18th October 2014

First Reading: Isaiah 45:1. 4-6
A reading from the prophet Isaiah
I have taken the hand of Cyrus to subdue nations before his countenance.
Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus,
whom he has taken by his right hand
to subdue nations before him
and strip the loins of kings,
to force gateways before him
that their gates be closed no more:
It is for the sake of my servant Jacob,
of Israel my chosen one,
that I have called you by your name,
conferring a title though you do not know
I am the Lord, unrivalled;
there is no other God besides me.
Though you do not know me, I arm you
that men may know from the rising to the
setting of the sun
that, apart from me, all is nothing.
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Psalm: Ps 95:1. 3-5. 7-10
R. Give the Lord glory and honour.
O sing a new song to the Lord,
sing to the Lord all the earth.
Tell among the nations his glory
and his wonders among all the peoples. R.
The Lord is great and worthy of praise,
to be feared above all gods;
the gods of the heathens are naught.
It was the Lord who made the heavens. R.
Give the Lord, you families of peoples,
give the Lord glory and power,
give the Lord the glory of his name.
Bring an offering and enter his courts. R.
Worship the Lord in his temple,
O earth, tremble before him.
Proclaim to the nations: 'God is king,'
He will judge the peoples in fairness. R.
St. Monica’s Parish
love and persevered through hope, in our
Lord Jesus Christ.
We know, brothers, that God loves you
and that you have been chosen, because
when we brought the Good News to you, it
came to you not only as words, but as power and as the Holy Spirit and as utter conviction.
The word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God.
Gospel Acclamation: Philippians 2:15-16
Alleluia, alleluia!
Shine on the world like bright stars;
you are offering it the word of life.
Moonee Ponds
Presbytery: 22 Robinson St., Moonee Ponds 3039
Telephone: (03) 9370 5035 - Facsimile: (03) 9370 6335
Email: mooneeponds@cam.org.au
Website: www.stmonicasparishmp.com.au
Office Hours: Monday—Friday 9.00am—3.00pm
Parish Priest: Father Tony Feeney
Assistant Priest: Rev Benneth Osuagwu
Parish Secretaries: Marcia Mc Lean & Sharon Biddlestone — Admin. Assistants: Mary Mount & Sheila Gregory
School Principal: Mr. Peter Moore — School Phone No: 9375 1132
Weekend Masses
Masses this Week
Monday: Liturgy of the Word with Holy Communion: 7.00am
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday: 7:00am & 9:15am Mass
Saturday & Holidays: 8:00am Mass
Reconciliation on Saturday: 10:00am - 11:00am, 6:00pm – 6:20pm
Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament after 8am Mass
A reading from the holy Gospel according to Matthew
Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and
to God the things that are God's.
The Gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ
Second Reading: 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5
A reading from the first letter of St Paul to
the Thessalonians
18th./19th. October, 2014
Saturday: (Vigil for Sunday): 6:30pm — Sunday: 8:00am, 9:15am (Italian) - 10:30 am, 5:30 pm
Gospel: Matthew 22:15-21
The Pharisees went away to work out between them how to trap Jesus in what he
said. And they sent their disciples to him,
together with the Herodians, to say, 'Master,
we know that you are an honest man and
teach the way of God in an honest way, and
that you are not afraid of anyone, because a
man's rank means nothing to you. Tell us
your opinion then. Is it permissible to pay
taxes to Caesar or not?' But Jesus was
aware of their malice and replied, 'You hypocrites! Why do you set this trap for me? Let
me see the money you pay the tax with.'
They handed him a denarius, and he replied, 'Whose head is this? Whose name?'
'Caesar's,' they replied. He then said to
them, 'Very well, give back to Caesar what
belongs to Caesar - and to God what belongs to God.'
29th. Sunday in Ordinary Time
To you I call: for you will surely heed me, O God;
turn your ear to me; hear my words.
Guard me as the apple of your eye;
in the shadow of your wings protect me.
Some time ago I read that “The job of the newspaper is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” These words were written by a journalist
who was commenting on the power of the media to
influence society. This week Jesus asks us on all
the factors that influence our actions.
The context of this week’s Gospel message is the
Ongoing confrontation between Jesus and the Pharisees. The glib words of the Pharisees drip with
honey as they extol Jesus’ sense of fairness, his sincerity and truth. All the while their intent is to trap
him and to discredit him.
The Pharisees live to protect the Law, as they interpreted it. Jesus recognises their malice and even
Behold, the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him,
who hope in his merciful love,
to rescue their souls from death,
to keep them alive in famine.
calls them hypocrites. Before we put our hands on
our hips and stand smugly behind Jesus in this confrontation, we all have to admit there’s a bit of
Pharisee in each of us, too. Often it is easier to follow the law, be it civil or religious law, than to
form our consciences according to the Gospel and
teachings of Jesus who wants to be our Way, our
Truth and our Life.
We continue to celebrate the First Communion of a
number of our children, this week we prayer with, for
and congratulate the children whose names are recorded within this copy of our Parish Bulletin.
We are mindful of your faith, hope, and love.
From Paul, Silvanus and Timothy, to the
Church in Thessalonika which is in God the
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ; wishing
you grace and peace from God the Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ.
We always mention you in our prayers
and thank God for you all, and constantly
remember before God our Father how you
have shown your faith in action, worked for
Why not think of Catholic Theological
Open Day Wednesday 5th. November
See Notice Board at back of Church for
Timetable of the day.
Ministers of the Word
Next week
6.30pm J. Dynan, C. Galt
8.00am D.McLean,
A. Kendall
9.15am A.Catalfamo,
10.30am L. & J. Goring
5.30pm J.Albioli, A.Salvino
Minister of the Eucharist
Next week 25th./26th.October
6.30pm D. DeSilva
8.00am J. Shannon
9.15am F.Priscoglio, M.Galioto,
10.30am J. Schuler, L.La Mari
5.30pm K.Anticevic,
Sanctuary Cleaning
Friday 24th. October
Team 1
Church Linen -October
Maria Giardina
Church Vacuuming
Wednesday 22nd. October
Team 4
Readings this week
29th. Sunday in Ord.Time
Isaiah 45:1,4-6
1 Thessalonians 1:1-5
Matthew 22:15-21
Reading next week
30th. Sunday in Ord. Time
Exodus 22:20-26
1 Thessalonians 1:5-10
Matthew 22:34-40
Alfredo Zdrilitha, Rosario Frasca, Maria Mazzie.
Fr. Minh Tran has been appointed as one of the
Assistant Priests here at St. Monica’s, starting
midday on 26th. November. We welcome Fr. Minh
to St. Monica’s.
Please take up the Thanksgiving (Stewardship) collection first and have the collection brought up with
the Bread and Wine.
Names of those you wish to be prayed for during November, the month of the Holy Souls, may be written
in the “Book of
These will be remembered at Masses during November. Pages of the book are near the church entrances. Envelopes are available if you would like to have
Masses offered.
We are looking for volunteers to help with the
cleaning of the Church Sanctuary. It includes dusting and light vacuuming. (approx. 1– 2 hrs.) If you
can help in anyway, please contact the parish office
on 9370 5035 between 9am and 3pm
Monday to Friday. It would be approximately every
4 weeks.
A Bereavement Mass is to be held at St. Monica’s
Church on Wednesday 19th. November at 7.00pm.
The Mass is to celebrate the lives and death of loved
ones and will provide an opportunity for the Parish
to join in praying for those who have recently died.
Refreshments will be served in the Parish Symons
Centre after Mass.
Frank & Julie Rowe, Antonia Formosa.
Saturday 25th:
Blessed Virgin Mary
“Render therefore to Caesar the things that are
Caesar’s and to God the things that are God’s.”
Matthew 22:21
Everything we are and everything we have belongs to
God. We aren’t “owners” of anything, we are merely
“stewards” of the gifts God has given each of us. All
God is asking is that we give back a portion of what
He gave us. This is the essence of Stewardship. God
should be our first priority in everything. All else
comes second.
We do not choose a vocation completely on our own.
We must prayerfully reflect on how we can best give
to God what is God’s, and then live as though everything depends on God.
Sunday 26th. October
Yarra Bend Park, Fairfield
The walk/run is either 4km or 8km.
Please join us for a pleasant Sunday morning to
support the work of Zimele in partnership with
Edmund Rice Foundation.
Funds raised will help support the awareness of
projects in Africa, supporting some of the poorest
people in the region.
Booking, donation and sponsorships can be done
online and are tax deductable. www.zimele.org
We welcome you to join our “Welcome to Mass” roster for 2014/2015. Let us know which Mass is best
suited for you to greet and welcome parishioners into
our church by handing them a Mass sheet, Parish
News or Hymn Book. For further details please contact the Parish House on 9370 5035.
If you are aware of any Parishioner who is unable to
attend Mass and would like to receive Holy Communion, please submit the Name by calling The Parish
House as we are organising a Roster for such.
St. Monica’s Prayer Group is holding a Father, Son,
Holy Spirit Mission in the Symons Centre (next to
church), Thursdays16th./23rd. October—7.30pm9pm. Concluding with Healing Mass on 30th. October. All welcome—enquiries: Russell 9382 0840 or
Adrian 9337 2051.
1. Wednesday, 5th November - Mass 11.am.
Remembering all our deceased loved ones followed
by shared lunch.
Wednesday, 3rd December - Mass 11.am.
Anointing Mass followed by Christmas theme lunch
with singing by children of St Monica’s.
Wanted the name of a good carpet cleaner to clean
Sanctuary carpet. Please ring parish Office and leave
your name and telephone number.
We congratulate the following children who will
receive their First Holy Communion this
weekend 18th./19th. October:
Mia Caccamo, Ethan Bugeja, Amy Gaylor, Rory
Joyce, Charlotte McInnes, Jerome Spicuglia, Tom
Gallagher, William O’Connell, Louis Ambrosi,
Ondine Goncalves, Alexandra Grima, Micaela
Guarnaccia, Isabella Morello, Natasha Pletikos,
Kye Liddell, Georgia Pell, Byrson Cobb, Patrick
Carmichael, Jemma Dorian, Sarah Hausfeld,
Gianmarco Interlandi, Evelyn Kinahan, Sebastian
La Mari, Madeleine O’Brien, Amelie Prentice, Daniel Vendramini, Gabriel Vendramini, Julia
Vendramini, Amelia Salvador, Angelique Vaxalis,
Noah Khoury, Connor Van Der Linde.
Please pray for all of the children (and their
Those who have expressed an interest in being part of
a Parish RCIA Team, are invited to a meeting next
Wednesday 22nd. October at 7.00pm in the Parish
Liturgy Meeting for all people involved (and interested in being involved), on Wednesday 26th. November
at 7.00pm in the Symons Parish Centre.
Then this workshop is for YOU!
Saturday November 15, 9.00am-3.00pm
Thomas Carr Centre
278 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne
You and Your time (the Parish will
after the rest)
(Morning tea & lunch are All included)
Interested? Speak with one of the priests or ring
the Parish 9370 5035.
New items are now available in the stall—
Children’s Bibles, Painted Crosses and Angels
from El Salvador, Rosaries etc. Great gift ideas
for First Holy Communions being held here at St.
Monica’s during the month of October.
Our next meeting is on Friday 24th. October at
7.00pm in the Symons Centre. All welcome.
As usual there will be BBQ after 10.30 Mass this
Sunday—all are invited, please come.
19 Ottobre
26 Ottobre
2 Novembre
9 Novembre
16 Novembre
23 Novembre
30 Novembre
Fam Galioto
Fam Valori
Fam Cananzi
Fam Pizzichetta
Fam Rosa Di Pietro
Fam Giovanna Distefano
Fam Giuseppina Giansiracusa
Sono pronti per distribuzione i biglietti per il
sorteggio che abbiamo ogni anno prima della Festa
Tutti sono pregati di accettare qualche blocchetti per
vendere fra gli amici. Il prezzo di un biglietto
rimane a $2 ciascuno.
Comprando dei biglietti ci assiste di pagare delle
spese della Festa.
Per ricevere dei biglietti, parlate con Angela
Stivala, o Connie Priscoglio, o con qualcuno alla canonica (Tel: 9370 5035)
Questa Domenica, nel Messa italiana di ore 9.15,
alcuni dei nostri Bambini faranno la loro prima
comunione, e quindi la messa sarà in lingua
Riflessione per Domenica 29th Del Anno A
L’ipocrisia dei farisei e dei sadducei proclama la
veridicità di Gesù, che essi cercano di cogliere nella rete
di un dilemma sapientemente calcolato: o egli afferma
che il tributo ad uno Stato straniero e idolatra è lecito, e
perde la stima di coloro che non accettano il dominio
romano; oppure dichiara che questo tributo è illecito, e
apre la porta al suo processo con l’accusa di istigare la
sedizione. “Rendete dunque a Cesare quello che è di
Cesare”. Gesù non è il capo di un movimento di rivolta: il
suo discepolo deve compiere i suoi obblighi civici. È in
questo modo che l’ha capito la prima Chiesa. Ma ciò che
è importante e decisivo, e che non sembra preoccupare i
farisei, è il seguito: “E a Dio quello che è di Dio”.
Soltanto a Dio si devono l’adorazione e il culto, e né lo
Stato né alcun’altra realtà di questo mondo possono
pretendere ciò che è dovuto esclusivamente a Dio. Il
martirio è l’espressione suprema della resistenza cristiana
di fronte al tentativo assolutistico del potere temporale di
usurpare il posto di Dio
A Dio ciò che è di Dio! Ma tutto appartiene a Dio, che è il
creatore. Ed è per questo che non si può astrarre Dio
durante la costruzione della città terrena, “quasi che Dio
non meriti alcun interesse nell’ambito del disegno
operativo ed associativo dell’uomo” . L’uomo può
realizzare la pretesa blasfema di costruire un mondo senza
Dio, ma “questo mondo finirà per ritorcersi contro