Sacrosanctum Concilium - Catholic Educational Association of the

Betania Retreat Center, Cebu
July 29, 2014 –
- Msgr. Pedro Gerardo O. Santos, Ed. D.
Seizing the Grace of these Moments
Year of the Second
Vatican Council
Seizing the Grace of these Moments
Seizing the Grace of these Moments
Seizing the Grace of these Moments
500th Year of Christianity
in the Philippines
Seizing the Grace of these Moments
Bring people closer to Jesus in
the Church and help them
aspire holiness and heroism
Campus Ministry in a
school context is youth
ministry in our campuses.
…committed to making
saints and heroes or
better yet heroes with
haloes out of our
1. The Second Vatican Council:
the Paradigm Shifts
2. The Renewal of the Church through
the Liturgy: the Guiding Principles of
Sacrosanctum Concilium
3. Ministry of the Celebrating Community:
Challenges to Campus Ministry
From a Church that is predominantly
institution to a church as Communion
A church as institution highlights those who
give and those who receive – the presbyterium
that gives and the laity that “prays and pays”
Vatican II recovered the church as communion:
church as mystery and church as people of God
As Communion, the church highlights the three
fold office of priest, prophet and king of all
believers. By virtue of baptismal consecration,
the Christian faithful share in the priesthood of
Christ. From their priestly life, the call to full,
active and conscious participation in the liturgy
becomes a clarion call of the liturgical renewal.
From a classicist
worldview to a
historical conscious
A historical conscious worldview sees the world
as “in process”. Reading the “signs of the
times” is a continuing quest for the church in
order to be responsive and relevant to people
today. This paved the way to the “pastoral
spiral”, a method of dialogue with realities,
discernment in light of the Christian faith and
living out in actual deeds the collective
decision of the community.
The community
gathers to celebrate
the various
experiences of life –
triumphs and
failures, pains and
the Misa ng Bayang Pilipino
and the various practices of
popular piety such as
devotion to the Nazareno,
the Santo Nino, the
Kristong Hari and the
many Marian devotions all
over the archipelago.
They did not only survive
but have become the
“instruments” of the new
evangelization in our
country. Truly, through
popular devotions, God
has become accessible
to our people.
From a highly clerical church to a
church of lay empowerment
A highly clerical church centers on the “ordained”
The laity assist in the liturgical celebrations. Thus,
from clerical and male to human and Christian.
Vatican II developed the theology of lay
ministries in the church. Rooted in the
apostolate of the laity, lay people discover
their charism of service and called by the
church to serve the church. Lay ministry is
a response to the needs of the church – it
goes beyond liturgical life.
The laity are “empowered” meaning
they are committed to and formed
by the church in service of the
church and the whole community.
St. John XXIII convened
Vatican II with the two
fold objective of renewal
(aggiornamento) and
Sacrosanctum Concilium
has three guiding principles.
These were identified by
St. John Paul II in his
Vicemus Quintus Annus.
Venerable Paul VI added the
following: an understanding
of the church, the renewal
of the church through the Word
and the Liturgy, ecumenism
and building bridges with
the world.
The Re-enactment of the Paschal Mystery.
The liturgical life of the church is
centered on the passion, death and
resurrection of Jesus.
The Proclamation of the Word of God.
The translation of scriptures in varied languages,
the manner of proclaiming the Word of God, the
use of technical means, the interior disposition of
the ministers, careful preparation of the
homily are ways to strengthen this integral
part of the liturgy.
The self – manifestation of the Church.
The church in prayer and worship.
The church in worship gives expression
to what she is: One, Holy, Catholic
and Apostolic.
ONE – the church becomes one amidst
diversity of charism, roles and ministries.
HOLINESS – the church celebrates the graces
to live the presence of Jesus in the world.
CATHOLIC – the church gathers people of
various languages, persuasion, orientation
and professes the one faith.
APOSTOLIC – the church professes the faith
of the apostles, presided by the bishop who
is successor of the apostles or the presbyter
who is ordained in the
apostolic succession;
the church hands over
the living faith through
worship, witness
and word.
The Professional
Campus Minister
The Professional Campus Minister
- Forms the faith community so that it can be a
genuine sign and instrument of the kingdom.
- Identifies, calls forth, and coordinates the
diverse gifts of the Spirit possessed by all the
members of the faith community.
The Professional Campus Minister
- Educates all the baptized to appreciate their
own calls to service
- Creates a climate where initiative is
encouraged and contributions are appreciated.”
(Empowered by the Spirit, 23)
Roles & Functions of
Campus Minister
Roles and Functions of Campus Ministers
A. Liturgical Animation
B. Spiritual Leadership, Guidance and
Direction (Retreat and Recollection)
C. Youth and Adult Ministry
D. Building Faith-communities
Liturgical Animation
Liturgical Animation
- Liturgy is the core activity of the church,
and so therefore, of a Catholic School
- Through liturgy, we grow in deeper
relationship with God and neighbor
- This is the life of the ministry
Liturgical Animation
- The purpose of the Eucharistic liturgy, as well
as all Sacraments, is to make us holy, to build
up the Body of Christ and to worship God.
(Sacrosanctum Concilium, 59)
- Planning, directing, leading liturgy and
- Preparing spaces of prayer
Liturgical Animation
- Celebration of Sacraments
- Formation of Liturgical Ministers as
partners in the ministry and
- Formation of the faithful to fully
appreciate and participate in the liturgy
Spiritual Leadership,
Guidance and Direction
Spiritual Leadership, Guidance and Direction
- Retreats and recollection
- Spiritual Direction
- Formative Counseling
- Mentoring and accompaniment
Spiritual Leadership, Guidance and Direction
- Finding one’s gifts and talents
- Powerful in transforming the person.
- Provides an ideal community of faith wherein
the Divine that rules over our lives is named
and worshipped.
Spiritual Leadership, Guidance and Direction
- The life in the Spirit is nourished and
- Leads participants into the mysteries of their
lives and create a safe place to open-up and
- Manifests God’s love and care for each of us
Adult and Youth
Adult Ministry
Personal Programs:
- Prayer
- Involvement in the community life and Church’s
- Effort to root one self to God’s Word and the Tradition
and teachings of the church
- Participation in works of justice and peace and service
to the poor
Adult Ministry
Schools, through Campus Ministry, can provide:
- Moments of common prayer, reflection and liturgies
- Immersion and Outreach activities
- Pilgrimages
- Retreats
- Accompaniment
- Learning the charism of the founding congregations
Youth Ministry
Goals of Youth Ministry (Kalakbay, 2004)
- To establish and strengthen the youth’s
relationship with Christ
- To provide opportunities for personal growth
- To encourage community involvement
Build Faith Communities
Build Faith Communities
Community is not a by-product of Catholic
schools but at its core. As Catholics, the
mystery of the Trinity defines our
understanding of life-giving and lifesupportive community relationships.
Build Faith Communities
Because our triune God creates, redeems and
sanctifies, we place learning, service, prayer,
leadership, decision-making, resource
development, communication and social
engagement in the context of community.
Build Faith Communities
Knowingly or unknowingly, our schools are
rooted in the reality that we are at heart
(Taymans 2006, p. vi)
Build Faith Communities
How is community formed?
Formation requires leadership,
organizational support, structure and
Build Faith Communities
It also requires presence, care and
compassion. Campus ministers, chaplains,
and campus ministry teams help realize this
ideal through a balance of programs and
pastoral care.
Build Faith Communities
The campus ministers help foster “a
pleasant and family atmosphere” that is
the mark of Catholic schools.
(Sureau, 2012)
NCDP 7 Integrations with
Emphasis on Program and
Structural Integrations
Integration is a philosophy of teaching in
which content is drawn from several
subject areas to focus on a particular topic
or theme.
Curriculum Integration
Curriculum Integration can be vertical and
horizontal. Vertical integration refers to
arrangement of curriculum in such a way that
relationships among topics in a given field of
study across grade/year level are
Curriculum Integration
…to avoid unnecessary repetition and gaps
in knowledge. Horizontal integration is
concerned with scope or boundaries or
coverage of the curriculum in terms of
breadth of depth.
Curriculum Integration
Arrangement of topics based on relatedness
of topics, themes or skills in 2 or more
subjects, grade/year/semester.
1. Christian Message with Daily Life
Life Integration
Closing the Gap between doctrine and life
2. Of the three Dimensions of Faith:
Doctrine, Morals & Worship
Structural Integration
- Creed/Commandments/ Sacraments
- Focus on One dimension; developed by
relating to other two
3. Within each Dimension
Dimension Integration
A. Integration of Doctrines
B. Integration of Morality
C. Integration of Worship
4. Of Basic Sources: Scripture, Church
Teaching & Human Experience
Source Integration
Forming a natural unity
5. In Catechetical Programs
Program Integration
A. Content Integration: inform, form &
B. Integration in methodology
C. Practical relations with other subjects
6. Within the believer
Subject Integration
A. Balancing doctrine, morals and worship
B. Using imagination; value education
C. Process of interiorizing Christian values
7. Environmental/Contextual Integration
Contextual Integration
A. Rooted in concrete socio religious &
cultural context
B. Christian Stewardship
C. Involvement in the local church
To help create the experience of God
is the chief goal of the celebrating
community in liturgical action. It is a huge
challenge for the campus minister to plan,
celebrate and evaluate all liturgical action
in the school campus.
1. We must gain accurate and adequate theology of
liturgical action. Sacraments are not things. They
are actions of Jesus and His people.
2. We must gain a clear and accurate and adequate
theology of the sacramental action. We must depart
from notions of those who give the sacraments
versus those who receive. All give, all receive, all
3. As celebration, liturgy is subject to the universal
and inexorable laws of human communication. All
who celebrate must make clear strong and
compelling signs. Because good signs make good
celebrations. Bad signs make lousy celebrations.
4. Hospitality is the dynamism of the liturgical action.
We need to bring alive a sense of being part of the
church. Hospitality speaks of connectivity and
authenticity of persons in a community.
Vatican II. Sacrosanctum Concilium, 1964.
 John Paul II. Dies Domini, 1998.
 Ibid. Ecclesia de Eucharistia, 2003.
 Ibid. Vicesimus Quintus Annus. 1988.
 Benedict XVI. Sacramentum Caritatis,
 CBCP. Landas ng Pagpapakabanal. 2000.
 Balquiedra, Luis. Eukaristiya (Pagsasangayon ng Bagong
Tipan sa Dugo ni Kristo) 1993.