Aims of the class (Ciljevi časa) • Key vocabulary revision • Ponavljanje ključnog vokabulara • Za ispit se sprema ključni vokabular od Unit 1 do Unit 10, First Insights into Business, Longman • Source: First Insights into Business, Longman buying marketing Information Technology (IT) parent/holding company selling multinationals telecommunications production film • Many well-known companies are ____________________, these are MULTINATIONALS companies which _________________ in a OPERATE number of countries. • Multinationals often have a complicated PARENT structure. There is usually a ____________ or ________________ company. This HOLDING company owns other companies or parts of other companies. These other companies are called _________________. SUBSIDIARIES • Prevedite sledeće ključne reči i napišite rečenicu u kojoj ćete upotrebiti ključnu reč. 1. Multinational: Multinacionalna kompanija • Ford is an example of a famous multinational company. 2. Subsidiary: Podružnica/ ogranak • Chase Manhattan Bank is a subsidiary of Chase Manhattan Corp. 3. set up/ found/ establish a company: • Osnovati kompaniju We founded a company in 2005. • Which of these companies would you like to work for? Why? a family owned company, a multinational company, your own company (be selfemployed) __________________________________ _________________________________. Key vocabulary ITINERARY A FOREIGN BUSINESS TRIP CULTURES NATIONALITIES TRAVEL SOCIAL CONVENTIONS COLLEAGUES CULTURAL DIFFERENCES Key Vocabulary Cloze • Business people have to plan an ITINERARY • On a business trip, you can experience cultural differences • are the different ways that other nationalities do things Social conventions Unit 4: Focus on Troubleshooting to achieve goals/objectives to re-plan a strategy a management consultant Troubleshooting Solving problems S= STRENGTHS W=WEAKNESSES O=OPPORTUNITIES T=THREATS SWOT analysis Key vocabulary cloze companies • Sometimes _______________realise that they are not achieving their ___________or objectives goals effectively. In this case they have to re-plan their strategy ____________. It can be useful to get an outsider, management e.g. a ___________________ to analyse the consultant company's performance. SWOT analysis can be useful. A _________ Troubleshooting or solving problems, is a • _________________ necessary part of running a company. Unit 6: Focus on Retailing GOODS SERVICES RETAILER/S SUPERMARKET RETAIL OUTLET CONSUMER DEPARTMENT STORE MANUFACTURER RETAILING WHOLESALER MARGIN The Internet TV shopping channels mail-order catalogues Key vocabulary cloze services goods • Retailing is the provision of _____________ or _____________ to the customer. _____________ buy goods directly from the Retailers _____________ manufacturer or from a _____________ wholesaler (the middleman), and make their income from the ____________________, or difference, margin between the price they pay for the goods and the price they sell consumer the goods at to the _____________. A ____________________ is the place where customers can retail outlet supermarket purchase goods, for example a ____________________ or a _________________. department store Nowadays, many customers are shopping from home: shopping by the Internet TV shopping channels or ____________________, ____________________, mail-order catalogues is becoming very popular. ______________ • Define the following terms in English: • WHOLESALE= buying/ selling goods in large quantities • DEPARTMENT STORE = a large shop, divided into several departments, each selling a different type of goods