Integrating Public Benefits into Campus Services


Integrating Public Benefits into

Campus Services to Facilitate

College Completion

Amy Ellen Duke-Benfield, BACC Director, CLASP

October 30, 2014

CLASP and the Center for

Postsecondary and Economic Success

Through careful research and analysis and effective advocacy , CLASP develops and promotes new ideas, mobilizes others, and directly assists governments and advocates to put in place successful strategies that deliver results that matter to people across America.

C-PES advocates for better policies , more investment , and increased political will to increase the number of low-income adults and disadvantaged youth who earn postsecondary credentials that are essential to opening doors to good jobs, career advancement, and economic mobility.


Who are colleges serving?

Yesterday’s Nontraditional Student

Is Today’s Traditional Student








40% of all students are low-income


What are the statistics?

Among community college students:

40% do not complete any degree in 6 years and are not enrolled

31% receive financial aid

50% have unmet need after financial aid

Among all students:

66% the proportion of the cost of attendance left after tuition, fees and books

71% said they dropped out to go to make money


Why holistic support?


Reasons for Leaving School


Providing students who are struggling to make ends meet with information about public benefits and assistance in applying for them will improve student success and college completion rates and reduce material hardship .


Benefits Access for College


An initiative geared toward increasing access to public benefits for community college students

Supporting colleges developing sustainable models that build benefits access into the everyday activities across the college

BACC is a partnership between CLASP, the

American Association of Community Colleges and five foundations


Participating Colleges

Cuyahoga Community College (OH)

Gateway Community and Technical College (KY)

LaGuardia Community College (NY)

Lake Michigan College (MI)

Macomb Community College (MI)

Northampton Community College (PA)

Skyline College (CA)


What are “ public benefits ” ?

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

Health insurance (Medicaid and CHIP)

Family programs

 TANF, child care subsidies, Women, Infants and Children

(WIC) food and formula, free and reduced school lunch

Refundable Tax Credits

 Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) & American Opportunity

Tax Credit (AOTC)

Special programs

Disability benefits, Veterans benefits, UI, TAA, WIA ITAs and other supports


Why don’t more students access benefits?

Lack of information, misinformation about eligibility

 Don ’ t know that programs exist

Think they are not eligible

Do not know how to apply or where to get help

 Feel the benefit is not worth the hassle

Do not see themselves as target for public benefit programs

Applying is often time consuming, frustrating

 Same information collected multiple times

Need documentation of income, family status

Stigma and other social/cultural barriers


Low-Income Parents

Eligible for wide range of programs

Some programs are limited to families with children

Others are open to childless adults, but are more generous or have fewer restrictions for parents

Few receive all programs they are eligible for:

Some programs have capped funding

Eligible individuals may not know about programs, or may be deterred by the burden of establishing and maintaining eligibility


Low-Income Parents

Likely to receive (> 80%)


Health insurance for kids

(and parents in expansion states)

Probably receive (50-80%)

Health insurance for parents (not expansion states)

SNAP (Food Stamps) and WIC

Might receive (<50%)

TANF, child care subsidies, housing subsidies


Low-Income Childless Adults

(no disability)

Probably receive (50-80%)


Only eligible if aged 25-64

– max of $496 per year

SNAP (Food Stamps)

Students are subject to extra rules

Might receive (<50%)

Housing subsidies

Public health insurance (depends upon if reside in expansion state)

News Flash: Health Exchanges and

Medicaid Eligibility Changes in 2014

Beginning January 1, 2014, many states expanded

Medicaid to all non-elderly adults and children up to

133% of the federal poverty level

$14,484 for an individual

$29,725 for a family of four

Enrollment for the health insurance exchanges and Medicaid expansion fully online


28 States Are Expanding Medicaid

How are Colleges Helping Students

Access Public Benefits?

Inform students about the existence of programs

Help students understand how to apply

Screen students to determine if they are eligible and assist them to apply

Assist students to provide needed documentation and understand any barriers to eligibility

Follow-up with benefits programs/local offices to troubleshoot on behalf of individual students

Advocate for policy changes that streamline benefits receipt for students

BACC College Strategy Highlights

Engage a broad-based team to embed activities across college

Cultivate leadership

Develop a process for engaging students that includes:

Reaching out to students in multiple ways

Setting up places to apply depending on student needs

Helping students apply and submit documentation

Providing follow-up assistance to ensure students receive benefits


BACC College Strategy Highlights

Use data to identify students, target services or activities, and continuously improve

Integrate benefits discussions/application into financial aid, career services, support services, advising and counseling processes

Integrate a module about benefits in orientation, student success courses, and other courses

Use students to help market, do outreach, and serve students

Where available, use online eligibility screeners and online applications to assist students


Online Access to Public Benefits

Virtually all states have made basic program info for the five state-administered, low-income benefit programs available online:

SNAP, CHIP, Medicaid, TANF, and child care assistance

Many states go further, providing application forms and allowing individuals to apply online

Getting Started

Identify the need on your campus

Seek buy-in from leadership

Seek out individuals on campus and in the community already doing this work

Identify existing resources in your state or county that could help students (i.e. online screening tools or applications)

Form a committed team

Create an action plan


Questions for Attendees

Do any of you provide benefits access on campus?

If not, have you noticed students expressing needs you can’t meet? What do you do in those cases?
