Adulthood and Old Age

Chapter Review

Which of the following does NOT influence patterns of health and disease in old age?

 A. Health at younger age

 B. Eating habits

 C. Exercise

 D. Physical strength


 D Physical Strength

The goal of hospice care is to

 A. Improve the quality of life

 B. Prolong life.

 C. Avoid the use of drugs

D. Cure the patient’s illness


 A Improve the quality of life.

Brianna is at her physical peak.

She is most likely ___years old.

 A. 12-18

 B. 18-30

 C. 30-38

 D. 38-50


 B 18-30

List the stages of adjusting to dying and death as defined by

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross.


 Denial

 Anger

 Bargaining

 Depression

 acceptance

Alberto believes that his function in life is to help younger generations by passing on his acquired business wisdom. Erik

Erikson would say Alberto is exhibiting

 A. Despair

 B. Stagnation

 C. Generativity

 D. Ego integrity


 C generativity

A possible reaction to the departure from home of a woman’s last child.

Answer: Empty Nest


Study of dying and death.

Answer: Thanatology

Memory loss, forgetfulness, disorientation, altered personality, impaired attention.

Answer: Senile Dementia

Ability to use accumulated knowledge in appropriate situations.

Answer: Crystallized


Ability to generate new hypotheses.

Answer: Fluid Intelligence

The idea that physical and mental decline is inevitable with age.

Answer: Decremental model of aging.

Elderly people have difficulty retrieving information from memory due to

 A. Generativity

 B. A decline in the nervous system

 C. A loss of fluid intelligence

 D. A loss of crystallized intelligence

Answer: B

A decline in the nervous system.

Predujice or discrimination against the olderly is called this.

Answer: Ageism

Daniel Levinson described the period in their life when men look over the life choices they have made as this.

Answer: The Age Thirty


During this stage, women stop ovulating and menstruating and their production of sex hormonoes drops sharply.

Answer: Menopause

Sissy is struggling through the second stage of dying. This can best described as a stage of

 A. Anger

 B. Denial

 C. Acceptance

 D. bargaining

Answer: A Anger

Daniel Levinson’s theory focused on

 A. Adolescent males

 B. Adult males

 C. Elderly females

 D. Middle-aged females

Wrinkles first appear in the skin in

Answer: Middle Age

Williams and Johnson have found that no physiological reason exists for halting this activity.

Answer: Sexual Activity.

People may become shorter and develop loose skin in this stage.

Answer: Old Age.

Which of the following is NOT one of the three most common causes of death in later adulthood?







Alzheimer’s disease

Heart disease

 C; Alzheimers

Depression is most common among which group?



Adolescent boys

Adolescent girls c.


Middle-aged men

Middle-aged women

D; middle-aged women

What did Erik Erikson call a discontinuation of development and desire to recapture the past?


A stage for women in which major psychological and biological changes occur.


Elderly people who experience a loss of control often develop a.


A fear of dying

A negative self-concept c.



Alzheimer’s disease

B; a negative self-concept

Which of the following is NOT a major cause of death among the elderly?




Rheumatoid arthritis c.


Heart disease strokes

B; rheumatoid arthritis

According to Levinson, what is the

BOOM phase?

Between the ages of 36 and 40 a man learns to “make it” in the adult world. Here there is a distinctive BOOM phase,

“ B ecoming O ne’s O wn M an”

Which of the following people helped establish thanatology?



Erik Erikson

Jack Kervorkian c.


Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Lou Gehrig

C; Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Many Americans today have no direct experience with death because a.

People no longer go to funerals in large numbers b.



Extended families insulate us from death

People are afraid of dying

People tend to die in nursing homes and hospitals.

D; people tend to die in nursing homes and hospitals.