A project funded by the European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office PROJECT PREPARATION FACILITY BELGRADE JANUARY 22-24 Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Intro Before I speak, I’ve got something very important to say Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office A project funded by the European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office PROJECT PREPARATION FACILITY BELGRADE JANUARY 22-24 Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office TIME PROJECT MANAGEMENT IS ABOUT MAKING THINGS HAPPEN (MANAGING THE CHANGE) A PROJECT IS ANY ENDEAVOUR WHICH HAS A BEGINNING AND AN END QUALITY MONEY Project funded by The European Union SCOPE Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Programming Evaluation Identification Formulation Implementation Financing Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Programming Programming is the process of drawing up annual or multi-annual programmes which define funding priorities for individual financing instruments such as IPA. The duration of programmes is linked to the 7-year EU budget cycle; i.e. 2007-13 for IPA I and 2014-20 for IPA 2 Identification is the process of identifying project ideas for further detailed preparation. Projects must be identified within the framework of the existing strategic programming documents. The identification stage is concluded by an EC approved project list equal to the annual funding available. Formulation stage consists of the preparation of Sector Support Actions and their appraisal. Individual proposals for Sector Support Actions are prepared by beneficiary institutions in “Action Documents”. Action Documents are submitted for appraisal to DG ELARG, which in turn sends them to all relevant EC services for inter-service consultation. The formulation stage is concluded when final Action Documents, together with supporting annexes, are submitted to the EC services for approval. Financing covers the drafting of a “Financing Proposal” covering all submitted Action Documents. Upon the favourable opinion from the IPA Management Committee an “Implementing Decision” is taken by the EC to accept the Financing Proposal. This is turned into a “Financing Agreement” signed by the EC and the NIPAC that includes the technical and administrative provisions for project implementation. Implementation can start once a Financing Agreement has been signed by both parties (i.e. the EC and the NIPAC). Actions are implemented by means of one, or more, contracts. Procedures for tendering and contracting services, supplies, works and grants are detailed and accurately specified. An integral part of the implementation stage is project and programme monitoring. Monitoring is an essential part of day-to-day management. It provides information by which management can identify and solve implementation problems, assess progress and ensure that projects will achieve their programming objectives. Evaluations are normally performed at a few fixed points in the lifetime of a project or programme and are carried out by external experts. Evaluation is concerned with impact (against programming objectives), relevance (in terms of the Project funded by of the Republic of Serbia original problems identified) and sustainability (what will happen once the project /programmeGovernment has ended). The European Union European Integration Office projects are supportive of over-arching of the EC and of development partners; projects are relevant to an as well as to the of target group/beneficiaries; projects are , meaning that objectives can be realistically achieved within the constraints of the given environment and capabilities of the implementers; the benefits generated by projects are likely to be . Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office As per each phase of the cycle, decision making are defined; All phases in the cycle are - each phase should be completed for the next to be tackled with success New programming and project identification draws on the results of monitoring and evaluation as part of a structured process of and institutional learning... Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office PROGRAMME OBJECTIVE ACTION PURPOSE OBJECTIVE PROJECT RESULTS PURPOSE OBJECTIVE ACTIVITIES RESULTS PURPOSE ACTIVITIES RESULTS ACTIVITIES Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office LIFE TO BE REMEMBERED COMMITTMENT TO PROCREATE TO PROCREATE TO HAVE A FAMILY TO HAVE A FAMILY TO HAVE A FAMILY TO MARRY TO MARRY TO MARRY TO FALL IN LOVE TO FALL IN LOVE AFFECTIONS TO FLIRT Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Break… Either this man is dead… … or my watch has stopped. Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office More… If you've heard this story before, don't stop me, because I'd like to hear it again. Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office A project funded by the European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office PROJECT PREPARATION FACILITY BELGRADE JANUARY 22-24 Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Programming Analysis Phase Identification Project Phase Formulation Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Implementation Interim Phase Evaluation Final Phase Programming Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Achieve a direct understanding Set up a comprehensive picture of the situation Identify main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) Identify main challenges to be addressed Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office ENDOGENOUS FACTORS EXOGENOUS FACTORS Strengths Existing resources conducive to improving welfare and competitiveness Opportunities Uncontrolled positive factors/trends that may come to reinforce existing strengths and being exploited for development strategies Weaknesses Negative factors, deficit of resources hampering development Threats Uncontrolled factors/trends which may neutralize strengths negatively affecting development Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office ENDOGENOUS FACTORS EXOGENOUS FACTORS Strengths a good level of higher education Opportunities incoming of young labour force Weaknesses high unemployment rate among young people Threats brain drain of qualified labour force Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office WEAKNESSES STRENGTHS OPPORTUNITIES MAXI-MAXI STRATEGY THREATS MAXI-mini STRATEGY Building on strengths in order Building on strengths in order to exploit opportunities to fight off threats Invest on high education to qualify young labour force mini-MAXI STRATEGY Invest on high education to avoid brain-draining mini-mini STRATEGY Minimising weaknesses in Minimising weaknesses in order to exploit opportunities order to fight off threats Project funded by The European Union Minimise unemployment to exploit young labour force Minimise unemployment to avoid brain-draining Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office ACTOR: TRAINING INSTITUTION ACTIVITY: VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES YOUNG PEOPLE ARE PREPARED TO ENTER THE LABOUR MARKET OBJECTIVE: YOUNG PEOPLE EMPLOYED Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office OBJECTIVE: LESS YOUNG PEOPLE UNEMPLOYED JOB PLACES INCREASE JOB INCENTIVES CHAMBER MOBILITY DEVELOPS NEW REGULATIONS MUNICIPALITY YOUNG PEOPLE ARE PREPARED TO ENTER THE LABOUR MARKET VOCATIONAL TRAINING COURSES TRAINING INSTITUTION JOB OPPORTUNITIES ARE DISSEMINATED INFORMATION DISSEMINATION EMPLOYMENT OFFICE Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office PARTNERS CONTRIBUTIONS EXPECTATIONS Name and description of the partner organisation What it usually does and what it specifically offers to the partnership What it needs and what it awaits from the partnership Name and description of the partner organisation What it usually does and what it specifically offers to the partnership What it needs and what it awaits from the partnership Name and description of the partner organisation What it usually does and what it specifically offers to the partnership What it needs and what it awaits from the partnership Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office PARTNERS CONTRIBUTIONS Chamber of Commerce Facilitates access to credit and Mr.W, the General Secretary coordinates enterprises The Municipality Mr.X, the Director of Urban utilities The Institute for VET Mr.Y, the Director The Local Employment Office Mr.Z, Head of IT Unit Project funded by The European Union EXPECTATIONS Major impact on its services towards associates Issues regulation to favour workers’ mobility Public consensus gained through better citizen oriented services Offers updated vocational and educational training Students are entering into labour market Matches job offers with demand Increase of offer/demand matchmaking Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Young people unemployed Unsuitable labour market policies Not enough job places Project funded by The European Union Labour market mobility underdeveloped Underdeveloped human resources Information is not available Young people not sufficiently prepared Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Less young people unemployed Lab. mkt. policies respond to local circumstances Job opportunities increase quantitatively Project funded by The European Union Suitable regulations favour workers mobility Human resources respond to lab. mkt. needs Information on job opportunities is disseminated Vocational and guidance preparation are available Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office LMP Less young people unemployed Lab. mkt. policies respond to local circumstances Job opportunities increase quantitatively Project funded by The European Union HRD Suitable regulations favour workers mobility Human resources respond to lab. mkt. needs Information on job opportunities is disseminated Vocational and guidance preparation are available Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office LABOUR MARKET POLICIES HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT The Chamber of Commerce Designs schemes to facilitate access to credit for enterprises Can not contribute wanting to recruit new personnel The Municipality Issues suitable regulations to favour mobility of workers Can not contribute Can not contribute Organises upgrading and training courses for young unemployed Can not contribute Disseminates targeted information for job offers and seekers The VET Institute The Employment Office Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Organise a suitable intervention logic Quantify and qualify results Asses external conditions and manage risks Properly plan necessary inputs in a given time range Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Logic Definition Objective Socio-economic benefits the project contributes to achieve Purpose Results Activities Project funded by The European Union Meaning Why the project is important for the general situation? Why would Concrete and tangible beneficiaries need benefit for the referred the planned beneficiaries activities? All deliverables the What beneficiaries beneficiaries will actually will be able to do receive from project or will have thanks implementation to the project? What will be done What is concretely done to provide the to implement the project recipients with the Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office planned benefits? Logic Objective Purpose Results Activities Project funded by The European Union Definition Less young people unemployed Labour Market Policies are responding to current needs and circumstances Jobs opportunities increase To elaborate incentives for enterprises in the creation of new work places Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office OBJECTIVE PURPOSE + ASSUMPTIONS RESULT + ASSUMPTIONS + ASSUMPTIONS ACTIVITIES Project funded by The European Union PRECONDITIONS Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Less young people unemployed LMP respond to local circumstances Job opportunities Increase quantitatively Incentives to enterprises for creating new job-places Project funded by The European Union + Young people are sufficiently trained + Available labour force + Enterprises obtain incentives A partnership protocol isGovernment countersigned of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office NO Do not include in the log-frame matrix YES Is the external condition important? Project funded by The European Union Do not include in the log-frame matrix INCLUDE IT AS AN ASSUMPTION IN THE Will MAYBE LOG FRAME MATRIX bodies external RE-FORMULATE YES to the YES PROJECT Can it be project ACCORDINGLY implemented implement NO within the it? WARNING! project? NO KILLER ASSUMPTION Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office Why define OVI? Criteria to be met To clarify the characteristics of the objective, the purpose and results To manage project under objecitve parameters To provide the basis for project monitoring and Project funded by evaluation The European Union Specific Measurable Achievable Realistic Timed Sometimes it is very difficult to put objectives in operational terms, but efforts should always be made to find quantifiable, qualitative and verifiable indicators Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office COST SURVEYS INTERVIEWS STATISTICS REPORTS RECORDS Project funded by The European Union COMPLEXITY Sources of verification should be assessed for accessibility, reliability and relevance. THERE IS A DIRECT RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE COMPLEXITY OF A Government of the Republic of Serbia S.o.V. AND ITS COST European Integration Office LOGIC INDICATORS SOURCES ASSUMPTIONS OBJECTIVE PURPOSE RESULTS ACTIVITIES Project funded by The European Union INPUTS PRECONDITIONS Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office LOGIC INDICATORS SOURCES Less young people unemployed Average age of the new workers Reg. Stat. Office records PURPOSE Suitable LMP X% Lab.Mkt. turnover Labour Chamber Survey Young people are sufficently prepared RESULTS More job opportunities X% labour demand increase Employm. Office’s register Available labour force ACTIVITIES Incentives to create new job-places INPUTS Grant Scheme Entrepreneurs obtain incentives OBJECTIVE Project funded by The European Union ASSUMPTIONS A partnership protocol Government of the Republic of Serbia is countersigned European Integration Office Break… No man goes before his time … … unless the boss leaves the office earlier. Project funded by The European Union Government of the Republic of Serbia European Integration Office