LEON BATTISTA ALBERTI, interior of Sant`Andrea (looking northeast)

Alberti and Bartolomeo
Created by: Shaina and Ashley
Leone Battista Alberti
(February 14, 1404 – April 20,
› S. Maria Novella, Florence
 Alberti designed the façade
 The first completed design for a
church façade of the
Leone Battista Alberti
› A classical theorist who approached architecture as a
way to express his philosophy of design
› Revised the De architectura libri decem (Ten Books on
 Completed 1452
Title: Facade of Palazzo Rucellai, Florence
Artist: Leon Battista Alberti
Date: 1446-1451
Title: Facade of Santa Maria Novella, Florence
Artist: Leon Battista Alberti
Date: 1458-1470
Michelozzo di Bartolomeo (1396–1472)
› an Italian architect and sculptor
› A capable architect and was awarded
several commissions
› He is buried in the monastery of San
Marco, Florence.