National Council for the Training of Journalists Diploma in Journalism E-portfolio Workshop May 2014 the aims Examine the current syllabus and assessment Discuss what markers should be looking for Demonstrate the e-portfolio system Sample e-portfolio submission and marking exercise Practical Journalism Ethics is assessed integrally in the assessment of the core subject areas and Court Reporting The new Business & Finance unit is now available as a specialist option via distance learning – pilot centres required to deliver this unit the programme of study Suitable for news reporting and magazine journalism and broadcast journalism. Minimum of 150 GLH Writing and creating stories and features on different platforms 10 Pieces of journalism* presented on any platform (*conditions dependant on completion of news, magazine or broadcast portfolio – see page 2 of the POS) content for 2013-14 PA news feature is no longer a compulsory requirement Weighting of marks will be amended as follows: stories/features 90% (18 marks each) ethical considerations 5% (10 marks) range of content 5% (10 marks) 100% e-portfolio demonstration student view tutor view marking moderation confirmation of results submissions example e-portfolio story submissions marks ethical considerations