Mesoamerica - Mr. G Educates

Incan Empire
Essential Standards
• 6.H.2 Understand the political, economic and/or
social significance of historical events, issues,
individuals and cultural groups.
• 6.G.1Understand geographic factors that influenced
the emergence, expansion and decline of civilizations,
societies and regions (i.e. Africa, Asia, Europe, and
the Americas) over time.
• 6.C.1 Explain how the behaviors and practices of
individuals and groups influenced societies,
civilizations and regions.
Clarifying Objective
• 6.H.2.3 Explain how innovation and/or technology transformed
civilizations, societies and regions over time (e.g., agricultural technology,
weaponry, transportation and communication).
• 6.G.1.3 Compare distinguishing characteristics of various world regions
(e.g., physical features, culture, political organization and ethnic make-up).
• 6.G.1.4 Explain how and why civilizations, societies and regions have used,
modified and adapted to their environments (e.g., invention of tools,
domestication of plants and animals, farming techniques and creation of
• 6.C.1.2 Explain how religion transformed various societies, civilizations and
regions (e.g., beliefs, practices and spread of Buddhism, Christianity,
Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism).
Essential Questions
Incan civilization’s physical features?
• What innovations & development in technologies helped
the Incans be so successful despite the fact they lived in the
• What were the 3 ways that the Incans were able to adapt
to their environments to become successful?
• What roles did mummies play in the culture of the Incans?
Advanced Society
• Mesoamerican
Civilizations (Central &
South American) were the
first to establish WELL
SOCIETIES in the Americas
• These societies existed
well before the European
people arrived to the
South American Civilization
• The Incans were the largest
& greatest civilization to
ever exist in South America
• They were a highly
advanced civilization with
roads, a capital city,
organized religion & huge
• They extended from Chili all
the way to Columbia in the
Andes Mountains
Story of the Incas
• Story of the Incans begins
with a young prince
named Pachacuti
• The Incans were a small
tribe in the Peru, South
• Their main rivals were the
Chonka Warriors which
was a different tribe
• Pachacuti was a prince of the
Incas but he was not the next
king in line
• His older brother was to be
the next king of the Incan
• Pachacuti never the less
believed that he should be
• He tried for years to show his
father that he should be the
next king
Chonka were Coming
• For years the Chonka
were trying to take the
Incan capital city of Cuzco
• The Chonka now had
enough men to take the
• They were led by their
mummified leader
South America Mummy
• Incan culture always
mummified their bodies
• The dead meant so much to
the living
• Incans believed that their
ancestors were the ones that
gave them rights to a territory
from the gods
• This is why they carried the
mummified bodies around &
still talked to them after they
were dead
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer…..
• What roles did mummies play in the culture of
the Incans?
Chonka Indians Attack
• Chonka Indians create a
massive army & stand at the
gates of Cuzco
• The king & his two sons
stand ready to defend the
Incan Empire
• Then the king & his oldest
son decide to run from the
battle leaving only
Pachacuti to defend the city
Pachacuti vs. Izkavilika
• Pachacuti knew he was
destined for this battle
• The goal of the Chonkas
was to annhilate the
whole Incan Army &
capture the city
• The goal for the Incan tip
over the mummified
leader of the Chonka &
they will run
Pachacuti Defends Cuzco
• The Chonka attack running
at the Inca
• Pachacuti waits for the
Chonka to be in distance &
then has his army release a
fury of stones from their
sling shots
• This takes down hundreds
of Chonka
• Pachacuti charges
Pachacuti Defends Cuzco
• The battle lasts for only a
couple of hours as
Pachacuti’s Incans begin to
slaughter the Chonkans
• Legend says that Pachacuti
himself makes it to the
mummy of his enemies &
tips it to the ground
• The Chonkans run & are
never heard from again
• Pachacuti celebrates his
victory at the top of a
mountain where he takes
the name Pachacuti
meaning “World Shaker”
• From that point on the
Incans begin to build the
greatest South American
Civilization in world
Civilization in the Mountains
• The Incan Civilization
was almost totally in
the Andes Mountains
• It stretched from Chili
all the way to Columbia
• At most places it was
thousands of feet above
sea level
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer…..
describes the Incan civilization’s physical
Domestication of the Llama
• The Incan Civilization
would not have become
successful without the
• The llama enabled the
Incans to travel in the
• Llamas were also used for
farming to pull plows
Terrace Farming Irrigation
• Inca People were an
agricultural civilization
• They developed a brand
new kind of irrigation to
water plants
• This was a way to
increase their “FARMING
SPACE” to grow more
Terrace Farming Irrigation
• Terrace Farming is like building
a farm of stairs
• Each stair would grow crops
• Tops of mountains naturally
have water sources at the top
because of rain the receive
• Rain water drains down from
the mountains down each stair
watering the crops on each
Incan Crops
• The Incan people grew these
① Potatoes
② Tomatoes
③ Corn
• All these crops were crops never
seen before in any other part of
the world
• Incans were able to
• They will later be taken back to
Europe & become a main part of
the diet in Europe
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer…..
• What were the 3 ways that the Incans were
able to adapt to their environments to
become successful?
Incan Roads
• Incan Trail were the Incan road
• The roads connected the Incan
• Roads led to the capital city of
Machu Picchu
• Water canals were dug to
follow the Incan roads so
travelers & their animals
always had something to drink
Machu Picchu
• Known as the palace in
the clouds
• This was the new home
of Pachacuti after he
became king of the
• Just like Rome all roads
led to Machu Picchu
Essential Questions
• Get with a partner and answer…..
• What innovations & development in
technologies helped the Incans be so
successful despite the fact they lived in the
EOG Questions
• How were the oldest civilizations in Central and South
America similar?
• A) They were large, but not well-organized.
• B) They established extensive trade with Pacific Rim nations.
• C) They were strongly influenced by Asian and African civilizations.
• D) They were the first to develop advanced societies in the area.
EOG Questions
• The mountains of South America made farmland difficult to
• How did ancient people adapt to this?
• A) They used terraced farming.
• B) They grew crops in the valleys.
• C) They used large farm animals to plow.
• D) They moved to a new area each growing season.
EOG Questions
• Societies adapted to their surroundings by irrigating and
building dams.
• Why did they need to use these techniques?
• A) to decrease the overcrowding of crops
• B) to increase space for people to live
• C) to increase their farmland for growing crops
• D) to decrease the numbers of animals on the land
Important Points
• 6.H.2.3 (Innovations &
Technologies: Agriculture) The
Incans created Terrace Farming so
they could grow crops in the
• 6.H.2.3 (Innovations &
Technologies: Transportation) The
Incans created a road system to
connect the Incan Empire
• 6.G.1.3 (Distinguishing
Characteristic: Physical Feature)
The Incan Civilization was in the
Andes Mountains
• 6.G.1.4 (Adapting to physical
environment: Terrace Farming)
The Incans adapted to their
physical environment by creating
Terrace Farming so they could
grow crops
• 6.G.1.4 (Adapting to physical
environment: Domestication of
Plants & Animals) The Incans
domesticated crops like corn &
animals like llamas to make them