CHAPTER TEN The Journey Leads to the Time of Jesus and Beyond Introduction After the Babylonians, the Jews lived in Palestine under a succession of rulers: Persian Empire Seleucids Roman Empire Alexander the Great Ptolmies Foreign Rule - Although there were dangers with being a minority people, if the people remained faithful to God, survival was possible 1.) Nationalistic perspective: Wanted to throw off foreign rule 2.) Nonviolent resistance Foreign Rule Daniel 1-6: - Cooperation with civil authorities combined with faithful prayer and obedience to God’s law will protect the Jews and allow them to survive even under foreign rule Foreign Rule Tobit: - Emphasizes benefits of traditional forms of Jewish piety - Message is that God will never abandon his people as long as they remain faithful to him Foreign Rule Esther: - Says it is better for the Jews to negotiate with foreign kings and function under foreign rule than oppose them with military force Judith: - Actively stands up for her faith on behalf of God’s people - Proactive response Jewish History Jewish History - Persian period lasted over 200 years - Ezra and Nehemiah (most significant sources) tell little about the general living conditions - Official Persian religion was Zoroastrianism Jewish History The Beginning of Hellenization: - Alexander the Great introduced Greek ideals,language, learning, and customs - Koine became the official language of the Near East • The Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Scriptures and the entire NT were written in Greek The Persian Empire Jewish History Ptolemies: - Known for retaining strong, centralized economic control of territories - Laid heavy tax on occupied people - Jews divided into factions over the issue of Greek influence Jewish History Seleucid Rule: - Roman Empire became a forbidding presence in religion - Internal turmoil among Jewish community -Lack of observing traditional Jewish practices Jewish History Antiochus IV: - Believed the Jews were the cause of many of his problems - Forbid study of the Law, observance of the Sabbath, circumcision, and sacrifice -Reiteration of Hellenization Best Course for Jews Best Course for Jews - Cooperation with Foreign Rule • Adopting conqueror’s values, lifestyle, and religious views • Choice of Modernists (Hellenists) • No literature represents the position of total compromise Best Course for Jews - Political and Military Resistance • Adopted by Maccabean revolt and Hasmonean rulers • Militant belief in the coming of a messiah was connected to the desire to recover Jewish independence as a nation Best Course for Jews - Spiritual Resistance • Maintain strong religious commitment despite political challenges • Jews preferred death over defilement in the hope God would witness their suffering and rescue them What happened? What happened? - Rabbis rework Temple rituals - Jews spread to other regions - Synagogues were constructed as: 1. House of Prayer 2. House of Study 3. House of Assembly - State of Israel established in 1948 Vocabulary - Dead Sea Scrolls - Zoroastrianism -Sadduc - Hasidim - Koine -Synagogue - Pharisees - Septuagint -Rabbi - Essenes - Ptolemies -Zealots -Hasmonean - Dynasty