All CCCs must offer associate degrees for transfer (to CSU) Degrees include o 60 sem./90 qtr. CSU-transferable units o Completion of IGETC or CSU GEBreadth o Minimum 18 sem./27 qtr. units in major Transfer Model Curricula (TMC) o No additional local requirements allowed Academic Senates (CCC and CSU) CSU and CCC Chancellor’s Offices C-ID Curriculum chairs Articulation officers Transfer Center Directors Discipline faculty Counselors Administrators C-ID = Course Identification Numbering System Administered by the Academic Senate for CCC Facilitates the identification of comparable courses (“common course numbering”) & increases articulation across all systems of higher education Provides the infrastructure for TMCs & course substitution. Replaces the old “CAN” system. We articulate to course descriptors, not course to course ( a different way to articulate). AOs send all your courses in new degrees to When a college has a C-ID approved course, then they have agreed to accept all others with the same C-ID number. Streamline student transition from CCC to CSU Earn AA-T or AS-T for completion of CSU GE-Breadth or IGETC and 18 units in major in the TMC-aligned degree No other local CCC graduation requirements. Enhanced CSU admission opportunities Guaranteed priority admission with junior status to a CSU campus with “similar” major After transfer to CSU, guaranteed degree completion within 60 semester units at the CSU Lower cost to students and taxpayers Access to out of area CSUs GPA bump for impacted majors and/or campuses (Note: student may need to be more competitive) New degrees are called Associate in Arts or Science in <major> for Transfer: AA-T or AS-T Degrees include o 60 sem./90 qtr. CSU-transferable units o Completion of IGETC or CSU GE-Breadth o Minimum 18 sem./27 qtr. units in major o No additional local requirements allowed Chancellor’s Office says that based on curriculum offered at your college in alignment with the TMC, CCCs will need to offer many more degrees Details forthcoming from ASCCC and Chancellor’s Office Memo: Dated 5/22/12 (copy in your packet) AA-T/AS-T Major Preparation CSUGE or IGETC AI, Golden 4, Electives * 60 units = CSU Major coursework( similar) 60 units YOUR BACHELOR’S DEGREE CSU General Education (upper division) Degree MVC NC RCC Communication Studies X X X Sociology X X X Early Childhood Education x X X Theater Arts X Administration of Justice X English X Totals: 3 3 6 1. Faculty discipline groups: • identify common lower division major preparation (TMC) • define content for courses (C-ID course descriptors) Submit local courses for C-ID # (Articulation officers) 2. Discipline groups are intersegmental (CSU and CCC) • some UC involvement, too 3. Draft TMCs are vetted statewide ( & faculty determined. 4. Drafts of Course descriptors (C-ID) vetted statewide 5. CCCs develop TMC- aligned degrees (AA-T/AS-T) and submit them to the CCCCO for approval. Each CSU determines if the TMC is similar Official repository for “similar” majors: “Similar” means a transfer student arrives with the TMC coursework and lower-division GE ,and the CSU campus can deliver the baccalaureate degree in 60 units. (60 + 60) Some options/ concentrations within majors may not be considered similar. Upper-division GE must be part of the 60 units. Any missing lower-division major preparation or American Institutions requirements may be included in the CSU 60 units Administration of Justice Kinesiology Art History Mathematics Business Administration Music Communication Studies Psychology Early Childhood Education Physics Elementary Education Political Science English Sociology Geology Studio Arts Geography Theater History And: MORE are coming! Journalism (Anthropology, Spanish. Geography) CSU Admission Student Impact Students without an AA-T or AS-T may not be admitted Website announcement - Monday, October 08, 2012 Example 1: CSU Enrollment for 2013 -2014 Spring 2014 Term- Eight CSU campuses will take applications only for community college transfer students who complete the Associate Degree for Transfer, which was made possible through recent legislation (Senate Bill 1440). Student Impact Example 2: CSU Enrollment for 2012 -2013 Website Announcement - Wednesday, August 29, 2012 Spring 2013 Term: Ten CSU campuses will accept applications only for community college transfer students who complete the Associate Degree for Transfer, which was made possible through Senate Bill 1440. The 10 campuses include Channel Islands, Chico, East Bay, Fullerton, Humboldt, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Bernardino, San Francisco, and Sonoma. UC System Is now onboard. . .The UC system is recognizing the AA-T and AS-T as a viable transfer pathway. However, no guarantee! Info on upcoming TMC’s are on the C-ID website More TMCs and local AA-T/AS-T degrees are being developed. Let us know if you are interested in participating in the development of a TMC pattern. Jeanne Howard, Counselor /Articulation Officer/Counselor Trainer (951) 571- 6326 Maria del Rocio Pacheco, Counselor/District Counselor Trainer (951) 571- 6180