PowerPoint - Chicago Bible Fellowship

End time prophecy
But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom and possess the kingdom
forever, forever and ever.’ - Daniel 7:18
Daniel 7 - Prophecy
Daniel 7 Vision - 4 Beasts of Daniel Vision
Lion with Wings of Eagle
Bear with one side High - 3 Ribs in mouth
Leopard with 4 Heads and 4 Wings
Cruel Beast - Iron teeth - 10 Horns - 1 Little Horn
first beast of dan 7
first beast of dan 7
Lion with Wings is Babylonian empire in Daniel’s Vision
Nebuchadnezzar - represented as Lion - Jeremiah
Nebuchadnezzar - represented as swift like Eagle - Jer 49:22;
Lam 4:19; Ez 17:3;
2nd beast of dan 7
2nd beast of dan 7
Bear is Medo-Persian empire in Daniel’s Vision
3 Ribs in the Mouth - Devour Much Flesh
Medo Persia - conquests - Babylon, Lydia and Egypt
Kings Darius - Daniel 6, Cyrus, Ahesarus
3rd Beast of dan 7
of Dan
7 is Greek empire
with Four Heads
and Four Wings
in Daniel’s Vision
Head in Prophecy represents King - Dan 2:38, Is 7:8-9
First Head is Anti Pater - Later Cassandra
Second Head is Lysimachus ruled Thrace and part of Asia Minor
Third Head is Seleucus I Nacator Syria, Babylon, and MiddleEast
Fourth Head is Ptolemy I Soter controlled Egypt & Palastine
4beast of Dan 7
4 beast of dan 7
Fourth Beast is Roman Empire in Daniel’s Vision
Horns represents Kings in Prophecy
Same Beast in Revelation - 10 Horns - Rev 13:3;17:12
Little Horn - Dan 7:8 - Eyes & Mouth
Little Horn - spoke great things - Dan 7:20
Little Horn - made war with saints - Dan 7:21;
Compare with Beast of Revelation 13
Tribulation - Patterns of God saving his people
Beast of Revelation 13 and Beast of Daniel 7
Little Horn of Dan 7 & Revelation 13 is same
Anti Christ - Little Horn - made war with saints - Dan 7:21;
Thrones in Heaven - Revelation - Dan 7:9,20, Revelation 20
patterns of god saving in Judgement
Tribulation - Represents God’s Wrath
How God saves his people from God’s Wrath - 2 Peter 2,
Rom 5:9
Noah from Flood - Genesis 6
Lot from Soddom - Genesis 19
Rapture - 1 Thessalonians 4:13-16