Preston Steele
BME 281
The brains ability to actively rewire itself in response to external stimuli
Creation of BION microstimulator based on this
Uses FES(Functional
Electrical Stimulation) to send small electric shocks to muscles to induce movement
Small capsule with rechargeable battery, antenna and charging coil for electrical impulses inside
In glass casing with nickel on the ends
2.1 mm diameter, 16 mm long
Non profit organization
Main focus in medical research
Have worked on other devices such as :
▪ Cochlear implant (hearing impaired)
▪ Retinal prosthesis (vision)
▪ Fully implantable glucose sensor (diabetes)
Uses FES (Funcional
Electrical Stimulation)
FM device located in motor cortex sends messages in real time down to the relevant muscles
Once the message is received the microstimulator sends out an electrical impulse triggering muscle movement
Small and can be imbedded directly in the affected muscle tissues
Doesn’t just “fix” the problem – it helps reteach the brain how to use the affected area
Can remain safely in the body for up to 80 years
Surgical procedure
In operating room
BION implantation tool(BIT)
Outpatient office procedure
No surgical tools needed
Consists of long cannula(10 cm)
Cannula made of
Vectra B130-liquid crystal polymer, 30% glass reinforced
Cannula has 2 conduction holes at end of probe
Microstimulators that are temperature and pressure sensitive and also respond to touch
Possibly applying them to next generation prosthetics
Application to lower extremities
<iframe src=" video/24179538?title=0& byline=0&portrait=0" width="400" height="300" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p
><a href="
9538">2006</a> from <a href="
522156">Ray Bauer</a> on <a href="">Vim eo</a>.</p>
Alfred Mann Foundation. 2011. Web. 29 Sept. 2011. <>.
Burridge, Jane. "A Preliminary Clinical Study Using RF BION® 1 Microstimulators to Facilitate
Upper Limb Function in Hemiplegi." Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation 4.2
(2004): 26-27. Advances in Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation. ACNR. Web. 29 Sept. 2011.
Kaplan, Hilton M., and Gerald E. Loeb. "Design and Fabrication of an Injection Tool for
Neuromuscular Microstimulators." Annals of Biomedical Engineering 37.9 (2009): 1866+.
Biomedical Engineeering Society. Biomedical Engineeering Society, 24 June 2009. Web. 29 Sept.
2011. <>.
Lewis, Simon. "Don't Take Consciousness for Granted." Speech. Ted Partner Series. 29 Sept. 2011.
TED Talks. July 2011. Web. 29 Sept. 2011.
Hankin, David. “Implantable Microstimulator System: Artificial Nervous System” Annual
Conference. Presentation slides from 14 June 2008. Web. 29 Sept. 2011.
Taylor, Paul. "The Use of Electrical Stimulation for Correction of Dropped Foot in Subjects with
Upper Motor Neurone Lesions." National Clinical FES Centre. Web. 30 Sept. 2011.