Doing Oral History In Hong Kong – Some Experiences 香港口述历史实践:经验分享 Dr Wong Wai Ling, The University of Hong Kong 香港大学王惠玲博士 ( October 27-28, 2014, Changsha, China Information Technology for Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History My Previous Commitments 个人经验 Oral History Projects 口述历史项目 Hong Kong Oral History Archives Project (2001-2004) Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Oral History Research (20052008) Hong Kong Jockey Club Oral History Archives (2006-2008) Hong Kong Memory Project (2008-2013) HKU WAY Project (2014-2018) Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 香港口述历史档案库(2001-2004年) 东华三院口述历史研究计划 (2005-2008年) 香港赛马会口述历史档案库(20062008年) 香港记忆计划(2008-2013年) 香港大学同行计划(2014-2018年) 2 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Hong Kong Oral History Archives 香港口述历史 档案库 Building Archives 建立档案库 设立一个有系统的口述历史档案库, 记录来自不同背景的市民与香港历 史有关的课题 搜集了约200个口述历史记录,档案 库含访谈录音、访谈逐字稿、部份 受访者所捐赠的私人旧照片珍藏 档案材料数码化,另设专门目录系 统方便检索 由香港大学图书馆储存及管理使用 主要供大学师生使用 Link to Archives 链接至档案库: To set up an oral history archive systematically, recording oral histories from all walks of life about the history of Hong Kong The Archives: around 200 records collected, audio records, verbatim transcripts and photos contributed by some interviewees Digitized and indexed Managed by and accessible in the University of Hong Kong Libraries Available mainly for the academics Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 3 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Hong Kong Oral History Archives 香港口述历史 档案库 Set-Up Methodology 构造方法 Life story approach plus thematic approach Audio records, Verbatim transcript Indexed by biography, summary and subject themes for keyword search Available on the HKU Libraries website and online catalogue Visits must be made in person to the Library Consent forms signed by the interviewees, some with additional restrictive conditions User’s agreement signed by the users 访谈方法揉合「生命历程」及 「专题研探」两种取向 档案材料类型:录音、逐字稿 档案编目方式:人物背景、访谈 概要及主题,可以关键词检索搜 寻档案 档案编目置于大学图书馆的网页, 并可于网上检索系统搜寻 录音及逐字稿只限图书馆内阅览 受访者均签署使用同意书,部份 附加使用限制 使用者必须签署使用协议书 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 4 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Hong Kong Oral History Archives 香港口述历史档 案库 Contributions and Constraints 贡献及局限 Contributions 贡献 Build up the first oral history archives accessible for studies and researches Set a reference for other scholars who do not have the habits of sharing primary research materials 这是香港第一个口述历史档案库 开放予研究者及学生等使用 为其他应用口述历史方法的学者 提供参考,将搜集所得安排予开 放使用 限制 使用限于大学图书馆内,在数码 时代,显得落后 使用者限于大学的学者,普罗大 众难以接触这些档案 Constraints Accessibility is limited to university library Accessibility is limited to university scholars Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 5 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Institutional Projects 机构口述历史项目 知识转移 Knowledge Transfer 两个不同的合作项目: Two separate projects, we have collaborated with 东华三院 香港赛马会档案库 Tung Wah Group of Hospitals Hong Kong Jockey Club Archives 将香港口述历史档案库的方法应用 于建立机构口述历史档案库 机构管理权及角色 HKOHA’s methodology was applied to construct oral history archives within the institutions Management role and authority of the institutions Subject themes covered in the interviews Selection of interviewees Censorship arrangement Ownership of the interview records Accessibility of the interview records Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 6 对访谈课题的规限 邀约受访者 审查安排 访谈记录所有权 阅览及使用安排 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Institutional Projects 机构口述历史项目 Contributions and Constraints 贡献及局限 Contributions 贡献 Knowledge transfer between university and institutions promoted oral history to the institutions of historical significance Enhanced the people of the institution with the sense of history and solidarity 大学与机构之间的知识转移 向历史悠久的机构推广口述历史 让机构成员/员工加强自我历史 意识及归属感 局限 自我审查对访谈内容形成规限 只限内容使用 Constraints Self censorship restricts the scope of the interviews Accessibility limited to internal uses Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 7 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Hong Kong Memory Project 香港记忆计划 Oral History as Cultural Heritage 口述历史作为非物质文化遗产 Digitization of local heritage and historical materials A response to the “Memory of the World” as proposed by the UNESCO A joint project of the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department Developed by The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences and HKU Libraries 本地历史文化档案数码化项目 响应联合国教科文组织的「世界 记忆」的呼吁 合作机构:香港赛马会慈善基金及 香港特区政康乐及文化事务署 网站开发:香港大学香港人文社会 研究所及香港大学图书馆 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 8 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Hong Kong Memory Project 香港记忆计划 Oral History on the Web 互联网上的口述历史 The Oral History Section --- Hong Kong Voices Oral history methods inherited and modified from HKOHA’s methodology All records are available on the website New methodological concerns: 口述历史部份:「香港留声」 口述历史方法承接自香港口述历 史档案库的方法 所有搜集所得的口述历史档案均 于网上开放使用 产生新的方法学课题: 避免干犯有关隐私、保护个人资 料、诽谤等问题 访谈课题和内容受到相应规范 版权的安排 The concern of privacy, protection of personal information, and libel This has imposed some limitation to the scope of contents recorded in the interview Copyright arrangements Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 9 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling “Hong Kong Voices” 香港记忆 《香港留声》 Contributions and Constraints 贡献与局限 Contributions 贡献 The promotion of oral history to a much wider scope of audience Younger generations can understand history from accounts of lived experiences of the older generations A change of conception of what history means to ordinary people 让普罗大众更容易接触口述历史, 可促进民众对口述历史的认同 年青人可从长辈的个人生活记忆 认识历史 由此,可改变民众对历史的观念, 即书写历史不单是学者的专利, 民众亦可参与建立历史记录 Constraints 局限 The element of community engagement awaits further explored Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 社区民众只是受访者、聆听者, 参与程度仍有一定限制 10 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling WAY Project 香港大学同行计划 Community Engagement 社区参与项目 Community - Southern District and Aberdeen Operative Partners: 社区–香港岛南区、香港仔 执行机构 香港大学学生发展及资源中心 (前身是大学的学生事务处) 香港大学香港人文社会研究所 周大福慈善基金赞助 CEDARS (HKU Student Affairs) HK Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences Sponsored by Chow Tai Fook Charities 社区伙伴 Community Partners 南区妇女会(前身是香港仔渔民 妇女会) 香港渔民互助社(香港仔分会) Southern District Women’s Association (formerly Aberdeen Fisher-women Association) Hong Kong Fishermen’s Association (Aberdeen Branch) Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 11 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Oral History and Community Engagement 口述历史与 社区参与 口述历史作为社会资本 Oral history as social capital 强调参与 Participatory 大学方面:研究员、老师、学生、 行政人员 社区方面:渔民团体、非政府机 构、个别渔民人士 From the university: researchers, teachers, students, administrators From the community: Fishermen’s associations, NGOs, fishermen Sharing and popular education 分享与公众教育 The uses and presentations of oral history outcomes for the community and the public 向社区民众展示口述历史档案 参与及延续 Engagement and continuity 如何将整个项目成果植根在社区, 由社区民众拥有,成为社区资本 及持续发展? How the whole set of outcome and practices will be managed by the community, and turn into social capital of the community? Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 12 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Initial Model of Community Engagement 大学与社区合作的初步模型 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 13 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Water Community Museum Exhibition Under construction 1. Based on oral history research 2. To be built on a fisherman’s vessel 3. To be designed and constructed by students of Architecture Dept Water Community Museum Guided Tours & educational workshops Community Organization Incubation for fishermen’s social enterprise to offer fishermen employment opportunities Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 14 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling 水面社区生活馆 展览 建设中 1.口述歷史作為內容 基礎 2. 生活館建於漁船上 3. 建築系碩士生實習 活動、 設計及建造 生活館 生活馆 导赏团+ 工作坊 义工团体 渔民社会企业培育中心,提供渔民就业机会 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 15 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling The venue under proposal 建议中的生活馆地点 Look out from the window of the vessel 从船上窗口外望 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 16 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Oral History and The Exhibition 口述历史与展览 To visualize oral history 将口述历史图像化 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 17 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Oral History of Water People 水面人口述历史 Between May and August, 2014, we interviewed 28 people: 23 men and 5 women Water people 2014年5月至8月间,与28位人士进 行口述历史访问,23男士 + 5女士 水面人 Fisherfolks (retired and active ones) Fish merchants Operators in boat making and repair Operators of associated trades 介绍受访者 Referrals 渔民团体 南区妇女会 滚雪球 Through Fishermen’s Association, Southern District Women Association, and snowballing Interviews 访谈形式 Tape-recorded, 2-3 hours, some on the boats Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 渔民(退休者及现职者) 渔商 船排厂 从事水上行业的人士 录音、每次2-3小时,部份于渔船上 进行 18 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling 访谈主题 Interview Themes 个人与家族历史 Personal and family history Origin, birth, growing up, school, work, grandparents and parents, siblings, marriage, history of residence 祖籍、出生、成长、教育、谋生、 父祖辈、兄弟姊妹、婚姻、居住 历史等 Fishing as a means of living 捕鱼作为维生途径 Fishing history, transitions in fisheries vessels/ fishing methods/ fishing grounds/ types of fish Managing money/ fish marketing/ living standards 捕鱼历史、转型经过 渔船类别、方式、渔区、鱼类 金钱管理、鱼市场、生活质素 捕鱼作为一种生活方式 Fishing as a way of life 捕鱼的作息,每天的活动、一年 四季的周期 渔船上的社会关系:男女分工、 长幼分工、方言社群、社区群体 How fishing organizes daily lives on the water, activities round the year How fishing organizes relationships: gender, generational, ethnic, community Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 19 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling 访谈主题 Interview Themes Daily life practices and culture 日常生活及传统文化 How they talked about difficulties and solutions How cultural traditions are associated with daily lives on the water Fisherfolks as a distinctive group, culture, traditions and customs 渔民如何叙述日常生活的困难及解 决方法 传统文化习俗与日常生活的连系 渔民是否一独特的社群、文化、传 统及习俗? 地缘及社区意识 Sense of place and community connections with places, Aberdeen with other shelter ports, through fishermen’s movements, social and cultural activities Association with the land and the land people Organizations among fishermen The sense of home and identity 地方之间的联系、香港仔与其他湾 头通过渔民的流动、社交及文化活 动形成的联系 与岸上及陆上人的联系 渔民组织 家的意识及身份意识 Urbanization and life transitions 都市化与生活转变 Quit fishing, or vocational shifts Housing resettlement Any changes in fishermen’s identity Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 上岸、转业 房屋安置 身份意识的转变 20 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling 口述历史展览 (内容初拟) The Exhibition of Oral History (Draft Contents) Representing Aberdeen - A water Community and harbour port 表现香港仔:水面社区湾头 Geographical landscape of the water community Social and cultural landscape Larger water community: Place connections Fisheries and people’s livelihood 渔民故事 Individual stories Older generations Sea-going fisherfolks Inshore fisherfolks Businesses on the water Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 地理景貌 社会及文化面貌 更大的水面社区:地方连系 渔业与市民生活 21 老一辈渔民 远海渔民 近岸渔民 水上生意人 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Individual Stories 渔民故事 To give voice and face to the water people 呈现水上人的脸容和声音 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 22 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Older Generation Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 渔民长辈 23 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Sea-Going Fishermen 远海渔民 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 24 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Inshore Fisherfolks 近岸渔民 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 25 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling Businesses on the Water 水上生意人 Information Technology in Education Conference Local Culture and Oral History, Changsha, Oct 27-28, 2014 26 Doing Oral History In Hong Kong Wong Wai Ling