Japan: Cultural Diffusion, Shintoism, & Tokugawa Shogunate

-Cultural Diffusion-ShintoismEQs:
1. How did Japan experience cultural
2. What are some beliefs found in Shintoism?
3. How did the Tokugawa Shogunate impact
Map of Diffusion
• Japanese culture
– original traditions
– ideas borrowed from
Korea and China
Japan & Korea
• These cultures meet due to warfare and
• Korea acts as a bridge between Japan
and China
• Korea introduces
– Chinese writing system (c.500CE)
– Buddhism
Japan & China
• C. 600CE = Japan sends nobles to
study Chinese culture
– During China’s Tang Dynasty, Japan
imports ideas directly from China
• 700-1100CE = Japan blends the best
Chinese ideas with their own traditions
– This creates Japan’s specific culture
Japanese Language
• C. 800CE = Japan
adapts Chinese
Chinese symbol for “life”
• Japan has their own
Japanese symbol for “life”
The Tokugawa Shogunate
• In 1603, the Tokugawa
shogunate was founded
• This shogunate stabilized
Japan by bringing the
fighting daimyo under
• The Tokugawa ran a
centralized feudal
• Japan’s economy
prospered due to having
a stabilized society
• New seeds & farming
techniques allow farmers
to produce more food
• Population grows
• Trade increases
– By 1638, the Tokugawa
only allowed internal trade
(among the Japanese
• Advances in culture
Tea ceremony
Landscape gardening
Kabuki theater
Customs & Art: China’s Influence
• Tea drinking, tea
ceremonies (Zen
• Music, dancing, Kabuki
• Rock garden design &
• Architecture
– Pagoda style
– Buddhist monasteries
Belief Systems in Japan
• As Japanese civilization developed,
various religions were practiced
– Shintoism
– Buddhism
– Zen Buddhism
– Confucianism
The Garan, the central temple
complex in the town of Koyasan
• Japan’s traditional religion
• Shinto = “the way”, or “the way of the gods”
• To practice Shinto, one must worship the “kami”
– Kami = spirits found in all living and nonliving things
– Kami control the forces the nature
• Attempt to win the favor of the kami through
praying, offerings, and visiting shrines
“Tsumairi” style shrine
Effects of Shintoism
• Followers help unite
all of Japan
• Strong respect for the
natural world in Japan
• Shrines built in places
of natural beauty &
they appear
throughout Japan
Torii Gate: The Torii gate, as seen above,
is the entrance to a Shinto shrine; the
gate may be on land or water
Beliefs from China to Japan
• Zen Buddhism
develops in China
and spreads
throughout Japan
• Confucian ideals of
proper behavior and
social order are
popular in Japan
• Zen Buddhists value
peace, simple living,
nature, and beauty
• Japan likes the ideas
of family loyalty,
honoring parents, and
the respect for
Exit Ticket
On 1/2 sheet of paper, answer the
following questions in complete
1) How did Japan experience cultural
diffusion? Describe two examples.
2) What is a major belief found in Shintoism?
3) How did the Tokugawa shogunate influence