Slide 1 - lbrothers

Goal 1 Review: The New Nation
Early Domestic Issues
Bill of Rights - 1st 10 Amendments to the Constitution
1st Amendment – RAPPS (_religion, assembly, press, petition, speech_)
10th Amendment – Reserves power to the states
Issues: Alien & Sedition Acts  KY and VA Resolutions
Federalists upset by War of 1812(rumors they wanted to leave)  Hartford Convention
What Washington Did:
(fill in the names of
each secretary)
Randolph-Attorney General
Judiciary Act of 1789
__Set up court system with levels (local, state
And nationals.
DemocraticRepublican Party
Nation of farmers.
Against big central
government (states’
Pro French
Strict interpretation
Whiskey Rebellion
Uprising of grain farmers protesting excise
Tax on whiskey. Wash. sent troops to put down the insurrection.
Showed the power of the fed. Gov’t.
Federalist Party
Wealthy educated
should run country.
Loose interpretation
Bigger central
Case that established Judicial Review  Marbury v. Madison
Early Political Freedoms
formed confederacy of
American Indian Nations
after the Treaty of
Greenville made some
Native Americans give
up land
the Ladies!
Abigail Adams…wanted voting
For the women,.
Eli Whitney - invented the cotton gin
demand for cotton and # of slaves
Early Foreign Policy Issues
What did Washington’s Farewell address state?
Warned against political parties and to stay out of world affairs (no “entangling alliances”).
What led to Jay’s Treaty?B. Britain Stop ships but don’t impress. Who was mad about this Treaty?
France. What did this country do to make us mad? XYZ Affair-demanded a bribe in order to talk
to French officials about the stopping of American ships bound for Britain. )
What was Jefferson’s version of “peaceful coercion” called? Embargo Act of 1807.
Who wanted war with England?S, W War Hawks What was the war called? War of 1812. AKA: The
Second War for Independence What was the last battle? New Orleans It was after the Treaty
of Ghent.
What treaties were made with Spain? Adams-Onis (ceded Florida), Pinckney’s (right of deposit-N.
Goal 2 Review: Expansion and Reform
Territorial Expansion
Please label: Louisiana Purchase,
Oregon Territory, Mexican Cession,
Gadsden Purchase, Trail of Tears,
Oregon Trail, Missouri Compromise,
industrial region, agricultural region
Why was Jefferson concerned about
the Louisiana Purchase? He thought it went against a strict interpretation of the Constitution.
What was Polk’s campaign slogan?54 40 or fight! (Wanted Oregon)
Nationalism in Art and Literature
4 major authors of this era: _Edgar Poe, JF Cooper, W.Irving, H. Melville, Hawthorne_
Dictionary of US lang._Noah Webster 2 leading transcendentalists Emerson, Thoreau
Style of American landscape paintings _Hudson River School
Economic and Social Issues in the Early 1800s
Morse’s invention that revolutionized communication Telegraph/Morse Code
3 Major Inventions and their Inventors
_Steel Plow
__John Deere_
_Mechanical Reaper____
_Cyrus McCormick_____
__Steam Engine___
Political party that developed out of anti-immigrant feelings _Know-Nothings_
Political Issues in the Early 1800s
Monroe Doctrine _Warmed European countries to stay out of the W. Hemisphere._
Election of 1824 called _Corrupt Bargain_ & Why? _Jackson thought a deal had been made that
denied him the presidency.__
What were the three parts of Henry Clay’s American System?
2)Protective Tariff 3)National Bank
Jackson opposed the National Bank and put money into Pet Banks .
What claimed that tariffs were unfair and unconstitutional?_SC (nullification) “tariff of
Reform Movements of the Early 1800s
Who were key leaders in the movement for women’s rights?_SB Anthony,
Religious movement of the early 1800s?_______________ One of the preachers?__________
Who worked for improvements for the mentally ill? Dorthea Dix
Utopian community_____________________________3 examples?______________________
The Role of Religion in Social Movements
What pair of sisters were important abolitionists? Grimke sisters (Sarah and Angelina)
Give a brief description of these abolitionists:
William Lloyd Garrison white abolitionist, published the Liberator and spoke out against slavery—
immediate abolishment of salvery
David Walker: free African American abolitionists, published The Appeal that advocated the use of
violence to secure freedom.
Frederick Douglass_former slave & abolitionists. Published the North Star
Goal 3 Review: Civil War and Reconstruction
Antebellum Economic, Social, and Political Events
Candidates for Senator of Illinois in 1858 Stephen Douglas/ Abraham Lincoln
Supreme Court Case that rules slaves were property Dred Scott v. Sandford_
Popular Sovereignty _Let the people rule/vote on whether to allow slavery into a new state.
Compromise of 1850 Ca->Free State (N. happy), Harsh fugitive slave law (S. happy)
Kansas-Nebraska Act Used popular sovereignty to decide slavery issue->”Bleeding Kansas”
Founded on an anti-slavery platform The Republican Party
Important debate about states rights and tariffs Lincoln-Douglas Debates (Senate Race Ill. )
Causes of the Civil War
by Harriet Beecher Stowe
North’s reaction Abolition grows
South’s reaction anger/banned book
_Harriet Tubman - conductor on the
Underground Railroad
Candidates in the
Election of 1860
Abr. Lincoln
Stephen Douglas
Vs. Bell
There was also a stricter black codes because of slave uprisings.
Circle the winner.
What happened after
he won? SC secedes
What was then formed?_CSA _ Who was the President?__Jefferson Davis _
The first shots were fired at Ft. Sumter
Turning Points of the Civil War
First Major
Bull Run
Bloodiest Single
Split the
Confederacy in
(control of
confed. )
Turning Point
Gettysburg (ends
the southern
invasion of the
E. Lee
S. General
Ulysses S. Grant
N. General
US Pres.
John Wilkes
Southern actor
who shot Lincoln
Lincoln’s goal at the beginning of the war _Preserve the union. _______
What did Lincoln suspend? _Writ of habeas corpus ________________
Three-part Union strategy to win the war _____Anaconda Plan _
1)Blockade ports 2)control Miss/divide South 3)Capture Richmond
What turned the war into a moral issue? __Emancipation Proclamation
Political, Economic, and Social Impact of Reconstruction (_New-_South _)
Supremacy of Fed. Gov’t.
Southern “redemption” after Reconstruction ended
South devastated; slavery
replaced by sharecropping
Jim Crow laws/
What ended Reconstruction? _Compromise of 1877 Hayes/Tilden election. Hayes gets to be
president in exchange for removing the military from the South.
Test of the Government
Amendments: 13ends slavery 14citizenship/equal protection_ 15voting rights for all men.
Goal 4 Review: Moving West
Groups that Moved West
3 reasons people moved west 1)__economic opportunity 2)religious freedom 3)free land
Comstock (silver)
CA-Sutter’s Creek (gold)
Free land to farm through the Homestead Act. Many lived in Sod Houses .
Morrill Land Grant Act Gave land to states to fund agriculture schools
The Impact of Westward Movement
May 10, 1869 – Transcontinental RR built by Union Pacific_ and Central Pacific_.
Conflicts on the Plains
-Sand Creek Massacre (Chief Black Kettle)
-Battle of Little Big Horn (Red Cloud and Crazy Horse) Custer’s Last Stand
-Nez Perce Tribe (Chief Joseph)resisted movement to reservations (loss of Appaloosa Horse)
Helen Hunt’s book A Century of Dishonor led to the ___________________. Supporters of this
act thought it would lead to ______________________.
Difficulties for the American Farmer
Populism - grew out of farmers’ unhappiness; they were upset about high railroad rates, high tariffs,
& raised prices of equipement
What other kinds of organizations represented farmers? ______________________________
What ruling said states could regulate railroad rates?Munn v. Illinois
What act stated that railroads had to charge reasonable rates? The Interstate Commerce Act
What ruling overturned Munn v. Illinois? ___________________________________________
_____________________ gave the _______________ which supported ________________.
What political party developed from farmers and blue-collar workers? The Grange
What was their platform called? Populists Party, Farmers Alliance
Agriculture Technology
Converts energy of the wind into rotation
Joseph Glidden: establish barriers for
John Deere: ideal for tough soil in the West
Move refrigerated products across the
My two business
innovations were . . .
Horizontal Mergers & Vertical Mergers
Andrew Carnegie
Other Terms:
Existed when a few
people control a
company as directors
When the government
has little control of
laissez- faire
Goal 5 Review: Immigration, Urbanization, and Industrialization
Immigration and Urbanization
Angel Island - Eastern Europe* and Asia
Immigrants - Western Europe
*In New York, they arrived at Ellis Island
Many immigrants lived in:
And worked in ___________factories________________
Many released their old identity and blended together in
the “Melting Pot”
A resentment of foreigners developed known as Nativism. One extreme example was the Chinese
Exclusion Act of 1882.
Others tried to help immigrants:
Jacob Riis
Muckraker journalist: negatives of the tenements
Jane Addams
Founder of the Hull House-provided social services
Business and Industrial Leaders
Captains of Industry or Robber Barrons?
Industry / Company / Significance
Railroad construction
J.P. Morgan
Edwin Drake - oil drill
Westinghouse - airbrake and railroad switch
Henry Bessemer- allowed for mass production of steel
Carnegie - blocks competition
Charles Darwin - “survival of the fittest” applied to humans
Labor Unions
Trade Union - craftsmen
Craft Union – industrial unions & common workers
American Federation of Labor
Major Strikes
led by Samuel Gompers
Great Railroad Strike, Haymarket Riot
Pullman Strike
Changing Role of Government
Anti-Serman Law - outlawed monopolies
In many cities, political machines developed. The most
famous was Tammany Hall led by Boss Tweed.
The Pendleton Act created the Civil Service System.
supported by the __________________
Political changes: 1)_______________2)_______________3)________________4)________________
Goal 6 Review: Imperialism
Role in World Affairs
Expansion has
shaped American
character, but
now the frontier
is closed.
Policy in which
stronger nations
extend economic,
political, or
_T. Roosevelt
We must build
American power
by expanding
the Navy.
Alfred T. Mahan “The Influence of
Sea Power Upon History”
mercantilism- economic system in which colonies provide raw materials for a country
Rudyard Kipling’s poem “The White Man’s Burden” promoted Anglo-Saxon superiority.
Part of the world under
A country’s control or influence
Military, Economic, and Political Involvement
Pearl Harbor- naval base in Hawaii omit- President of the temporary government in Hawaii
Called Sewards’ Folly when Secretary of State William Seward purchased it.
Spanish-American War (The “Splendid Little War” Little loss of life/gain territory/world power
from Spain
De Lôme
Insults our
blows up
near Havana,
the Spanish
fleet at
Manila Bay
John J. Pershing was
sent to capture
Battle of
San Juan
led by
becomes a
(cut e
The Panama Canal
connected the Atlantic & Pacific
time/cost of moving between At./Pac.)
1. Trade
2. military reasons
Poncho Villa
US Policies and Impact on Others
Diplomacy of Different Presidents (The Progressives)
Theodore Roosevelt
“Big Stick” Policy
Use force if necessary to defend
American interests.
*Roosevelt Corollary (to the Monroe
Doctrine) – right to intervene
William Howard Taft
“Dollar Diplomacy”
Use economic influence in Latin
Woodrow Wilson
“Missionary Diplomacy”
Civilize others
Open-Door Policy - John Hay’s request for China’s ports to remain open
Jingoism - bullying other countries
Great White Fleet- 16 battleships sent by Teddy Roosevelt to tour the world
Goal 7 Review: Progressivism
Rise of Progressivism
White collar workers that wanted to promote social welfare, moral improvement, economic reform,
and to foster efficiency were called ___________________.
(journalists who exposed poor working conditions and corruption)
Jacob Riis (poor living conditions in
Ida Tarbell (business corruption in
Standard Oil)
Upton Sinclair: (wrote about meat
packing industry)
_Triangle Shirtwaist Factory - incident where 146 workers died
Economic and Political Gains
Upton Sinclair’s book The Jungle led to Meat Inspection Act and Pure Food and Drug Act 1906.
Candidates in the Election of 1912
Amendments: 16) income tax 17)_OMIT 18)_alcohol is illegal 19) women gain the right to vote
OMIT New forms of local government: C_____________, C_____________, and
OMIT Reformers included ______________ (governor of Wisconsin) and
2 Kinds of Segregation
3 Ways
States Prevented
Blacks from Voting
Poll tax
Grandfather Clause
Literacy Test
De Jure
Significant Supreme Court
Case of 1896
De Facto
Booker T. Washington
WEB DuBoise
Marcus Garvey
Plessy v.
- African American reformer; wanted economic equality
- African American reformer; started the NAACP
- African American reformer;
“Back to Africa Movement”
______________________ - led an anti-lynching campaign
Technological Changes
The first successful airplane flight was at Kitty Hawk, NC. The plane was built by
I’m Henry Ford and these are my innovations:
1.Assembly Line_ 2. ______________ 3.________________
My most popular car model was the _Model T
Goal 8 Review: World War I
Neutrality to War
The MAIN causes of World War I:
Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism
The Two Sides
Central Powers
Ottoman Empire
Wilson’s 1916
“He kept us
out of the war”
3 Things That Brought the US into the War
1)Attack of Lusitania
2)_Zimmerman Telegraph 3)_Sinking of 4 US Merchant ships
said “the world must be made safe for democracy.”
The _______________________________________________ recruited 3 million soldiers.
WWI Turning Points OMIT
____________________________ led the American Expeditionary Force (doughboys).
The area in between trenches was known as ________________________.OMIT
Wilson’s Plan for
Wilson’s 14
points: called
for a League of
Nation to be
The Big Four
Great Britain
The Treaty of Versailles
Germany stripped of
army, forced to pay 33
million to Allies & admit
guilt of the war. (will lead
to WWII)
WWI Impact
Government Agencies OMIT
Headed By
The Red Scare ended up sending many radicals, communists, and anarchists out of the country.
The _Sacco-Vanzetti trial involved Italian immigrants that were targeted for a crime with limited
The Sedition Act of 1918 punished those that did not support the war effort. The Supreme Court
case that came from this act was Schenck v. US 1919 no free speech during times of war
The __omit was the plan for repaying war reparations.
Goal 9 Review: 1920s and 1930s
Boom to Bust
The Teapot Dome Scandel involved the illegal sale of government lands by Secretary of the Interior
Albert Fall.
The highest tariff in US History was imported goods
Factors That Led to The Crash
Stock market
lost $10 to
$15 billion in
Stock market crash
Buying items on credit
Prosperity of Different Segments
Forms of Direct
Shanty towns built by
homeless people
Encourage public
works at state and
local level
World War I veterans marched on Washington and became known as the Bonus Army: promised a
bonus and did not give it to the veterans. Army troops forced them back at gunpoint.
Music was important in the 1920s. The most popular form was Jazz which could be heard on millions
of newly purchased radios
_Talkies (movies with sound emerged) and one of the most popular ones was Jazz Singer.
___________________ also had a huge impact on American culture.
Due to the fears of the American people during the Depression, FDR had many radio addresses
known as Fireside Chats
Lost Generation Writers 1)_Ernest Hemingway 2) Scott Fitzgerald
Harlem Renaissance Artists 1)_Zora Neale Hurston 2) Louis Armstrong 3) Duke Ellington
Heroes 1)_Charles Lindbergh, Amelia Earhart 2)_Babe Ruth, Jack Dempsey
Prohibition led to 18th amendment and increase in crime and speakeasies
Challenges to Tradition
Through movements such as the Harlem Renaissance and Back to Africa movement, many African
Americans worked to improve their lives.
A religious _temperance movement swept the nation. Two of the ministers were
__________________________ and _____________________. The debate between
science and religion was publicized with the Scope’s Trial (teacher tried to teach evolution)
Impact of the New Deal
The government practiced deficient spending(spending more than you take in) during this time
The first female cabinet member was ____Frances Perkins______.
Lasting New Deal Agencies
Opponents of the New Deal
FDIC, Social Security
Created a safety net for American and larger
role for government in their lives
Goal 10 Review: World War II
WWII Causes and US Entry
Nonaggression Pact
The Rise of Totalitarian Governments
Hitlar, Mussolini, Stalin
The Munich Pact was an
example of ________________.
WWII Turning Points
Neutrality to War
European Theater
Pacific Theater
What form of war did the Germans use?___________
About 20,000 were killed in the _________________.
The ______________________ was the turning point
in Eastern Europe.
What was the Allied Invasion of France called?_D. day
Who led it?_____________
What was the German counterattack called?________
What was the turning point in the Pacific?_______________
Who led the marines in the Pacific?____________________
What strategy did the US use?_______________________
2 Significant Pacific victories 1)___________ 2)_________
The Manhatten Project led by J. Robert Oppenheimer worked
to develop an atomic bomb. Two were dropped. One on
Hiroshima and one on Okinawa. This forced the Japanese to
Victory in Europe or V.E. Day
Victory in Japan or V.J. Day
11 million people (including 6 million Jews) were killed in the Holocaust. Many of the Nazi officials
were put on trial during the Nuremburg Trials for “crimes against humanity.”
War Conferences
Effects of WWII
The Office of Price Administration set up a ______________________ system to save materials.
__________________ were sold to raise money for the war.
Roles for women changed. Rosie Riverter was a symbol of the working woman.
The ______________________ prevented some types of strikes from taking place.
Truman announced his ______________ to protect the rights of workers.
During the war, about 100,000 Japanese were sent to internment camps. Later,
this action was challenged in Korematsu v. U.S..
The GI Bill allowed many veterans to get a college education and buy
homes in suburbs such as _______________ for their families of the ____________
era. There was a growing ________________ although there was not equality for all and
many African Americans moved during the _______________________.
Changes in Foreign Policy
Domino Theory the idea that if one country fell to communism, all would fall.
Marshall Plan aid sent to Turkey and Greece _______________ aid sent to Western Europe
Berlin Airlift started after the city was divided and Soviets cut off West Berlin; later the Berlin
Wall divided East and West Berlin
US developed the ____________________ in 1952. Churchill spoke of an iron curtainthat had
fallen across Europe.
The Chinese Civil War meant that suddenly 20% of the world’s population was under communist
control. The Korean War ended as a stalemate. The __________________ was bad for
US/Soviet relations.
Peacekeeping Organizations
1) United Nations 2)_NATO 3)____________________ 4)___________________
5)___________________ 6)__________________
Goal 11 Review: 1950s and 1960s
Economic, Political, and Social Impact of the Cold War
Government response to American fears of the arms race 1) NASA 2)______________
_______________________ realigned and reorganized the armed forces
_______________________ authorized the building of highways throughout the nation
_______________________ Eisenhower warned against this in his Farewell Address
McCarthyism 1)_______________________2)______________________
Spy Cases
1)_Julius & Ethel Rosenburg executed for treason in 1953
Failure in Cuba Bay of Pigs Tense situation that ended in success_______________
________________ easing of cold war tensions
Major Events of the Civil Rights Movement
Brown v. Board of Education: reversed Plessy v. Ferguson by claiming that separate was unequal
___________________ NAACP lawyer in the case
Attempts to Integrate 1)Little Rock 9 2)_James Meredith
Nonviolent Protests
1) sit-ins 2) marches
Groups that Developed 1)_SNCC 2)_CORE
Changes in the Movement 1)_Malcolm X- by any means necessary 2) Stockley Carmicheal 3)_Black
Panther Movement
Accomplishments 1) integration of buses 2)voting rights (24th amendment) 3)desegregation of
schools 4)____________
Social Movements
Leaders in the Women’s Movement 1) Betty Freidan-founder of NOW
_Cesar Chavez led the Mexican-American labor movement. Another movement of this era was the
Native Americans/Feminist Movement
The EPA must enforce the 1)_pollution standards 2)__________________________
Counterculture Events/Groups 1)_Woodstock 2) Hippies \
Leader of the
Where did the Vietnamese defeat the French?
North Vietnamese;
his followers were
What gave the President broad military powers?
called __________;
his supporters in the
What new weapons were used?
South were __________
Who was the American commander in Vietnam?
What was the turning point of the war? Tet Offensive
What event involved US troops killing unarmed Vietnamese? Mylai
What limited the power of the President in committing troops? War Powers Resolution_____
Protest in which 4 students were killed Kent University Massacre
Technological Changes and Political Events
Sputnik:first artificial satellite (Russian); this led to the
development of ____________________ and ____________________
New Frontier: Kennedy’s domestic program
Peace Corps: Kennedy’s program for developing nations
Great Society Johnson’s domestic program (included Medicaid/Medicare, Head Start, etc.)
What year was filled with protests including one at the Democratic National Convention?_________
25th Amendment Presidential Succession_
Supreme Court case questioning the release of the Pentagon Papers ________________________
CREEP broke into the Democratic National Headquarters to gain info to help Nixon win the 1972
Goal 12 Review: The Modern Era
Foreign Policy Since Vietnam
Which President was most concerned with human rights?_Carter
The end of apartheid in South Africa led to the election of _Nelson Mandela.
______________chief leader of the PLO; _________________ Egypt and Syria attacked Israel
Camp David Accords Carter’s biggest accomplishment as President; between Egypt and Israel
_____________________ religious leader in Iran the took over after the Shah; Carter’s biggest
failure as President ________________________
______________________members of Reagan’s administration secretly sold missiles to Iran to support the Contras
Strategic Defense Initiative Reagan’s plan nicknamed “Star Wars”
The end of the Cold War was symbolized by the fall of Berlin Wall
A student protest in China turned violent at ___________________________.
The _____________________ was a success for the United States under George Bush.
Where did Clinton send troops in 1995 for a peacekeeping effort?_________________
Federal Legislation
Amendments 26)_voting age to 18 27)_Congressional salary
______________________ first woman to run for Vice President
______________________ first female Supreme Court Justice
Clarence Thomas replaced Thurgood Marshall on the Supreme Court
Charotte-Mecklanburg v. Swann questioned bussing to integrate schools
______________________ allowed flag burning under the 1st Amendment
______________________ outlawed gender discrimination in school activities
Economic, Technological, and Environmental Changes
________________ high inflation and high unemployment; WIN __________________________
Reaganomics was based on the idea of high interest rates or cutting taxes.
NAFTA eliminated tariffs between Canada, the United States, and Mexico
The Energy Crisis of the 1970s led to the _____________________ and the _______________.
New forms of energy developed including ____________________ and ___________________.
Social, Political, and Cultural Changes
New Federalism: Nixon’s policy that involved giving federal money to state and local governments for social programs
The ______________________ developed in the 1980s among conservatives.
Ford granted a full pardon to Nixon. Carter issued pardon to Vietnam draft dodgers.
Who won these elections?
1980: Reagon 1984 Reagon
1988_George Bush
1992 Bill Clinton
1996 Bill Clinton
2000 George W. Bush
Racial and Ethnic Diversity
Most immigrants now come from Latino countries and Asia. There has been a new rise in
__nativism feelings. Schools now focus on science and math education.
What put new standards in place for schools and ties funding to test scores? No Child Left Behind
& Race to the Top
US embassies were bombed in 1998 in what two countries? 1)________________ 2)___________
What terrorist network is responsible for many terrorist attacks including the 9/11 attacks?Al
Qaeda Who heads this group?_Osama Bin Laden
Who was the Secretary of State during that time?Colin Powell (1st African American male to hold
Developments after 9/11 1) Department of Homeland Security 2)__________________
The United States now uses _____________________ for protection.