Bristol Anti-Trafficking Partnership (ATP)

A multi-agency partnership jointly
chaired by Bristol City Council, Avon
& Somerset Police and Unseen
Level 1 Training
Learning Outcomes:
- A basic understanding and awareness of
modern slavery
- What to look out for
- How you can support a potential victim
What is Modern Slavery?
Someone is in slavery if they are:
• forced to work - through mental or physical
• owned or controlled by an 'employer', usually
through mental or physical abuse or the threat of
• dehumanised, treated as a commodity or bought
and sold as 'property'
• physically constrained or has restrictions placed
on his/her freedom of movement
What is Human Trafficking?
Trafficking is the movement of
people by means such as force,
fraud, coercion or deception with
the aim of exploiting them
It is a form of Modern Slavery
Who is affected?
• Contemporary slavery takes various forms and affects people
of all ages, gender and races.
• Slavery can include victims that have been brought from
overseas, and vulnerable people in the UK
• Slavery is an international crime, affecting an estimated 21
million people around the world*
• The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1948 states that
“No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the
slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.”
• 2,744 cases were reported in the UK in 2013 a 22% increase
on the number of cases reported between 2012-2013**
* International Labour Organisation
**UK National Referral Mechanism Statistics 2013
Types of Slavery & Trafficking
FORCED LABOUR: Victims are forced to work against their will, often
working very long hours for little or no pay in dire conditions under verbal or
physical threats of violence.
DEBT BONDAGE: Victims are forced to work to pay off debts that realistically
they never will be able to.
SEXUAL EXPLOITATION: Victims are forced to perform non-consensual or
abusive sexual acts against their will, such as prostitution, escort work and
pornography. Adults are coerced often under the threat of force, or another
CRIMINAL EXPLOITATION: Often controlled and maltreated, victims are
forced into crimes such as cannabis cultivation or pick pocketing against their
DOMESTIC SERVITUDE: Victims are forced to carry out housework and
domestic chores in private households with little or no pay, restricted
movement, very limited or no free time and minimal privacy often sleeping
where they work.
Top Countries of Origin
Vietnam Romania
Country of Origin
Where are trafficked people
Traveller Sites
Labouring jobs
Nail Bars
Massage Parlours/private residences
Cannabis Factories
Car Washes
Local Neighbourhoods & Residences
Houses of multiple occupancy
At the airport- arrivals and leaving
Homeless Shelters
Missing persons
Case Studies
Hung - Cannabis farming
Sara – Domestic servitude
Mirela – Sexual exploitation
Mike – Forced Labour
Liubo and Biatka – Debt Bondage
What to look out for
Physical Appearance
Poor living conditions
Few or no personal effects
Restricted freedom of movement
Unusual travel times
Reluctance to seek help
Potential Indicators
• Do they have access to passport and travel
• How did they get to the UK?
• Are they scared of anyone/for anyone?
• Did they choose the work they are doing?
• Do they seem worried about their immigration
status in the UK?
• Did they get to choose where they lived?
• Can they leave if they want to?
Potential Indicators
• Evidence of control over movement (as individual or
• Found in location likely to be used for exploitation
• Money taken from what they are earning to cover
travel, accommodation, food
• Lack of English
• Poor physical condition
• Appears fearful of authorities/person who is
controlling them
• Doesn’t know work or home address
• Threats against family or themselves
The National Referral Mechanism
• The National Referral Mechanism (NRM) is a framework for
identifying victims of human trafficking and ensuring they
receive the appropriate protection and support
• Referral via a first responder agency
• The NRM grants a minimum 45-day reflection and recovery
period for victims of human trafficking
• Victims receive:
Temporary safe accommodation
Medical treatment
Help to cope with experience
Help finding independent legal advice
What to do
• Use the Referral Pathways
• If the person is at immediate risk call 999
• Call Salvation Army 24/7 accommodation and
immediate advice helpline – 0300 303 8151
• Email any suspicions/concerns to