The Heroic Cycle

The Heroic Cycle
The Steps a Hero Undergoes
Throughout His or Her Adventure
The Cycle
1) The Birth
2) The Call
18) Freedom to Live
3) Refusal of the Call
17) Master of the Two
4) Supernatural Aid
5) Crossing the First
6) Belly of the Whale
7) Road of Trials
16) Crossing the Return
15) Rescue from Without
14) The Magic Flight
13) Refusal to Return
8) Meeting with the
12) The Ultimate Boon
9) Woman as the Temptress
11) Apotheosis
10) Atonement with the Father
The Birth
Fabulous circumstances surrounding conception, birth,
and childhood establish the hero's pedigree and often
constitute their own mono-myth cycle (how his/her life
is going to take shape).
The Call
The hero is called to adventure by some external event
or messenger. The hero may accept the call willingly or
This call refers to an invitation to do something, go
somewhere, or become something.
Of course, it’s not REALLY a Phone Call! …
Peter Parker’s calling to
become Spiderman began
on the day he was bitten…
Refusal of the Call
At first the hero may refuse the call to adventure. He
or she may refuse out of FEAR, INSECURITY, or
OBLIGATION (doesn’t want to leave his home or
However, once he or she gets over this refusal, the
adventure is set to begin.
Supernatural Aid
During the early stages of the journey, the hero will
often receive aid from a protective figure.
This supernatural helper can take a wide variety of
forms, such as a wizard, and old man, a dwarf, a crone,
or a fairy godmother.
The helper commonly gives the hero a protective
amulet or weapon for the journey.
Crossing the First Threshold
This is the point where hero crosses the first
field of adventure, leaving his/her known world
behind, entering an unknown realm.
The important feature is the contrast between
the familiar world of light and the dark,
unknown world of adventure.
Belly of the Whale
This experience may seem like a low point (unknown,
dark, frightening).
However, it actually symbolizes the final break with the
old world and self and the potential for a new world
and self.
Road of Trials
A series of tests or tasks that a hero must undergo to
begin the change from old self to new.
These tests or tasks often occur in threes.
Meeting with the Goddess
The point in the adventure when the hero experiences a
love that has the power and significance of a mother’s
love. This is a sacred, unconditional love.
For Peter Parker, Aunt May is his
‘Goddess.’ She guides him when he
feels lost and she listens to him
when he needs to talk things
Woman as the Temptress
Here, ‘woman’ is a metaphor for the physical material
temptations in life.
Something will happen to the hero to cause him to stray
from his/her quest.
MJ has always been Peter Parker’s
# 1 desire, his dream. In SpiderMan 2, he actually strays from his
heroic role in order to focus on his
love life… of course this
“temptress” is NOT always a
woman (could be money, power…)
Atonement with the Father
This is the center of the journey. Everything before
lead to it, everything that follows stems from it.
The hero confronts the thing/person that has incredible
power. Sometimes this is a father figure, but not
The hero is transformed, sometimes literally
killed…then takes another form.
This may be the hero actually becoming a god or godlike.
Apotheosis may also be just a period of rest and peace
before the hero begins the return.
Hero may become god-like…
The Ultimate Boon
The achievement of the quest.
What the hero went on the journey to get.
Goal Accomplished!
Refusal to Return
When all has been achieved, the gods have been met,
and the hero has traveled to a great place…
The Magic Flight
If the boon is something precious to the gods or is
carefully guarded, the hero may have to dangerously or
adventurous escape with it.
Going into “danger” in
order to leave the dark
world behind
Rescue from Without
Just as the hero needed supernatural aid while
departing, he/she may need some guidance or
rescuing to get back to everyday life.
Crossing the Return
The hero must discover how to hold on to the wisdom
he has gained from his journey, use it in everyday life,
and perhaps teach it to others.
Must unlock and make use of the gained
Master of the Two Worlds
In myth, this may be shown through a god-like
character who has power in the human world, and at
Olympus (like Hermes).
For a human character like Jason or Theseus, it may be
shown in their balance of the material and spiritual.
They appear comfortable and confident.
Freedom to Live
Freedom to live, in myth, means not fearing death.
A hero will show this fearlessness by living in the
moment, and not caring for the future nor regretting
the past.