Building Self Esteem pwr pt 91310


1. 2.

3. 4.


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1. What is your greatest achievement?

Draw a symbol of it….

2. What are three things you are good at? Illustrate them…

3. What is one challenge you would like to take on? Illustrate it….

4. What is a group, group activity, or volunteer organization you belong to, or would like to join?


5. What is one thing about yourself that you are trying to improve?

Illustrate it…

2. What kinds of things could you do to raise your self esteem?

How do you see yourself?

How do you want others to see you?

Self Esteem is your pride in and your acceptance of yourself.

Think about your self esteem and how it affects your relationships with, family, friends and peers.

If you don’t respect yourself how can others respect you?

Self esteem development begins at birth.

Our parents are our biggest influence with our feelings about ourselves.

Negative talk can negatively affect a child’s self-esteem.

Abuse and neglect can have lifetime affects.

Development of self esteem continues throughout the teen years.


Self esteem can be changed by YOU!!!!!

Body image is YOUR perception of your appearance, level of fitness, and health.

We see “perfect” bodies that are airbrushed in magazines and are made up to hide blemishes on TV.

Youth seem to feel that they never can live up to the expectations that the media put on today’s youth.

Female teens feel increasing pressure to be thin , which leads to eating disorders and many other emotional issues.

1 st : Realistically assess strengths/weaknesses

2 nd : Don’t judge yourself by unrealistic standards.

Ex- don’t compare yourself to movie stars, singers, etc

3 rd : Accept yourself as you are and accept that we ALL have things that we would like to change about ourselves. (Best way to raise your self esteem!)

Remember- No one is PERFECT!

4 th : Only expend energy on things you can control and change.

Can’t control height or body type- it is what it is..

Positive self talk is talking to yourself in a positive manner.

Use positive self talk to help when you are feeling down on yourself. ( Can help raise self esteem )

Find something you are good at and do it a lot. ( Make the most of whatever you do well!)

Helps develop more confidence

Being good at one thing encourages you to try other things

Use “I” statements when talking to yourself.

People with low self esteem usually afraid of this because fear of criticism


SAY: “I felt hurt when you said that Sonya is smarter than I am .” INSTEAD OF “ You made me feel terrible when you told me that Sonya is smarter

 than I am.”

Using “you” transfers responsibilities for feelings to the other person instead of taking ownership of your feelings.

Support Group is composed of people in your life that you trust and can talk openly with.

May be friends, family, or someone in the community or clergy you may trust.

Self disclosure is being honest with yourself and others about all things in your life.

Helps you see yourself more accurately

Usually a gradual process when talking to others.

People with low self esteem typically don’t have much confidence in making their opinions or decisions.

Learn to trust yourself AND your values= better confidence!

The only pressure you have is the pressure you put on yourself.

Nobody can make you do something you are not comfortable doing, unless you allow them.

Make your own decisions AND you are responsible for the outcomes ALONE

People with high self esteem- will treat others with respect & integrity.

Always act with good character and integrity!!!!

Turn to Pages 180 and 181 in the Health book and take the Self-Esteem scale test.
