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Richmond Compact Stakeholder
28 April 2014
Cathy Kerr, Director Adult and Community Services on behalf of
the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames
David Sidonio, Chief Executive, Richmond Council for Voluntary
Compact Review – progress so far…
• State of the Sector Report 2013
• Considered by the Richmond Partnership
Executive; commitment given by key partners
• Compact Steering Group of cross sector
representatives has been convened. First meeting
held in March.
• Richmond Compact Stakeholder Workshop
Local Compact Successes
• New partnerships between voluntary organisations
such as the Carers Hub, which enable carers to
access a much more holistic service. This has
resulted in a 25% increase in carers registering for
the service.
• Revision of contract terms and conditions, to make
them shorter, easier to understand, and allow up
front payments to help create a level playing field
between larger and smaller providers
• Focused support and market development of the
voluntary sector to respond to new commissioning
• Voluntary Sector Forum
The Compact – “The Power of
Monika Hofman
Compact Voice
April 2014
What is the Compact?
• Has existed since 1998
• Agreement between government and the
voluntary and community sector
• Sets out 5 key principles that provide a
foundation for better partnership working
• Applies only to England
• It is most useful at the beginning of
relationships: It is not simply something to
use when things go wrong
Compact Voice – who are we?
• Charity representing the
voluntary and community
sector on Compact
• Co-signatories on national
• Membership organisation –
over 3100
• Aim to promote Compact
through training, support and
Compact Principles
• Independence and the right to campaign
• Consulting with charities when developing
• Supporting charities to deliver projects and
• Understanding the impact of changes to
funding and other forms of support
• Protecting and considering disadvantaged
Local Compacts
• 165 local Compacts across England
• 97% of the country have a local Compact
• Many of these will reinterpret the
principles of the national Compact to
reflect local need
• Local Compact Annual Survey: 88% of
respondents think they are important
• Local Compact groups support local
Policy Context I
–Social Value Act
–Public Sector Equality
–Best Value Statutory
Policy Context II
–Localism Act
–Joint Strategic
Needs Assessments
–Payment by Results
Accountability mechanisms
• National Audit Office
• Parliamentary & Health
Service Ombudsman
• Departmental business
• Local Government
• Best Value Statutory
Why are Local Compacts important?
Sector that is
able to engage
Mechanism which enables
them to engage effectively
Public body that
wants to engage
Why Renew your compact?
• Is awareness of your local Compact
• Does it sit on the shelf unused?
• Is it understood and used by one sector
and not another?
• Is the wording out of date?
Local Compact Successes
• The new Sutton Compact was launched in
February 2013.
• There was a wide array of collaborative work
supporting its development.
• The process of discussing and agreeing the new
Compact had a positive effect on clarifying and
enhancing the positive working relationships
across all sectors.
• In addition, a number of joint projects have
developed as a result of the new Compact
• A joint project between London Borough of Sutton
and the voluntary sector to develop a local
framework to measure social value in the local
commissioning process.
Local Compact Successes
The London Fire Brigade (Merton) used Compact
principles to develop a unique scheme that extends
the role of frontline fire brigade staff to become
advisors on smoking cessation and to refer vulnerable
residents into alcohol and drugs support.
Through discussions at the Compact Board, a multiagency partnership approach to reducing home fires
was developed. This led to 120 frontline LFB staff
being trained as Level 1 Smoking Advisors by Public
Health colleagues.
Merton have uniquely used frontline LFB staff to act as
a referral into specialist support services and have
engaged with the voluntary sector to identify those at
highest risk.
For the first time, through this unique partnership, LFB
are playing an important role in the reintegration of
some of Merton’s most vulnerable residents
Any Questions?
More information on our website:
Richmond Renewing a Compact
Breakout Session
Compact a Collaborative
Compact Outcomes
1: A strong, diverse and independent voluntary and
community sector
Right to campaign regardless of financial relationships
The need for resources and support
Data and information more accessible
2: Effective and transparent design and development of
policies, programmes and public services which takes
account of a wide range of views and experiences,
including users of statutory and voluntary sector services
Consider social impact
Work with the VCS from the earliest possible stage
Consultations, feedback and opportunities for engagement
Compact Outcomes
3: Responsive and high-quality programmes and services
that are enabled through appropriate and proportionate
procurement methods, and which achieve best value for
Commissioning and procurement policies
Greater role for the VCS in delivering public services
Social Value
4: Clear arrangements for managing changes to
programmes and services by both sectors.
Decommissioning procedures
Changes in funding arrangement
Reallocation of funding
Compact Outcomes
5: Active partnership working recognising the
synergies it brings to how we work together
6: All programmes and services are underpinned by
principles of equal opportunities and valuing diversity
• Consider under-represented and vulnerable groups
• Equality Impact Assessments
Task One – Agree Outcomes and identify what
stakeholders are already doing to meet the
• Delegates on each table to consider their respective
outcome; should it be phrased differently, and
• Delegates on each table to consider what they
already do to meet their respective outcome(s)?
Task Two – Identify Commitments for a Future
• Delegates on each table to consider how their
respective organisations’ could meet the outcome;
what could their commitment be to achieving that
Task Three - Embedding your local Compact
• How will your organisation make the Compact happen?
• Discuss the mechanism for implementation
• Who signs up to it?
Dispute Resolution
• What will you do if something goes wrong?
• Who can deal with any issues that arise?
• How will you learn from them?
Next Steps
Agree the first draft – participation from all sectors
Consultation – engagement events and outreach
Feedback from this process
A new draft Compact for the Richmond Partnership
Conference on 4 July 2014
• Get key people to sign up
• Finalise in September
• Take it forward