HOW TO REGISTER FOR GED (General Education Development) and Basic Workplace (Skill Enhancement) Courses 1. REVIEW INFORMATION BASIC SKILLS/GED Review the entire presentation (Instructions for filling out Financial Aide (FAFSA) and TPEG are at the end). Review course eligibility for enrollment requirements for Basic Workplace or GED courses. Review course schedule for course availability (dates, times, location, tuition, etc.) Identify the course that best fits your schedule and career goals 2. CHECK LIST BEFORE YOU REGISTER, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE COMPLETED (CHECKED-OFF) ALL OF THE FOLLOWING FAFSA application completed. Required to determine Financial Aid eligibility for Basic Skills Courses only. Photo ID (Drivers License, Texas I.D.) Payment due in full at time of registration - (cash, check, money order or credit card) TABE assessment completed- (obtain referral form from Continuing Education Registration Team) – TABE test is not available in Spanish. Test scores must meet the following requirements to be eligible for registration. GED Refresher and GED Math Advanced must score on 9th – 12th grade level GED Core Basics must score on 6th - 8th grade level • Review your Scores with the CE/West Campus Advisor or GED Coordinator before registering. Register in Person (See slide number 7) Register by Telephone (See slide number 7) 3. 1ST DAY OF CLASS BE PREPARED Copy of your fee receipt. ID Badge – Bring your fee receipt to the Office of Student Life Downtown Campus - Room B270 (2nd Floor) Bill J. Priest – Room 213 (2nd Floor) West Campus – Student Service Desk (1st Floor Lobby) GED Course Book (Kaplan GED Big Book 2014– (ISBN 9781607145905.) GED Course Book in Spanish will be announced in class. Must be purchased from the El Centro College Bookstore prior to class 2014 GED Calculator - TI-30XS FAFSA – Financial Aide Directions This application must be completed online at Create a FAFSA Pin Number – You will need the following items to apply (if applicable): 2013 Income Tax Returns and W2 Form or IRS Income Tax Transcript 2013 Non-Filers Letter from IRS if you didn’t file Income Tax 2013 Dallas Housing Authority Award Letter 2013 Social Security Yearly Statement 2013 Food Stamp Award Letter 2013 Child Support Award Letter 2013 TANF Award Letter A valid photo identification card A valid e-mail address A valid e-Connect account El Centro College School Code: 004453 (TPEG) APPLICATION TEXAS PUBLIC EDUCATION GRANTS DIRECTIONS ONCE FAFSA IS COMPLETED ONLINE: Submit a Texas Public Education Grants (TPEG) application to the financial aid advisor at the Bill J. Priest Institute or CE Advisor or GED Coordinator to determine your eligibility Check your email and e-Connect account periodically for your award notice or denial status If approved, accept your TPEG – Financial Aid Award Letter via eConnect Bring your award letter to the Continuing Education Office or the GED Coordinator to register for the course Show up for 1st Day of Class THANK YOU FOR VIEWING THIS ENTIRE PRESENTATION If you have questions regarding the presentation, please contact the following: CE Registration: 214 860-2226 CE Academic Advisor: 214 860 2262 In Person: Downtown Campus – Room A260 (2nd Floor) Bill J. Priest Institute – Room 1113 (1st Floor) West Campus – Advising (1st Floor) GED Coordinator: 214 860-5740