POPULUS SUMMORUM PONTIFICUM PEREGRINATIO AD PETRI SEDEM Roma-Norcia OCTOBER 23-26, 2014 CHIESA DELLA SANTISSIMA TRINITÀ DEI PELLEGRINI Solemn Vespers presided over by Archbishop Guido POZZO, Secretary of the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei BASILICA DI SANT'AGOSTINO IN CAMPO MARZIO Rosary for the unborn, followed by individual or group cultural and spiritual visits Meeting for priests and seminarians with His Eminence, Robert Cardinal SARAH, President of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum :: REGISTRATION REQUIRED by email to barthe.cisp@mail.com COLLE PALATINO Via Crucis on the footsteps of Saint Leonard of Port Maurice (meeting at the beginning of via di San Bonaventura, near the Arch of Titus) CHIESA DELLA SANTISSIMA TRINITÀ DEI PELLEGRINI Pontifical High Mass celebrated by His Eminence, George Cardinal PELL, Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy of the Holy See, for the tenth anniversary of Juventutem The pilgrimage is under the protection of Saint Philipp Neri. The pilgrimage is organized by the Coetus Internationalis Summorum Pontificum BASILICA DI SAN LORENZO IN DAMASO Eucharistic Adoration followed by the solemn procession towards Saint Peter's Basilica. BASILICA DI SAN PIETRO Pontifical High Mass in Saint Peter celebrated by His Eminence, Raymond Cardinal BURKE, Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura Bus transfer from Rome to Nursia (25 euro / person) booking absolutely needed: nitorin@tin.it BASILICA DI SAN BENEDETTO - NORCIA Solemnity of Christ the King celebrated by Fr. Prior Cassian FOLSOM, OSB, with an homily of His Eminence, Walter Cardinal BRANDMULLER After the function, lunch with His Eminence and the monks (15 euro), booking at lazio.cnsp@gmail.com After lunch, bus transfer to Rome. Arrival around 5.45pm Solemn High Mass will be celebrated by Archbishop François BACQUÉ at the Trinità dei Pellegrini, in Rome, at 11am, for the pilgrims that’ll stay there; a Solemn High Mass will also be celebrated in Gricigliano, Tuscany, at the seminary of the Institute of Christ the King by Msgr. Gilles WACH, Prior general of the institute