Unbroken – Laura Hillenbrand

Unbroken – Laura Hillenbrand
Unbroken – Home
ravaged – (verb) destructive damage
Louie was so snide to her, right in front of friends, that she walked off the boat.
collateral – (noun) an item of value pledged for the payment of a loan
One day he opened a newspaper and saw a story that riveted his attention.
snide – (adj.) a nasty comment implying other wrongdoing.
He spoke of the war and the nightmares, and came home feeling as turbulent as when he’d left.
riveted - (verb) to hold attention firmly
By night, the sergeant lashed him, hungry and feral.
turbulent – (adj.) being in a disturbed mental state
The health repercussions often lasted for decades.
feral – (adj.) existing in a wild, savage state
Respiratory diseases were rampant.
repercussions - (noun) the result or consequence of some remote of some event or action
Physically, almost every one of them was ravaged.
rampant – (adj.) unrestrained and widespread action
- Vocabulary
Louie had to tap a friend for a $1,000 loan, staking his Chevy convertible as collateral.
cleave – (verb) to cut or split apart
She couldn’t cleave him from alcoholism or his murderous obsession.
ravaged – (verb) destructive damage
Physically, almost every one of them was
rampant – (adj.) unrestrained
widespread action
Respiratory diseases, from infections and exposure
to unbreathable air in factories and mines, were
repercussions - (noun) the result or
consequence of some remote of some event or
The health repercussions often lasted for decades.
Feral – (adj.) existing in a wild, savage
By night, the
sergeant lashed
him, hungry and
turbulent – (adj.) being in a state of
agitation or tumult; disturbed:
He spoke of the
war and the
and came home
feeling as
turbulent as
when he’d left.
riveted - (verb) to hold attention firmly
One day he opened a newspaper and saw a
story that riveted his attention.
snide – (adj.) a nasty comment
implying other wrongdoing.
Louie was so
snide to her, right
in front of friends,
that she walked
off the boat.
collateral – (noun) an item of value
pledged for the payment of a loan
Louie had to tap a
friend for a $1,000
loan, staking his
Chevy convertible
as collateral.
cleave – (verb) to cut or split apart
She couldn’t cleave him from alcoholism or his
murderous obsession.
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