ELP PN Migrant mental health workshop 19 April 2011 Aaron Oliver, MASH Trust Sue Fitzpatrick, MidCentral DHB 1. Warm-up In pairs, find out 3 things about your partner: 1. Where they live? 2. How long they've been a tutor? 3. Something they do that helps them feel good? 2. Introduction Today’s workshop: an overview of mental health resources in Manawatu. Aim: o o what you already know boost knowledge What you already know is important to increasing access of resources. Will be covering a general approach to mental health, with some adaptation to the specific needs of migrants. 2. Introduction (contd) Many ways to talk about health many things people do to be healthy many ways that difficulties are expressed people are diverse sharing knowledge is an important part of the workshop Questions for the workshop: 1.What to look for? 2.What to do? 2. Introduction (contd) What to look for? What to do? What does healthy look like? What can people do when things are becoming unhealthy? 3. What people do when things are going well. 4. What people do when they’re finding things difficult. 5a. What do people do in a crisis. 5b. Helpful responses to crisis. 6. Summary + additional information & resources • Access to services • Phonebook - front part of the white pages • Manawatu Mental Health Community Directory Call 111 if an emergency 6. Summary + additional information & resources (contd) RESOURCES - for more information Mental Health Commission http://www.mhc.govt.nz/ FAQs http://www.mhc.govt.nz/frequently-asked-questions Mental Health Foundation http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/page/5-Home FAQs http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/page/296-faqs (MHF have Chinese & other language information) Resources http://www.mentalhealth.org.nz/resourcefinder/listings/search/ John Kirwan’s depression website http://www.depression.org.nz/content/staywell 6. Summary + additional information & resources (contd) RESOURCES - for more information Migrant resources – Migrant Centre? Immigration? PNCC? CALD resources - Culturally and Linguistically Diverse - Waitemata DHB About CALD http://www.caldresources.org.nz/info/AboutCALD.php Health Information in multiple languages http://www.asianhealthservices.co.nz/cr/Health%20Information%20in%20Multiple%20languages/Health% 20Information%20in%20Multiple%20Languages.htm http://www.mhcs.health.nsw.gov.au/publicationsandresources/languages.asp http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/languages/languages.html Migrant & refugee services and organisations http://www.asianhealthservices.co.nz/cr/CALD%20Services/Asian,%20Migrant%20and%20Refugee%20C ulture-Specific%20Services.htm