ppt-file - JOBS MDVI Welcome

”Especially for you”
Tuula Palomäki-Jägerroos
lecturer, vocational special
education teacher, MNSc
Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla unit
For Work and Independent Life Preparatory and
Rehabilitative Training 2
Building and strenhtening social
skills with Picture cards
• target group
• MDVI students
• Employees and staff
members on
promoting social skills
in Work and Activity
Centres and in
Supported Working
• students’ families
• personal instructors in
leisure time
Why has the good practice been
developed, which need it meets
To build up social skills and communication
Why has the good practice been
developed, which need it meets
• Employees and staff members in Work and
Activity Centres and in Supported Working
need material and educational model
– On talking about emotional skills
– On promoting MDVI students to name and
describe their feelings, thoughts and desires
– To give each student a chance to reach his or
hers full potential
– On emphasizing meaningful relationships
Why has the good practice been
developed, which need it meets
• To achieve the goals
of promoting social
– F.ex. communication,
solving problems,
group assignments,
making choises
Why has the good practice been
developed, which need it meets
• In order to develope
the know how of
– To support students
experience of
participating and
belonging to
institutions of
surrounding society
Description of the process
• The developing activity was made possible
by ESR-funding in Mental well-being
project 2009 – 2013
• Healthy College Material and picture cards
are meant for tutors, educational staff and
workpalce tutors to stregthen vocational
knowledge and skills about mental wellbeing as a resource
Description of the process
– Professionals provide both
different social situations and
training of social skills
(encourage to get interested
in age-mates, introduce a
student to the group, to make
friends, social codes)
– Own feelings can be
described by different
weather patterns or
• E.g. sunshine, rain, thunder,
storm, rainbow, traffic jam,
countryside or city
Experiences of the results
• students: better self
esteem, and emotional
well being, can better
identify and name
emotions and feelings,
understand how their
feelings affects, empathy
skills and self regulation
E.g. how to take hold own
anger, and to give and
receive feedback
Experiences of the results
• Professionals (new educational tools to
support students’ self – confidence. Picture
cards help to process different emotions
f.ex. success, frustration, aggression)
• Picture cards help to recognize the
meaning of emotions f.ex. in our perception,
learnig, remembering and interaction,
creating safety atmosphere)
What kind of time consuming,
economical an other resources
does the execution require
Using Picture cards as
educational material
require only positive
attitude. Picture cards
are produced by
Mental well-being
project 2009 – 2013
• Jaana Aalto, team leader, responsible for the group,
lecturer, special education teacher
• Tuula Palomäki-Jägerroos responsible for the group,
lecturer, special education teacher
• Asta Kohtala, instructor, group pedagogue
• Zahid Lotfollahi, instructor in movability and Braille
• - Personal instructors
• Email in the form: firstname.surname@keskuspuisto.fi
• Keskuspuisto Vocational College, Arla unit
• Puustellinmäki 4-6, 02650 Espoo, Finland
• Tel: +358-9-511081 switchboard