The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Henry Jekyll’s Full Statement of the Case Summary Notes Jekyll begins with constant references to the mask that all men wear. J refers to the duality in all men. J desires to split the dual personalities. J fails to see the hypocrisy in himself and his work. J put aside personal danger as he was gripped by the same greed for knowledge as Lanyon. J took delight in the freedom that Hyde offered him – the freedom from moral obligations and a conscience. Summary Notes Hyde’s stature is linked back to the theory of under- evolution – Jekyll believes as it was the smaller part of his personality it had not the opportunity to grow. The repulsion of Hyde stems from his lack of good – he is the only single in a world of duality. H was an outlet for J’s sinful side – he sated J’s temptations. Acts which in the hands of normal man were “undignified” were escalated to “monstrous” in the hands of H. H allowed J to live vicariously with no repercussions. Summary Notes The mask motif reappears as H is the mask that J could put on the sin in safety. We again see the irony that J thinks he is in control. H is a concerned only with himself, he is a “ man of stone” – self preservation and no heart or soul. H gains in strength around the time of the murder of Sir Danvers. J losing control of H transformation. H gaining more strength with more regular appearances. Summary Notes Jekyll begins the debate of his destiny – Hyde or Jekyll. J chooses himself but cannot hold off from temptation. The longer H was caged the more furious his rage when he was unleashed. J gives in to his temptations as H gains more control. H’s first appearance in daytime was when he finally gained control over J. H again linked to animals – the under-evolved. Face of J is now the mask, not that of H. Summary Notes Self preserving nature of H means J had to take his own life to take that of H. Fact that H was the body found shows he is `home base`, not J.