Riasec Presentation - Moanalua Middle School

August 8 & 9
Welcome Assignment
• Take out Planner and write assignments
• Riasec Essay
• Due August 9 for Period 1
• Due August 10 for Periods 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
• Science Investigation Pre-Lab Write Up
• Due August 9 for Period 1
• Due August 10 for Periods 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Career Planning Model
Learn about interests,
abilities, values, and
personality to find your
mission in life and
identify career and
academic possibilities
Assessing your
effectiveness in reaching
your goals, making
changes to achieve a
balance between work,
leisure, and education
Gathering information
about occupational
fields, and academic
areas of study to make
informed decisions
Taking action to achieve
your career objective;
e.g. conducting job
search, selecting an
academic path, applying
to graduate or
professional school
Trying out a career
idea to learn if it fits
with what you know
about yourself (I.e.,
does it support your
personal mission?)
Focusing &
Goal Setting
Establishing long
and short-term
goals that are
consistent with
your personal
Riasec Inventory
• Note* This is just one tool used to determine
possible interest areas. The descriptors may be
applicable to you and they may not be applicable to
you. Tools like these are only used to identify
possible interests for that point in time and do not
reflect all your possibilities. In the end my message
to you is to chase after your dreams, work hard to
meet the goals you set for yourself, try to go beyond
even what you can imagine for yourself, and seek
out people who will help you get there :0)
• Prefer to work with things rather than with
• Practical and conservative, prefer to work
with their hands.
• Enjoy fixing things and working outdoors.
• Athletics and risk taking.
• Value accomplishments and common
• Have mechanical abilities.
“Problem Solvers”
• Will question everything
• Excellent people to talk to, they like to argue
• Are task-oriented and prefer to work alone.
• Enjoy solving abstract problems, like to
explore and understand things or events.
• Value knowledge, learning, achievement,
and independence.
• Usually have math and science abilities.
ARTISTIC (A) “Creators”
• Sensitive, intense in their feelings
• Like to work in artistic settings that offer
opportunities for self-expression.
• Convey thoughts and feelings in words, movement,
song, or color.
• Use their imagination.
• Can work even in a messy area
• Prefer non-structure
• Value self-expression and beauty.
• Have artistic skills, enjoy creating original work.
SOCIAL (S) “Helpers”
• Sociable, responsible, and concerned with the
welfare of others.
• Prefer to help and support individuals in need.
• Enjoy interaction and being around others.
• Value fairness and understanding.
• Very spiritual people
• Connect with people they don’t even know
• Enjoy leading, speaking, and selling.
• Prefer to be in charge and be managers.
• Enjoy the achievement of power and status.
• Value financial and social success, loyalty,
and responsibility.
• Have leadership and public speaking
• Prefer highly ordered activities, both verbal and
numerical, that characterized office work.
• Enjoy having well defined tasks.
• Like to organize data or objects.
• Perform tasks that required attention to detail and
• Value detail and thriftiness.
• Have clerical and math abilities.
A Preliminary RIASEC Code
• Take your top three RIASEC letters (those with the highest
• List them in order, from greatest to least interest.
• If theme letters are tied, try to pick the one that’s strongest, or
you can indicate a tie like so: I/SA (if“S and“I” were tied)
• You will need to play with all possible combinations of your
Key Points about the RIASEC Model
• Take a look at your code. How does it support or not
support your choice of a major/career?
• If you say it does not support your choices, what do you
see yourself doing instead?
• It’s not a crystal ball, simply a source of information that can
be used in career decision-making.
• Within the resulting RIASEC areas, what careers might
interest you the most? And why?
• The code represents your pattern of interests NOW. Because
interests may change as you experience new things, your
RIASEC code may also change over time.
• Out of the Riasec choices not selected as the highest
scoring for you, which one would you like to have more
experiences in, to broaden your horizons? And why?