A SHA- wide e-learning strategy? - Information for the Management


SWOT and other strategic planning tools for supporting commissioners

David Peacock

Knowledge Services & E-Learning Manager


• What is Strategy?

• PEST / PESTLE. A tool to analyse the organisations external environment.

• SWOT. A tool to determine the organisations resources and competencies.

• Analysing the best fit: Using PESTLE and

SWOT analysis tools to aid strategic decision making.

What is Strategy?

“Strategy is the direction and scope of an organisation over the long term , which achieves advantage in a changing environment through its configuration of resources and competencies with the aim of fulfilling stakeholder expectations .”

- Johnson, Scholes and Whittington.

What do we want to accomplish?

What are your capabilities?



& Weakness

Capabilities & Resources

The Fit

Best course of action

Opportunities & Threats

•Needs of customers & stakeholders

•PEST Forces

•Competitors and allies

What is needed and feasible?


PEST / PESTLE -Analysing the

External environment


• P - Political / Legal

• E - Economic / Financial factors

• S – Socio-cultural factors

• T – Technological

• L – Legal

• E - Environmental

What environmental factors are affecting the organisation?

Which of these are the most important at the present time? Which will be in the next few years?

PEST (Political) -

The main DOH policy initiatives…..

• World class Commissioning/ Practice Based


• Darzi review

• Role of independent contractors/social enterprises

• Partnership links to Local Government /

Social care

• Joint Strategic Needs Assessment

• Integrated Care Pilots

PEST (Economic / financial)-


• Practice based commissioning

• PBR and the “internal market”

• Impact of Independent sector provision

• Local overspends & deficits

• Operating framework from 2010/11

• PFI developments

• Economic conditions –levels of deprivation

PEST (Socio-cultural factors)

• Changes to the main populations demographics: adults, children, young people, disadvantaged groups, ethnic minority groups, older people, people with disabilities, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health problems

• Consumerism & growth of choice

• Development of expert & informed patients

• Involving patients in the commissioning process

• Growing obesity and poor diets

• Lifestyle changes

• Changes to family structure – singletonism

PEST – (Technological)


• ESR and additional functionality

• Multi-purpose mobile devices

• Digital TV

• E-learning and m-learning

• Tele-medicine

• Computer Mediated Communication (CMC)

• Web 2.0 technologies

PEST – (Legal)

• EU procurement law

• Changes to contract law

• Data sharing within the JSNA

• Competition law

• Judicial review

PEST - Environmental

• Housing issues

• Transport issues

• Pollution issues

• Organisations carbon footprint

• Impact of extreme weather


• Strengths

• Weaknesses

• Opportunities

• Threats

Opportunities:- issues to consider

• market developments;

• competitor vulnerabilities;

• political, economic, social and technological trends;

• Unique Selling Points;

• new services; new partnerships;

• and new distribution channels.

Threats:- issues to consider

• political, economic, social and technological trends;

• competitor strengths and intentions;

• new technologies, services, ideas;

• changing customer/client demand;

• sustaining internal capabilities;

• and new obstacles.

Six planning areas

• Service/ product (what are we selling/delivering?)

• Process (How are we delivering/selling it?

• Customer/Client (Who are we delivering

/selling it to?)

• Distribution (How does it reach them?)

• Finance/resources (What are the resources, costs and investments required?)

• Administration (and how do we manage all this?)

Analysing internal strategic capability

• Strategic capability – the resources and competencies of an organisation needed for it to survive and prosper.


Strengths & weaknesses: issues to consider

• Capabilities; resources, assets, people?

• Reputation and presence?

• Experience and knowledge?

• Marketing – reach, distribution, awareness?

• Location and geography?

• Value, impact and quality of service?

• Processes, systems, IT?

• Cultural, attitudinal and behavioural issues?

Analysing the “best fit”

SWOT analysis



How do these strengths take account of these opportunities

How do I overcome these weaknesses to take account of these opportunities

How do I use these strengths to reduce the likelihood of these threats

How do I overcome these weaknesses to ensure these threats do not become a reality

Strength Weakness

SWOT analysis (adapted from


McLaughlin et al).


“Go for It”


“Don’t do it”


“If you have time”


“Watch yourself”


Strength Weakness

Group work

TASK 1: Undertake a PESTLE for your organisation and /or your service

TASK 2: Undertake a SWOT for your organisation and /or your service

• Complete a flip chart for each task

• Identify a spokesperson to feedback
