
Youth Leadership
Rebuilding the Future
Since the earthquake and tsunami of March 2011,
the unemployment rate in the Tohoku region has skyrocketed.
The main industries of the region - fishing and agriculture have been devastated. The youth of Tohoku needs to
re-imagine their futures from scratch.
The Idea – Investing in the Future
Providing training in entrepreneurism, innovation and life skills to
youth from Tohoku.
The youth returns to their communities with practical vocational
and leadership skills. Using these new skills as a mobilizing force
within fragile and distressed communities.
Our Vision
IsraAID is always searching for additional partners who will be able
to accommodate Tohoku communities' need for professional
education and training.
We believe that major businesses in Japan can use IsraAID's local
knowledge and deep relationships with the communities in order to
convey their specific know-how while enhancing their reach and
contributing to the rebuilding efforts.
A successful entrepreneurship, leadership and vocational training
requires experts in these fields. We invite companies to provide
added value to our program by sharing their knowledge, expertise,
and core competencies and helping us in creating “shared value”
for their business and the people of Japan.
By cooperating with IsraAID’s youth leadership programs,
businesses can demonstrate their commitment to the communities
they operate in, and participate in creating a future vision, based on
their organization's values.
IsraAID & Hilton - Partnership Model
On August 2012, a group of ten high schools students from different
areas in Tohoku participated in 6 days of intensive training during
which they received both skills and job training by Hilton staff, as
well as group building activities, creative thinking, innovation and
leadership training by IsraAID.
Practical skills & training
The Hilton, among of the most
prestigious hotels chain in the world
and one of the biggest hotels in Tokyo,
is uniquely poised to give valuable hands-on
experience to youth in the hospitality and
service industry.
Leadership, Activism and Entrepreneurship
IsraAID brings international experts with
20 years of experience in development of
youth leadership training – combining
entrepreneurship and activism –
in many countries around the
Skills and Leadership - Program Content
IsraAID’s training program include:
Hilton offered training in 4departments:
Creative thinking
 Kitchen
Social awareness
Food & Beverage
The value of volunteerism in the community
House keeping
Group building activities
The power of a group to create social change
 Meeting Japanese role models, who have
Each of the students was positioned
guided change in their communities
Building self-confidence: presentation skills, in one of the departments, and was
accompanied by Employee Mentor
and body language.
who provided personal training and
oversaw the student’s progress.
 One group has the power to create
significant social change.
 Each participant will learn to foster a
culture of volunteerism.
 Each group will plan and implement
small community project / events using
what they have learned in the sessions,
and under IsraAID’s guidance.
Provide tools to empower communities
Examples for community projects:
Build community archives in libraries to preserve local culture
Organize cultural events and awareness campaigns
Launch national and international youth exchange programs
Create framework for children with special needs
Create micro-finance initiatives
To establish a sustainable program that will become self-sufficient and
focus on capacity building in each individual community.
Why us?
IsraAID brings years of experience in designing entrepreneurship and
innovation educational programs worldwide.
IsraAID has already executed projects based on youth leadership and
activism in Japan.
IsraAID has established sustainable connections with local
institutions, organizations and communities in the Tohoku region:
 With the departments of education in target prefectures
 With individual community leaders
IsraAID fostered the trust of the population
IsraAID’s projects in Japan have been extensively covered in the
local, national and international media.
Strengthening relationships between the company and the local
community in the affected regions.
Exposure of the company’s social involvement through positive coverage
in the media.
Hilton & IsraAID
Youth Skills & Leadership
Summer 2012