C4 The Emergence of Government by Terror

Declaration of
Court Oath
Execution of
Louis XVI
Vendee rebellion
Flight to
Attack on
Tuilleries Palace
Storming of
The Bastille
Civil Constitution
of the Clergy
AS History Matters
1791 Declaration of
1789 Tennis
Court Oath
1793 Execution of
Louis XVI
1793 Vendee rebellion
1791 Flight to
1792 Attack on
Tuilleries Palace
1789 Storming of
The Bastille
1790 Civil Constitution
of the Clergy
AS History Matters
1791 Declaration of
1789 Storming of
The Bastille
1792 Attack on
Tuilleries Palace
1790 Civil Constitution
of the Clergy
1793 Execution of
Louis XVI
1791 Flight to
1793 Vendee rebellion
1789 Tennis
Court Oath
AS History Matters
Explain the structure of the
government of Terror. (12 marks)
AS History Matters
Plan this exam question:
Generic Mark Scheme
12 Marks
AS History Matters
L1: Answers will contain either some descriptive material which is only
loosely linked to the focus of the question or some explicit comment with
little, if any, appropriate support.
Answers are likely to be generalised and assertive. The response will be
limited in development and skills of written communication will be weak.
L2: Answers will demonstrate some knowledge and understanding of the
demands of the question. They will either be almost entirely descriptive
with few explicit links to the question or they will provide some
explanations backed by evidence that is limited in range and/or depth.
Answers will be coherent but weakly expressed and/or poorly
structured. 3-6
L3: Answers will demonstrate good understanding of the demands of the
question providing relevant explanations backed by appropriately
selected information, although this may not be full or comprehensive.
Answers will, for the most part, be clearly expressed and show some
organisation in the presentation of material. 7-9
L4: Answers will be well-focused, identifying a range of specific
explanations, backed by precise evidence and demonstrating good
Generic Mark Scheme
12 Marks
AS History Matters
L3: Answers will demonstrate good understanding
of the demands of the question providing relevant
explanations backed by appropriately selected
information, although this may not be full or
comprehensive. Answers will, for the most part, be
clearly expressed and show some organisation in the
presentation of material. 7-9
L4: Answers will be well-focused, identifying a
range of specific explanations, backed by precise
evidence and demonstrating good understanding of
the connections and links between events/issues.
Answers will, for the most part, be well-written and
organised. 10-12
KI3: Radical Revolution 1793-1799.
Why did Terror emerge
as a way of governing?
AS History Matters
Monday, 13 April 2015
Monday, 13 April 2015
AS History Matters
Session Aims
Identify reasons why the
terror began in 1793
Explain the motivations of
those driving The Terror
Assess the machinery of
The Terror
Events of 1789.
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yN
AS History Matters
French Revolution - Opposition to
the Revolution and the Terror
The beginnings…
• They could only do this by making sure internally
France was as strong as possible. So all counterrevolutionaries were to be rooted out and sent
to the guillotine.
• France was at war with most of Europe and the
foreign armies had began invading France’s
territory and so they had to make the
Revolution as strong as possible to avoid defeat
to a foreign power.
AS History Matters
• The main the reason why the Terror began was
to defend France against internal and external
• Anyone that spoke out against the
Revolution or said any words in support
of the monarchy would be killed.
• A particular area of concern was the
Vendee. This area was pretty much
engaged in a civil war against
government forces as they have
refused to be conscripted into the
French army. It is this area at first
that bore the brunt of government by
AS History Matters
Internal Enemies
• Foreign powers were now on France’s
soil. It was thought that if France was
free from internal enemies then they
could withstand an attack from
foreign powers.
• It was also thought that the emigres
in Austria would see that France was
weak and use this as a chance to bring
back the Bourbon monarchy.
AS History Matters
External Enemies
When setting up government by
terror the Convention had three
objectives to ensure its survival;
AS History Matters
The Machinery of the Terror
The Machinery of the Terror
When setting up government by
terror the Convention had three
objectives to ensure its survival;
1. To identify, place under observation,
and punish suspects
2. To make government more effective
and ensure that its orders were
carried out
3. To meet at least some of the
demands of the sans-culottes.
AS History Matters
• The CGS would take responsibility of
the Convention’s first objective to
find and punish suspects. This was
done through various different
bodies; Revolutionary Tribunal,
representatives on mission,
Surveillance committees and the
Summary execution decree.
AS History Matters
Committee of General Security
• The CPS was given the task of
addressing the Convention’s second
and third objective. To make
government more effective and to
meet some of the demands of the
sans-culottes. The CPS basically set
aside the power of the Convention's
ministers and took their place making
all the important decisions in
government and ruling France
AS History Matters
Committee of Public Safety
• Explain why the Committee of Public
Safety was created in France in April
1793. (12 marks)
AS History Matters
Exam Question
• The Jacobins had asked the
Girondins to stop attacking the
Parisian sans-culottes but to no
avail. So Robespierre told the
sans-culottes to rise up against
the corrupt Girondins.
• On 2nd June 80,000 National
Guardsmen surrounded the
Assembly and a maximum price
was imposed on all essential
• To avoid seizure of power, the
Convention was compelled to
agree to the arrest of 29
Girondin deputies and two
AS History Matters
The Overthrow of the Girondins
• After the 2nd June most deputies
feared and distrusted the Jacobins
because of the way that they dealt
with the Girondins.
• But they did not want to see the
Republic overthrown. So they were
reluctant accomplices to the
• When a new CPS was formed in July
and September 1793 the 12 members
were either Jacobins or deputies of
the Plain who had joined them. The Arrest
of Danton
new committee was to be the first
strong government since the
Revolution began.
AS History Matters
The New Committee of Public Safety
• He joined the CPS in July 1793 and he
was expected to provide link between
the middle-class Jacobins and the
sans-culottes. He was known as the
‘incorruptible’ as he did not seek
power for himself and he put his
country above all other considerations.
AS History Matters
Maximilian Robespierre