing available vary by program. In some
cases, programs may give you an option to select the type of
housing you prefer. In other cases, you may not have the
opportunity to choose. Common options are home stays,
apartments and university dorms.
Each type of accommodation has advantages and
disadvantages. It is recommended that your take some time
to think about what would be the best choice according to
your own personality, goals, and particular circumstances.
+ Comparing housing options
Host family
University dorms
Total cultural immersion
usually in a good caring
More privacy
Usually closer to campus
Great to learn a second
More freedom
Good opportunity to interact
with people of your age
It is typical to hear that one
of the best experiences that
a student had was living with
a host family
Usually more comfortable
Usually follows university
Subject to the host family
Usually more expensive
Possible shared
More adjustment challenges
Students may need to get
involved with contracting
services and paying bills,
which can be challenging
Roommate adjustment
Less flexibility with meals
Could feel isolated
Less space usually
Things to know about your housing
Reservation deadlines & procedures
Check-in & check-out dates
Services included
Location: proximity to school, laundry facilities and internet access
Information about your family and/or roommates
Fees and method of payment
Description of the facilities
What is already provided: linens, cooking utensils, towels, etc.
If you need to pay a deposit, how are you going to be able to get it back
Advice for students living with host
If contact information is available, contact the host family
prior to your arrival.
Introduce yourself and try to learn more about them.
Bring a small gift for the family to show your appreciation to
welcome you into their home. It will also work as an icebreaker.
Suggestions: items which represent who you are, your culture, or
something that can be enjoyed by the family. (Ex: Texas Country
CD, flag, scrapbook, etc.)
Advice for Students Living with
Host Families (Cont.)
As soon as you have settled in, talk with your host mom/dad to share each
other’s expectations. The more you understand the conditions of your
homestay, the better chance you both have of a great experience.
Some topics recommended for discussion are:
Meals: dietary restrictions/preferences, meal times, are you allowed
to cook, snacks between meals, any rules, etc.
Household chores: what you are responsible for cleaning, laundry,
general help around the house, etc.
Bathroom: Understand how the toilet and shower work, as well as
bathroom schedules and shower norms as far as frequency and
Common areas: What areas of the house do you have access to? Can
you use their TV/phone?
Privacy: Is it ok to lock your room? Who will have access to your
room? Will you be given a house key? What if you lose your key?
Advice for Students Living with
Host Families (Cont.)
Guests: Will you be allowed to have guests over?
 If so, can they spend the night/are they welcome to have dinner/ is
it ok for you to interact when your host family’s guests?
Safety: Inquire about how to lock/unlock doors and windows, work
the alarm system, emergency contact numbers, if a safe is available,
do you have a curfew?
Think about any other scenario that you can anticipate based on your
own circumstances and address in a kind way each one of your
Keep in mind that they are opening up their home to you, and that this
may require some level of adaptation from you. In time, both, you and
the host family will get to know each other and most likely will end up
with a beautiful, long-lasting friendship.
Health & Safety
Your health & safety while studying abroad is extremely
important, before you go please check out:
Cultural Adjustment
Most study abroad students experience a range of emotions
as soon as they leave home. It is common to feel
overwhelmed or frustrated about the culture of the host
Typically, you can probably expect to go though an initial
period of excitement. As this excitement wears off, you may
begin to start missing your life back home. Some level of
frustration may be experienced at times, which can cause
unusual irritability. Minor difficulties and challenges,
especially those that are related to cultural differences, may
take great relevance and lead to major crises. In some cases
they can even cause depression. Keep in mind that this is a
natural process, and that it may last just a couple of days.
Once you are able to learn how to cope with the cultural
differences, you will soon find yourself adapting, which will
then allow you to feel more comfortable at your new home.
Culture Shock
Culture Shock is the process that most people experience when adjusting to a new culture. Typical
symptoms include: homesickness, feeling bored, excessive sleep, changes in appetite, and irritability.
The level of culture shock can vary from person to person. Whatever the level may be, some
recommendations on how to deal with, or even eliminate, its effects are:
Be aware that culture shock can happen to anybody and there is nothing wrong with
experiencing it. The important part is how you deal with it.
Get enough rest; you will probably need more rest more than the usual.
Meet local people, this can help you learn about the culture.
Have an open-mind and avoid judging.
Maintain a sense of humor.
Ask people why they do things that way; this will help you understand their culture.
You don’t need to agree with what people do abroad, but accept that it it the way they do it
based on their own values and beliefs.
Try to focus on the positive and try to learn from the negative.
Give yourself a break and get together with other Americans. Sometimes it feels good to
verbalize your feelings. Keep in mind that if you are going to discuss the local culture, you need
to do it in a discrete and respectful way.
If the symptoms of culture shock don’t go away or worsen, talk to a counselor.
A passport is a document, issued by a government agency,
which certifies, for the purpose of international travel, the
identity and nationality of its holder. The passport is required
for both departure from and re-entry to the United States.
Make sure that your passport doesn’t expire within six
months of your return to the US (some destinations may have
different requirements).
Keep it in a safe place and do not carry it with you on a daily
basis; carry a photocopy with you instead.
You will need to have your original passport with you when
traveling to different countries
A visa is an official permission given by the government of
your host country that will allow you to enter into their
territory. There are different type of visas requirements
depending on your destination, your country of origin,
purpose of travel, length of your stay, etc. Most long-term
study abroad programs require a student to have one. It is
important to contact the embassy or general consulate of
your country of destination to inquire about specific visa
Visas may take months to be issued, allow ample time for
this. Remember no visa= no study abroad program!
Non-US students must contact the International Office to
inquire about the requirements for leaving the US due to your
participation in a study abroad program. Failure to do so may
result in denial of re-entry to the US.
Packing for a great study abroad experience can be stressful. Here are some
Remember that everything you pack you will need to carry. If you are unable
to carry it on your own, then you are packing too much!
Leave some room for any new items you may purchase while abroad.
Inquire about airline luggage regulations and pack accordingly.
Find out about dress customs in your destination and pack clothes that will
help you blend-in with the locals.
Pack a nice outfit for special occasions.
Do not pack anything that you are not willing to lose.
you are going to a place where the temperature will vary,
+  Ifpack
clothes that you can layer.
Pack clothes that don’t require special wash.
You will probably walk more than the usual, bring
comfortable shoes! In some destinations closed-toes shoes
may be recommended due to possible injuries or infections.
Power adaptors and converters as applicable
If you know your roommate, see if you can share some items.
Shower shoes
Backpack or tote bag for day field trips
Find out if you really need to bring a laptop. Keep in mind
that a laptop can be stolen, so you may need to carry with
you at all times .
Don’t forget!
Follow airline customs and regulations.
Travel documents in your carry-on
Visa (if applicable)
Financial documents
Airline tickets (round trip)
Letter of acceptance in your study abroad program
Address where you will need to go as well as arrival instructions
Important phone number(s)
Prescription medications appropriately packed and identified
Toiletries and a change of clothes in case of baggage or flight delays
Cell Phone
Pocket Dictionary
Don’t Forget!
Bring a carry-on with the following:
 Airline tickets
 Passport and visa (if applicable)
 Insurance cards
 Acceptance letter from the sponsor institution
 Address and arrival directions
 Important contact information
 Financial documents
 Prescription medications
 Glasses/contacts
 Cell phone
 Pocket dictionary (if applicable)
 Toiletries and a change of clothes in case of baggage or flight delays
 Make sure that you comply with airline and customs regulations.
Photo contest
Every year Texas State has a study abroad photo contest.
Winners receive the Byron Augustin award.
1st place: $100
2nd place: $75
3rd place: $50
All you need to do is submit five of your best photos and a
small description of each. The winning photos will be
exhibited at Texas State, as well as in the Texas State Study
Abroad Office website.