Plans and Missing Pieces in PrEP Demonstration Projects: US
for HIV+
Young MSM
of color
Population issues
Service delivery issues
Name, Sponsor; funder
Design/key questions
Miami, Florida;
San Francisco,
California; and
Washington, DC
The Demo Project, the San Francisco Department of Public Health
and the Florida Department of Health; funded by the National Institute
of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the NIH
The goals include determining the level of community interest in PrEP, evaluating how well people
adhere to a daily prevention regimen, seeing how long they stay on PrEP and assessing whether sexual
practices change. Aims to enroll 300 HIV-negative MSM and transgender women at City Clinic, while a
sister project in Miami will enroll 200 participants. Whitman Walker Clinic in Washington, DC, will also be
a site, aiming to enroll approximately 100 participants.
San Francisco started
September 2012. Miami
status pending.
Washington, DC aims to
begin enrolling in
February 2013.
East Bay,
Richmond, Berkeley
East Bay Consortium, East Bay AIDS Center at Alta Bates Summit
Medical Center in Oakland and Berkeley, the Center for AIDS
Prevention Studies at UCSF; funded by the California HIV/AIDS
Research Program of the University of California
Plans to enroll 375 high-risk MSM and transgender women who will receive a customized prevention
package that may include PrEP. Of these, about 300 persons will receive daily TDF/FTC-based PrEP,
and will be assessed for safety, feasibility, adherence, risk behavior and HIV seroconversions over a 48week period. The TLC+ strategy plans a social network testing intervention among high-risk MSM, with
linkage to care for newly diagnosed HIV-positive persons.
Los Angeles,
Division of HIV and STD Programs at the Los Angeles
County Department of Public Health, UCLA, the Los Angeles Gay
and Lesbian Center, AIDS Project Los Angeles, and the OASIS Clinic
at Charles Drew University; funded by the California HIV/AIDS
Research Program of the University of California
Plans to enroll 375 high-risk MSM and transgender women who will receive a customized prevention
package that may include PrEP. Of these, about 300 persons will receive daily TDF/FTC-based PrEP,
and will be assessed for safety, feasibility, adherence, risk behavior and HIV seroconversions over a 48week period. The TLC+ strategy plans a social network testing intervention among high-risk MSM, with
linkage to care for newly diagnosed HIV-positive persons.
Long Beach,
Los Angeles
and San Diego,
UC at San Diego, UCSD Antiviral Research Center and Owen Clinic,
the LA County–University of Southern California Rand Schrader
Clinic, the Harbor-UCLA Medical Center, the San Diego County HIV,
STD, and Hepatitis Branch, and the Long Beach Health and Human
Services Agency; funded by the California HIV/AIDS Research
Program of the University of California
Plans to enroll 400 eligible high-risk MSM, who will receive daily TDF/FTC-based PrEP, into a
randomized study that evaluates whether a text messaging–based adherence intervention can improve
adherence to the PrEP medication. The study will follow participants over approximately two years.
TBD (four sites
in the US)
CDC Foundation Demonstration Project, funding pending
Proposed to evaluate real-world PrEP use in MSM and heterosexual women at risk of HIV infection in
health clinic settings, potentially in 1,200 participants.
Start date pending