FAOA The Premier Defense International Affairs Association

Foreign Area Officer
The Premier Defense International
Affairs Association
FAO Association Overview
FAOA is the professional association of FAOs, Military Attachés, Security
Cooperation officers, and defense language and international affairs
specialists-- (501(c)(19) non-profit (Veterans/Military Association)
Purpose: Promote education, professional development, representation,
mentoring, and social interaction within the FAO and related communities
Membership and Sponsorship
1600 members and associates
Corporate Sponsors: Gold, Silver, Bronze and Small Business
15 currently
Established by Charter in 1995
9-member Board of Governors (BOG) w/4 officers
Service FAO proponent representatives serve as “Ex Officio” BOG members
FAO Journal of
International Affairs
World class, peer-reviewed professional “trade publication”
Available in hard copy and electronic soft copy
Individual, corporate, and academic library subscribers
DIA and Naval Post Graduate School are largest bulk subscribers
Promoting FAO Journal as a source of academic research and debate
Topics: FAO and language policy, area and country studies, Attaché and
Security Cooperation matters, pol-mil affairs, intelligence
Purpose: Provides vehicle for the DoD FAO/LRC community to publish,
influence debate, and gain peer/professional and academic recognition
FAOA Events
Regular Events: Distinguished Speaker Luncheons, “FAOs on Tap”
Networking Happy Hours, Joint FAO Course (JFAOC) Breakfasts,
and Black-Tie Banquet
(Co-)Sponsor symposia and conferences
Topics: speakers chosen to alternate between FAO, intelligence/ Attaché,
security cooperation, LRC, and regional/country themes
Past Speakers: DNI James Clapper, Senator Chuck Hagel, MG Michael Nagata
“Opening Act” updates from FAO proponents and regional/training centers
Assists with advocacy to Service and DoD FAO and Language proponents
Facilitates mentoring and developing junior FAOs
FAOA Research/Writing and
Annual Merit Awards
Current FAOA Awards: National Intelligence University, Joint Forces Staff
College (NDU), Air University, Marine Corps University, Naval War College
Established though MOAs; future awards with Army War College , NPS, & JSOU
Purpose: promote publishing and academic excellence, vehicle to influence
debate and provide peer recognition, stream of high quality articles, and
enhance FAOA recognition and membership
Exploring the creation of annual FAO merit award selections mirroring the
NMIA awards program with DoD and the Services
FAOA Scholarship
FAOA Scholarship for Excellence in International Affairs
What: Combination grant/interest free loan through MOAA
Who: Prior enlisted or dependent of current or former military member;
majoring in int’l relations, area studies, or modern languages—ROTC desired
Started in 2012 Academic Year
FAO Heritage Display
and Hall of Fame
Museum-quality display in the Pentagon
Collaborative venture with the Defense Language and National Security
Education Office (DLNSEO)
Highlights FAO functions from early prototypes to modern joint service
programs, educates on FAO roles and past operational support, and displays
worldwide cultural memorabilia
FAO Hall of Fame as follow-on project
Location TBD; will highlight all FAO functions—intelligence, security
cooperation, and political-military affairs
Separate and distinct from DIA’s Attaché Hall of Fame
FAOA Chapters and
Partnerships and Outreach
Government: DLNSEO, Service FAO Proponents, NPS, DIA, DSCA, Regional IMET
education Centers
Associations: NMIA, ICAN, OSSS, DIAA, NDIA, ROA, CAA, developing others
Exploring affiliates in Tampa, Miami, Hawaii, Stuttgart, Garmisch, Seoul, Tokyo
FAO Linked-In sponsorship
The Premier Defense
International Affairs
Easy to join at www.faoa.org