AN ADVENTIST THEOLOGY OF OFFERINGS Erika F Puni, PhD Stewardship Ministries Director General Conference “Stewardship is ALL of me in response to ALL of God” NARROW VIEW BROAD VIEW Tithes & Offerings Lordship of Christ Church Member God as God Behavior Values Pocket and Wallet Heart Program Lifestyle Jesus Is Lord Of All Worship Leadership Relationships Possessions Finances Language God, Offerings And Giving 1.Giving is central to God’s nature 2.God gave first in everything 3.God gave the best in Jesus Christ 4.God’s giving saves us from the death 5.God expects and will accept the best from His people 6.Freewill offerings are an expression of the giving of one’s self first to God The Nature of Offerings 1.Offerings are tangible expressions of a heart commitment to God 2.What is given is something of value and meaning – it has a cost to the giver 3.There is a benefit or blessing associated with the giving of offerings 4.Offerings is a means of thanksgiving and praise to God 5.Worship and joy are common denominators in the giving of offerings Jesus and Offerings 1.Jesus received and accepted gifts of worship and thanksgiving 2.For Jesus, giving to God must be consistent with our love for others 3.In giving, the motive and condition of the heart matters 4.Giving is both personal and communal 5.Worship includes giving in support of Christian ministry and the poor Acceptable Giving 1. Giving of our total self to God 2. Giving that recognizes that God is first 3. Expression of faith and total trust in God 4. Response of love to God’s saving grace 5. Voluntary act from a grateful heart 6. Reflection of commitment to the mission and ministry of God through the church 7. Outflow of a right relationship with God and my neighbor 8. Giving is spontaneous, systematic and sacrificial Expressions of Financial Stewardship TITHE OFFERINGS Belongs to God Belongs to God It is holy It is holy God specifies it Believer sets it Act of worship Act of worship Spiritual response Spiritual response Express loyalty Express gratitude Giving Paradigm OLD NEW Financial Matter Spiritual Act Focus on Self Focus on God Work oriented Grace oriented Emphasize obligation Emphasize lordship Maintenance driven Mission driven Members are Donors Members are Stewards DONORS or STEWARDS DONORS STEWARDS It’s About Me It’s About God It’s My Money It’s God’s Gifts It’s My Project It’s God’s Work I’m In Control God’s In Control Giving Is In-frequent Giving Is A Lifestyle The Amount Matters The Heart Matters Seventh-day Adventist Practice Tithe 10% or 1/10th Freewill Offerings + More than Tithe = Equal to Tithe - Less than Tithe Charity and Project Giving + More than Tithe = Equal to Tithe - Less than Tithe Freewill Giving 1.Is giving that recognizes God’s blessings that comes freely through His grace in Jesus Christ (Deut 16:17) 2.Is giving that goes out of a heart full of gratitude and joy because of the love of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 8:12) Freewill giving is NOT about giving nothing; but the choice to give beyond the minimal (tithe). Systematic Giving 1.Is planned giving NOT impulse giving 2.It starts with the return of tithe 3.Follows with giving of offerings 4.Make allowance for project giving 5.Understands global and local needs 6.Is regular giving 7.Always focus on God and mission Tithes and Offerings flow up and down the Church structure GC General Conference DIVISION UNION ??? ??? CONFERENCE LOCAL CHURCH SDA ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE ??? ??? Stewardship Strategy Stewardship Offering Systems Education Pastor Local Church Information and Communication Strategy Our Stewardship Message God made all things and He has sustained them by His power. As Creator God He owns everything including us – the totality of our human life and experience. This God – Jesus Christ - is Savior and King of the universe. As His subjects, we live for Him; and our purpose in life is to honor Him by surrendering our hearts and everything that we are and have to His control. As stewards of His kingdom, we’re also partners with Him in His mission in the world to make disciples of all peoples. Department Contact Penny Brink Assistant Director Email: Mario Nino Associate Director Email: Erika Puni Director Email: Website: