Classical Greece and Rome

Classical Greece and
Greece and Rome
 1.
Ancient Greece
 2. Alexander the Great/Hellenistic
 3. Roman Empire
 4. Dark/Middle Ages
Geography of Greece
Mountainous peninsula, rugged terrain
 Numerous islands
 Sea serves as a mode of travel and trade
 Geog. Isolation of the individual poleis
 Mediterranean Climate
Dry summer, wet winter
 Difficult
for most types agriculture
 Great for olives, grapes, barley
Early Greek Cultures
Minoan: 2700-1450 BCE
Located on Crete
 King
Palace Complex at Knossos
 Reveals
a rich culture; elaborate decoration
Sudden destruction
 Natural
disaster OR invasion
Complex at
Early Greek Cultures
Mycenaean: 1600-1000 BCE
Settled by Indo-Europeans (1900 BCE)
Grew into powerful monarchies
Warriors and traders
Royal family lived in fortified palaces
Setting of Homer’s epic poems
Trojan War (around 1250 BCE)
Bee-hive tombs to bury dead (known as Tholos)
Debate over true existance of Troy
Heinrich Schleimann- 1870
Decline due to internal conflict, natural disaster and
Funeral Mask
Mycenaean Acropolis
Dark Age
After fall of Mycenaea, Greece entered a
Dark Age
Period of decline
 Depopulation from mainland
 Move
to Ionia, Lesbos, and other islands
Poverty, lack of development
Most important development: adoption of
the Phoenician alphabetic system
Simplified to only 24 letter
Greek City-States
Independent, self-governing city-state
known as a polis
Fortified acropolis: place of refuge in attack;
site of government buildings and temples
 Surrounded by agora: open market place
Hundreds of poleis, vary in size and pop.
Sparta: largest territory
 Athens: largest Population
Hoplite Warfare
Competition among poleis led to war
 Hoplite warfare emerged as a form of
Marched in phalanx
 Each
man protecting the next
Quick battles, well-suited for farmers
 Did
not require expensive gear or great deal of
Greek Colonies
After the Dark Age, Greece experienced a
growth in population
Due to advances in agricultural techniques
Over population led to colonization
Sent out colonies in: North Africa,
Mediterranean, and Black Sea regions
 Increased trade with mainland
 Olive
oil, wine, pottery in exchange for timber,
grain, and metals
Spread of Greek Colonies
Greek Government
Various styles of Government
Tyranny: common up until 500’s
Strongmen who seized power, often w/ support of
Took power from aristocrats
Oligarchy: “rule by the few” very common
Depending on the polis
Council of wealthy aristocrats or elders
Democracy: “rule by the people”
Limited suffrage; only free men allowed to vote and
Chose not to send out colonies
Conquered neighboring city-states
Forced conquered people to become Helots
Produced food to feed the Spartans
Often rebelled; put down by Spartan military
Militaristic, rigid society
Children began education at 7
Taught to be disciplined and obedient
Boys and girls train to be fit and disciplined
Boys live in barracks until age of 30, in army until 60
Simple meals taken in mess hall
Society in Sparta:
Women lived in separate homes until husband reached 30
Young boys mentored by older Spartan soldiers
Minimalist lifestyle, no luxury items or wealth
Often involved a sexual relationship
Luxury items were thought to make a person weak
Government in Sparta: Oligarchy
Dual Kingship, Council of Ephors, Council of Elders
Only men participated in govt
Women, however, had relatively high status compared to Athens
Government encouraged isolation of Sparta
Often did not allow people to travel to or from Sparta
Discouraged the study of anything other than the art of war
Focused on learning, art, philosophy
Became center of Greek culture
Highest population of the poleis
Developed democracy after bad experiences
with Tyranny and Oligarchy
Direct democracy: all eligible citizens (free men) can
vote and serve in office
Ostracism as method of eliminating harmful persons
(ie. Ambitious politicians)
Meetings held every 10 days
Person with most votes exiled for 10 years
Reached height of power after Persian War
Greek Religion
3 generations of gods
Best known was the 3rd Generation
Olympian Gods: Zeus as king of the gods
Complex rituals & festivals conducted to please
the gods & earn favors
Gods believed to communicate through oracles
Most important was Delphic Oracle @ Delphi
No major decisions made without consulting the
Greek Drama
Drama very popular in Greece
Themes of Greek Drama
Humanism, good v evil, persistence, pride
Tragedies usually written in trilogies
Huge influence on western world
Comedy became popular in later years
Popular dramatists
Aeschylus: Orestia
Sophocles: Oedipus Rex, Antigone
Greek Philosophy
Philosophy: “Love of Wisdom”
Greek philosophers contemplated the universe and
emphasized rational thought
3 major philosophers
Sculptor and teacher (Socratic Method of question/answer)
Accused of corrupting the youth of Athens
Found guilty, sentenced to death or exile
Chose death (drank hemlock poison)
Student of Plato
Prolific writer, established the Academy to teach others his
Greek Philosophy
Student of Plato
Interested in analyzing and classifying the world
Studied many subjects
Ethics, logic, politics, poetry, physics, astronomy, geology
His ideas would influence western thought for hundreds of
Researched government, determined there are 3
desirable forms of government
Monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional government
Writing of History
Herodotus: seen as Father of history in
western world
Wrote about the Persian War
 Much
discussion of divine forces (ie, the gods)
Athenian general in the Peloponnesian War
 Wrote
about the war
 Focused mainly on human experiences, not gods
 More methodical in his approach
Look at cause/effect
Art in Greece
Pottery used as a form of Art
Emphasis on balance and harmony
Humans often the subject of art (humanism)
Body seen as a thing of beauty
Often idealized
Sculptures emphasize toned bodies and serene faces
Temples to honor gods
Use of Columns
Parthenon: most famous example of Classical Greek
Persian War
Persian Empire
Greek expansion led to conflict with
Persian Empire
 Persian Empire
Cyrus The Great: unified the Persian
 Captured
Anatolia and Mesopotamia
Built power base by respecting local traditions and
Persian Empire
Cambyses (Cyrus’ son) expanded empire
Defeated Egypt, moved into Nubia & Libya
Darius expanded Persian rule into the
Indus River valley and into parts of Europe
 Social Stratification in Persia:
3 classes:
 Warriors
 Priests
and aristocracy
 peasants
Persian Empire at its height
Persian Empire
Government in Persia
Divided empire into provinces
 Satrap governed each province as a
representative of the king
 Position
of Satrap was hereditary
 Provinces paid tribute to the central govt.
Kings were aloof rulers, seen as gods
 Persepolis:
city where king and royal family
conducted ceremonies
Persian Empire
Religion in Persia:
 World
created by Ahuramazda
 One supreme deity
 Battle of good v. evil
 Belief in afterlife where deeds would be rewarded
or punished
May have influenced the beliefs of Judaism
and Christianity
Persian War
499 BCE: Ionian Greeks revolted against
Persian rule (unsuccessful)
Aided by Athens
 Darius vowed revenge for Greek interference
490: Battle of Marathon
Athenian victory
486: Darius died, Xerxes in control
Plans attack
 Athenians buildup a navy
Persian War
480: Xerxes leads invasion of Greece
Delayed at Thermopylae
 Eventually advance
Athenians abandon city, which was nearly
destroyed by the Persians
 479: Persians defeated by Greeks at
Athenian Empire
Delian League: Greek alliance to defend
against Persian Empire
Led by Athens
 Athens used league to build their own power
 League
treasury moved to Athens, money used to
fund Athenian growth
Pericles: major figure in Athens
 Helped promote democracy; very influential
Conflict with Sparta
Resentment grew between Athens and Sparta
Resulted in war
Peloponnesian War: 431-404 BCE
Athenians hid within the walls of Athens
Plague broke out in Athens
1/3 of population died, including Pericles
Periodic truces followed by renewed conflict
Athens finally defeated in 404
Peloponnesian War greatly weakened Greece
Internal fighting and conflict made them vulnerable
Eventually cost them their autonomy
Decline of Greeks, Triumph
of Macedonia
Decline of Greeks
Internal conflict among city-states
weakened Greece
Persians remained a threat
 Regained
territory in W. Asia
To north, Philip II began to transform
Restructured military to include cavalry
 Developed siege technology- catapult
 Began to assert control over the Greeks
Triumph of Macedonia
Philip built organized a coalition to defend
against Persia
Est. himself as leader
 Assassinated in 336 BCE
His son, Alexander, took over where he
left off
Empire of Alexander the Great
Alexander the Great
Alexander (356-323 BCE)
Used military to defeat Persians
 Expanded influence into North Africa, Egypt
and nearly all of Greece
Empire was short-lived
Power struggle after his death in 323 BCE
 Empire split into 3 kingdoms
 Seleucid,
Ptolemaic, and Antigonid
Hellenistic Period
Alexander’s vast empire helped to spread
Greek culture to other parts of the world
Even after his death, the Hellenistic Kingdoms
continued to spread Greek culture
 Govt. in Hellenistic Kingdoms: autocratic
 Trade and learning flourished
 Cities became cultural centers
 Alexandria
in Egypt very important city
Geography of Rome
 Hilly terrain
Apennine Mts along eastern coast
 Alps serve as barrier from north
Navigable rivers, access to Med. Sea
River valleys and volcanic soil good for ag.
Climate much like that in Greece
 Abundance of Natural resources
Legend of Rome’s Creation
Founded by Romulus in 753 BCE
Agriculture essential part of economy
Evidence points to settlement much earlier
Land is a measure of wealth
Power centered in hands of those who owned the
most land
Initially ruled by series of kings
King overthrown by land-owning aristocracy
Republic created in 507 BCE
Roman Republic
507-31 BCE
 Government Structure during the Republic
Power in hands of the elite
 Election of officials by assembly of citizens
 Wealthy
citizens’ votes counted for more than the
poor citizens
Two main bodies
 Senate:
composed of landowning aristocracy
 Consuls: 2 executive bodies
Members usually relatives of the Senators
Expansion under the Roman
Rome began to exert influence over the
rest of the Italian peninsula
 Use of military to acquire new lands
 Punic Wars: 3 wars fought with Carthage
264-146 BCE
 Defeated
Carthage in N. Africa
Continued on to seize the western Med.,
Egypt, and Greece
Decline of the Roman Republic
Inequality within the Republic led to social unrest
and revolts
Some changes made to bridge gap between the
upper and lower-classes
Twelve Tablets 450 BCE: publication of laws to avoid
arbitrary decisions by govt. officials
Tribunes: offices held by lower class citizens
Could veto legislation
Eventually, the tribunes would be absorbed into the aristocracy
and lost touch with their original purpose
Republic saw further trouble when a series of
ambitious generals used the military to
consolidate their own power
Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Mark Antony, and Octavian
Decline of the Roman Republic,
Rise of the Roman Empire
Civil Wars broke out as rival generals fought for
By the time Octavian (Augustus) came to power
in 27 BCE, the Republic was nearly over
Augustus established basic structure of the Roman
For next 200 years, the Roman Empire
expanded and flourished
Acquired new territory in Europe and the Middle East
Government under the Roman
Roman Senate still met, but all major
decisions made by emperor
Local autonomy throughout vast empire
 Governors
sent to maintain control
 Rarely exerted absolute control, except in times of
Use of military to maintain control
Empire was tolerant of local traditions
As long as they did not interfere with wellbeing of the empire
Government under the Roman
Pax Romana
Roman citizenship extended to conquered
Clearly defined laws throughout the empire
Government regulated grain production
Promote order and unity
Used empire to feed the masses in Rome and other
large cities
Construction projects throughout empire
Public baths, theaters, roads, etc.
Technology of Roman Empire
Romans excelled in
Aqueducts to transport
Domed buildings
Massive public
Little effort to develop
new technology or
ideas in science
Art and Entertainment
Like the Greeks, the Romans continued on
the idea of humanism
Reflected in art
 Busts
of rulers
 Scenes of Roman conquest
Elaborate public facilities available for use
by city-dwellers
 Gladiator Games and Chariot races were
popular forms of entertainment
Early Roman religion was much like that of
Similar gods with different names
 Ie.
King of Gods
Greece= Zeus, Rome=Jupiter
313: Roman Empire adopted Christianity
Emperor Constantine
 Attempt to create sense of unity within a
crumbling empire
Society and Culture
Institutionalized system of social inequality
in Rome
Slavery common
 Used
for housework, working in mines, and
Over time, free farmers became tenant
farmers who worked the land of wealthy
 Power centered in hands of the wealthy
Society and Culture
Patriarchal society
Oldest male was head of family
 Women under authority of male relatives
 Woman’s place was in the home, no political
 However,
some were able to exert influence over
In families who struggled economically, boys
were sometimes preferred to girls
Ag based economy
Most people made living through farming
Olives & grapes in Italy, grains and vegetables in other parts
of the empire
Grain essential, but does not grow well in Italy
Use of empire to feed the masses in Rome
Trade and Commerce essential to feed the empire
As such, merchants enjoyed high social status
Luxury items imported from east
Traded animal skins, metals, and exotic animal
species for silk and spices from east
However, merchants from west were at a disadvantage
because their goods were not as valuable as those from
India and China
Decline of Roman Empire
After 200 years of vigorous growth, Roman
Empire began a slow decline
Economic deterioration as trade began to decline
Emperors were unable to maintain control in far
reaches of the empire
Local authorities began to reassert more power
Germanic invasions from North led to the fall of the
western half of the empire
More information forthcoming on the fall of the
Classical Civilizations!!!
Ticket Out the Door:
How did geography hurt ancient Greece?
 How did geography help ancient Rome?
 What was the most important achievement
of ancient Greece?
 What was the most important achievement
of ancient Rome?
 What is the other name for the Eastern
Roman Empire?