CH 11 PP Jefferson-Madison 1800-1808

Chapter 11: The
Jeffersonian Republic
Lasting Effects of the Federalists
They were hated why? Sedition & Alien
 There was a split in their own Party
caused by: Alexander Hamilton
 Didn’t go to war w/ France
1800 Election Results
(16 states in the Union)
Thomas Jefferson
Aaron Burr
New York
John Adams
Charles Pinckney
South Carolina
John Jay
New York
Total Number of Electors
Total Electoral Votes Cast
Number of Votes for a Majority
1800 Election Results
Jefferson wins through a technicality (3/5)
compromise “Negro President”
 Adams got more popular vote = Jefferson
more electoral votes
 So now what happens: Aaron Burr &
Jefferson are tied 73 to 73
Who decides
House of Rep Decide (Article 2 Se. 1)
 Decision Deadlocked for Months =
Jefferson will win in the end
Why? Adams & Hamilton
 Result: Peaceful transfer of power
“Revolution of 1800”
 Why
was it called this?
 Federalists
stepped down like
responsible adults
 Jefferson would restore the
Presidency back to the Peoples
Party spirit of 1776
Who Is Jefferson
Designed Monticello
Dec. of Ind.
Died at 83 secret (Cold
foot baths)
Wrote a book about
Jesus Christ
Copy Machine
LA Purchase 15 mill
They shy Slob
Pajama Greeter
$107,000 in debt death
Affair w/ Betsey Walker 1768
(Best bud’s wife)
1787 in France stole Rice
(illegal) punishable by death
Affair w/ Sally Hemming
(Own slave) ½ sister in law
Sent messages to congress
to be read (Wilson broke
Jefferson’s Changes
March 4, 1801 Takes office (57 yrs)
 “All were Federalists all were Republicans”
 Freed people in Jail under the Sedition Act
 Returned the Alien act back to 5 yrs
 Abolished the Excise Tax
 Albert Gallatin = Reduced debt & balanced
the budget (Secretary of Treasurer)
Judiciary Act Crisis
Last Act passed by Federalists 1801
 It created 16 new Federal Judgeships (life
appointments) = why did they do this? To
maintain control even after they were gone
 John Marshal becomes Supreme Court
justice 1799) (a strong Federalists appt. by
Also is cousin to Jefferson served during
Valley Forge
Marbury v. Madison 1803
William Marbury = Appt. to justice of Peace of
the District of Columbia 1801
 James Madison (Sect. of state) = Denied
Marbury his job (stopped delivery)
Marbury finds out, is furious so he SUES to get
the job (uses the Judiciary Act of 1789 as
 Goes to the Supreme Court & Chief Justice John
Marshal has this to say . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. .
He single handedly answered the question
of which branch of government gets to
decide the constitutionality of laws?
Established Judicial Review = The Supreme
Court alone has the power to decide the
constitutionality of laws (The court has no jurisdiction
over the Executive & can not force Jefferson to give Marbury his
Jefferson wanted revenge = Tried to impeach
Samuel Chase 1804 (Supreme Court Justice) it
Failed to say the least
Jefferson’s Foreign Entanglements
Reduced Military to 2500 men
 Reduced the Navy
 Drawbacks to this:
1801 Barbary pirates (North Africa) were
attacking U.S. merchant ships (Pasha of Tripoli)
cut down the flagstaff of the U.S. consultant act of
war!!!!! Why
 He was upset b/c he was NOT getting paid
enough to protect U.S. ships (Bribe Money)
Jefferson’s Response
 Sent
the Navy
 Took 4 LONG YEARS to end this
ridiculous ”war”
 What stopped it finally? Jefferson paid
$60.000 to end it!!!!! Most of it was
ransom money to get our people back
LA Purchase 1803
1800 Napoleon secretly gets the LA Territory
from Spain
Why? = Wanted a New World Empire
 Result = Farmers who relied on the mouth of the
MS to transport goods were furious this could ruin
there trade & business
 Jefferson = to overt another war sent James
Madison & Robert Livingston send them to make
= Buy LA purchase land for 10 mill flat
Napoleon gives up the Land for $15 mill (3
cents per acre)
1. Rebellion in Haiti & French dying from yellow
2. Needed money to renew his war w/ Britain
Done Deal on April 30, 1803
But this causes big problems in
Constitution does not mention the
President can buy Land
 Jefferson took a loose interpretation
instead of a strict interp.
 Federalists wend nuts and opposed him
Why? Simple more land meant more settlers,
that would create more states, & more
farmers meant more Republicans
 Spring 1804 Jefferson sent 2 men to explore
his new purchase
Aaron Burr Conspiracies
Plotted w/ a group of Extreme
Federalists to get New
England & New York to
succeed from the U.S.
Alexander H exposed his
(dumb) plan
Burr angry challenged him to
a duel
Hamilton showed up but
refused to shoot and Burr
shot him in the head
This IDIOT than fled to the Trans MS area hooked up with
a military general James Wilkinson
Together they tried to split the West & east to form a new
Confederacy (We call that TREASON)
Jefferson finds out then General Wilkinson betrays him
and Burr gets arrested
John Marshal states that “intentions” are not enough to
throw a man in jail you need evidence?
So Burr gets acquitted (freed)
Runs to France & tries to convince Napoleon to attack the
Lesson to Be Learned
* When you get new land make sure you
have the resources to govern
Staying out of War . . . Again
Election 1804 Jefferson
wins 162 to 14
 But Economic struggles
begin to effect the
 Why: France & Britain
are fighting & who do
we trade with the most?
France was unstoppable on Land
 Britain had the unstoppable navy
 Due to their control our trade begin to shrink
1806 London’s new Govt. issues the “Order of
Council” = Closed European ports under French
Control to foreign shipping including America
(unless they stopped at a British port 1st)
 Napoleon retaliated by seizing merchant ships
again including American ships that stopped at a
British port 1st
1808-1811 over 6,000 men were seized during this time
Clash of the Chesapeake off VA between a U.S. ship
and a British ship where England sunk our ship
(Jefferson still clung to hope)
Can We Protect Ourselves without
Surrendering Our Rights?
U.S. could not be neutral either way; rights of
neutrality were violated
Embargo Act (1807) = forbade any American
exports to foreign nations
Did Jefferson have the authority to do this?
Ah, his plan, but Congress passed the law!!
Economic Depression = Exports fell 80% in 1808
Unemployment rose; prices rose
Jefferson chose not to run for a third term
Said he would honor Washington’s tradition, but did
he step aside to save his party?
The Road to War
James Madison, Jefferson’s Secretary of
State elected = major priority to fix
economy and problems with Europe
Non-Intercourse Act = opened trade with all
nations except Britain and France (who was
left in 1809?)
Macon’s Bill No. 2 = reopened trade with
Britain and France but gave Madison the
right to refuse trade with either if neutrality
violations continued
Causes of the War of 1812
European trade problems
British failures to comply with treaties
War Hawks = generation of new
government officials who had not seen
More Causes of the War of 1812
British fomented Indian unification efforts and
Westward movement continued and angered Indians,
Indians look to British in Canada to help stop
westward expansion
British had always advocated limited westward
movement and Jefferson and Harrison gave Indians 2
choices: assimilate or move west of the Mississippi
Tecumseh and the Prophet; Harrison and Battle of