Mini-Confernece PP

Timeless Narrative:
The Unfolding Journey of Real Moments
Brittany Carey
Quotes on Narrative
• “Architecture as narrative concentrates on experience
of space” and “…buildings are experienced gradually
through movement.” Sophia Psarra, Architecture and Narrative:
The Formation of Space and Cultural Meaning.
• In Carlo Scarpa: An Architectural Guide Sergio Los
writes about Scarpa’s “compositional system”, the
way in which the story, or “typological content”, is
expressed and constructed.
Sergio Los, Carlo
Scarpa: An Architectural Guide
• “narrative in architecture is rarely a prescribed
sequence of meanings, but instead an anti-sequential
‘framework’ of associative meanings held in wait to
‘drench’ the unsuspecting visitor.”
Nigel Coates, Narrative Architecture
Quotes on Reality
• “For architecture, emptiness implies that a building
should not be slave to its program, twisting and
turning to accommodate our every movement and
wish – squirming to please, as it were – but rather
should be formed according to innate principles of
order, structure, shelter, the evolution of architecture
itself – and accident.”
Michael Benedikt, For an Architecture of Reality
• “…features of old and/or vernacular buildings,
otherwise so straightforwardly organized, are often
precisely those that attract us to inhabit them.
Offering opportunity rather than giving direction, they
are indifferent to our designs on them.”
Benedikt, For an Architecture of Reality
Precedents of Influence
Carlo Scarpa
Olivetti Showroom
Venice, Saint Mark’s
Brion Monumental Tomb
San Vito d’Altivole (Treviso),
Precedents of Influence
Sverre Fehn
Hamar Bispegaard
Norwegian Glacier
Thesis Prep II Images
Abstraction of historical elements and the extraction of the timeless
Thesis Prep II Images
A visual and written description and narrative of the experiential unfolding
• Alexander, Christopher. The Timeless Way of Building. New
York: Oxford UP, 1979. Print.
Benedikt, Michael. For an Architecture of Reality. New York:
Lumen, 1987. Print.
• Coates, Nigel. Narrative Architecture. 1st ed. Chichester, West
Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, 2012. Print.
• Los, Sergio. Carlo Scarpa: An Architectural Guide. 1st ed.
Venice: Arsenale Editrice, 1995. Print.
• Moussavi, Farshid. The Function of Ornament. Ed. Michael
Kubo. Barcelona: Actar, 2006. Print.
• Psarra, Sophia. Architecture and Narrative: The Formation of
Space and Cultural Meaning. Abingdon: Routledge, 2009. Print.