(MACK - SP) - Choose the correct alternative:
The theater is expensive, and I don't have much money.
So I ___________go there.
a) often;
b) always;
c) seldom;
d) ever;
e) frequently.
Test 1
(ACAFE - SC) - Check the right alternative to complete
the sentence:
She usually___________ early, but now she ________.
a) wakes up - is still sleeping;
b) wakes up - still sleeps;
c) wake up - is still sleeping;
d) is waking up - is still sleeping;
e) woke up - still sleeps.
Test 2
Underline the correct form of the verb in parentheses:
a) Good kids ( brush – brushes ) their teeth and ( wash – washes ) their hands.
b) Phil ( works - working ) as a waiter at a snack bar in the evening to pay for his
c) Nobody ( play - plays ) cards in my family.
d) The plane from Curitiba to São Paulo ( leaves - are leaving ) at 11 o'clock.
e) Wars ( destroys - destroy ) cities and lives.
f) She ( loving - loves ) and ( miss - misses ) him a lot.
g) Kate often ( is looking - looks ) tired.
h) Doctor Johnson doesn't ( smokes - smoke ) anymore.
i) Don't go out now. It ( rains - is raining ).
j) They (comes - are coming ) to my party tomorrow.
k) Frank ( studies
is studying ) Italian at present.
I) My parents always ( go - are going) to the beach but today they (go - are going )
to their farm.
Test 3
Mark the right alternative:
Jane is an excellent student. At this moment she
__________her lesson, and she surely ___________it.
a) studys - understood;
b) studied - is understanding;
c) is studied - is understanding;
d) has studying - is understands;
e) is studying - understands.
Test 4
(PUC - SP) - Listen! Someone ____________upstairs. I can
hear it distinctly.
a) walks;
b) walk;
c) is walking;
d) are walking;
e) to walk.
Test 5
(UFGO) - Birds often___________ stars.
a) is following;
b) are following;
c) follows;
d) follow;
e) following.
Test 6
(UNEB - BA) - Choose the right alternative.
Everybody ___________is not the end of everything.
a) says death;
b) said dead;
c) say die;
d) is saying die;
e) are saying to die.
Test 7
Choose the grammatically correct sentence.
a) She always do her homework after dinner.
b) Who is knowing the answer?
c) I'm going out with my friends next weekend.
d) I go never to the church on Sundays.
e) He don't goes shopping very often.
Test 8
(IME - RJ) - Choose the right alternative.
"The 9:15 bus to town never ______ here but it______
at this moment because an elderly woman ____ the
a) stops - is stopping - crosses;
b) stop - is stopping - is crossing;
c) are stopping - stops - is crossing;
d) stops - is stopping - is crossing;
e) is stopping - stopped - crossed.
Test 9
(VUNESP - SP) - Mark the right option:
The sun_________rises in the West.
a) always;
b) never;
c) often;
d) sometimes;
e) usually.
Test 1O
Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly:
He_____________ that his lack of success ___________to
depress him.
a) says/is beginning;
b) is say/beginning;
c) say/is beginning;
d) say/begin;
e) says/are beginning.
Test 11
Mark the option that completes the sentence correctly:
The Browns______________ for Europe within 2 weeks or so.
a) leave;
b) to leave;
c) is leaving;
d) are leaving;
e) leaving.
Test 12
(UNESP - SP) - Mark the option that completes the sentences
When children are frequently exposed to violent scenes on TV, they
_________about violence anymore because they ____________
anything wrong in it.
a) care; don't see;
b) don't care; can't see;
c) don't care; didn't see;
d) didn't care; couldn't see;
e) don't care; couldn't see.
Test 13
(PUC - PR) - Choose the alternative that best completes the
dialogue below:
Peter: Where____________Elizabeth work?
Henry: She _____________in a hospital.
Peter: Oh, really? ___________she a doctor?
Henry: Yes, she ____________a doctor for three years.
a) does - have worked - have been - have been;
b) does - works - has - is;
c) did - worked - were - has been;
d) does - works - is - has been;
e) did - worked - was - have been.
Test 14
(PUCCAMP - SP) - Mark the best option:
People ____________both girls are looking forward to the
prize, but none of them __________about getting it.
a) think - care;
b) think - cares;
c) thinks - care;
d) thinks - cares;
e) think - caring.
Test 15
Mark the correct alternative:
Phil ______________to Canada next week.
a) flew;
b) fly;
c) flies;
d) is flying;
e) is going fly.
Test 16
(FATEC - SP) - Asslnale a alternativa que apresenta o uso correto
do presente continuo como em "The British
Army is now installing it in its tanks."
a) The British Army is liking the new program.
b) The British Army is understanding the needs of the population.
c) The British Army is listening to the population.
d) The British Army is preferring the new general.
e) The British Army is possessing many tanks.
Test 17
(PUC - RJ) - In the sentence "Everyone lies", the present tense is being
used to express a fact that will never change in time (historical present). In
which of the alternatives below is the present tense being used to express a
similar idea?
a) It is hot and sunny today.
b) Water freezes at 00 Celsius.
c) My plane leaves at 5 pm tomorrow.
d) My cousin studies Computer Science.
e) Joe is late for work today.
Test 18
(UFSC - SC) - Choose the correct proposition(s) to complete the
following paragraph.
Children _________a long sock at the end of their bed on Christmas
Eve, December 24th,____________ that Santa Claus will come
down the chimney ____________night and bring them small
presents, fruit and nuts. Their expectations are usually
01) hang - looking - before the - disapproved
02) leave - hoping - during the - disappointed
04) hide - thinking - on - motivated
08) put - expecting - at - frustrated
16) place - wishing - in - explained
32) have - feeling - after the - disagreed
Test 19
(UFSC - SC) - Select the correct proposition(s) to complete the gaps.
Many people__________ that doing some ordinary
activities_______taking a shower, going up and down the stairs, cleaning
the house, picking up _______off the floor or washing clothes makes them
lose _______calories.
________ , they are wrong, since these activities don't demand intensity
and they don't exercise our muscles with the ____________frequency to
lose weight.
01) imagine - as well as - parts - much - despite - important
02) think - like - things - a lot of - In fact - necessary
04) forget - before - jobs - little - however - maximum
08) realize - about - points - most - eventually - simple
16) know - unlike - ideas - best - really - fast
32) believe - such as - objects - many - Actually - required
Test 20
(UFSC - SC) - Choose the grammatically correct alternatives to
complete the blanks in the following sentences: Many people
_________coffee. They think coffee_________them stay awake.
01) like - makes
02) drink - can help
04) likes - won't help
08) love - helps
16) has had - help
32) don't like - doesn't help
Test 21
How to Become a World Citizen, Before Going to College.
Four jobs. Seventy hours a week. All summer. That has been Erin Sullivan's schedule since
graduating from high school. (Dinner was often in her car, driving from lifeguarding to baby-sitting.)
But it has been worth it, said Ms. Sullivan, 18, of Lawrenceville, N.J., who was to leave this
weekend for Latin America on a mostly self-financed "gap year" of volunteering, home stays and
Spanish lessons before attending college in fall 2007. "I want a better idea what I'm going for before I
go," said Ms. Sullivan, who is deferring admission to American University.
An increasing number of middle¬class students, like Ms. Sullivan, are opting to take a gap
year before or during college. Many students of various financial backgrounds now pay all or part of the
cost. And as college costs soar, more families see the moves as good investments, because their children
often return more focused.
It makes economic sense for students to explore their interests before college, advocates of
gap years say; freshmen who do so are less likely to party too much, fail courses or change majors
repeatedly - all of which can result in more time needed to graduate, and more expense.
And gap years can help build resumes: students who are interested in medicine have more
contact with patients volunteering in clinics in Costa Rica, for example, than they can in the United
States. And, on various foreign trips, they can attain a level of fluency in a new language.
Many students learn valuable life skills by earning and handling money during gap years,
said Gail Reardon, founding director of Taking Off, a Boston consulting firm that also helps students
plan gap years.
(Adapted from the Internet. The New York Times, by Tanya Mohn, September 3, 2006)
The main point In the text is
a) High school graduates want immediate admission to college.
b) Students are concerned with both their learning and their school
c) Students would rather postpone their admission to college
d) High School students aren't eager to get into college nor meet
their peers at all.
e) High school graduates don't care about their specific major in
Test 22
People in favor of gap years, before or during college, think that
students who enJoy those years
1) wouldn't go out excessively.
2) should often succeed In their studies.
3) can improve their Curriculum Vitae.
4) should seldom vary their chief subject in college.
5) would acquire useful abilities for their lives on,
The correct choices are
a) 1, 2 and 3 only;
b) 2, 3 and 4 only;
c) 3, 4 and 5 only;
d) 4 and 5 only;
e) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Test 23
Ms. Sullivan's "gap year" in Latin America is going to
a) be spent specially in cheap hotels.
b) be paid mainly by herself.
c) focus solely on her college studies.
d) represent a get away from university.
e) be mostly for some vacation.
Test 24
After graduating from high school, Ms. Sullivan
a) couldn't find a job of any kind.
b) had time to enjoy her dinner at home.
c) worked very hard all summer long.
d) got a baby-sitter job only.
e) thought her life was useless.
Test 25
About two-thirds of U.S. high school students work, with half putting in
an average of 20 hours a week or more. Although few need to help support
their families, American teenagers outwork others around the world. In
boom nations such as Germany and Japan, teenage employment is rare and
seldom involves more than five hours a week.
De acordo com a texto:
a) metade dos jovens americanos têm empregos de período
b) os jovens americanos trabalham, em média, 20 horas por mês
c) um terço dos jovens alemães e japoneses trabalha cinco horas
por semana.
d) a maioria dos adolescentes americanos que trabalha não
precisa ajudar no orçamento familiar.
e) os adolescentes americanos, comparados com as demais
jovens do mundo, trabalham menos.
Test 26
O sinônimo da palavra "seldom", no texto acima, é:
a) frequently;
b) often
c) rarely;
d) usually
e) generally.
Test 27