LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE Ballymena Borough Council Promoting Good Race Relations Mrs Jackie Patton, Community Relations Officer Ballymena Borough Council Mrs Ivy Ridge, Ethnic Minority Co-ordinator Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA BOROUGH COUNCIL Good Relations Unit Involvement INTRODUCTION • Good Relations Strategies : 2001 and 2010 • Project established 2002 through Ballymena Community Forum • Project Worker and Administrator appointed June 2002 LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE • Good Relations Strategy 2001 ‐ Eight Key Good Relations Issues identified Cross Community Contact Cultural Traditions Ethnic Minorities Single Identity Inter-Church Intimidation Territory Marking Councillor Relationships Community Relations Training • Good Relations Strategy 2010-2012 ‐ Two major themes identified: Create a Climate for Change Promote Provision of Shared Space LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE GOOD RELATIONS VISION Ballymena is seen as: “A Shared Space – A Neighbourly Place” Where….. • Everyone is free from fear and has the freedom to move, live and work where they choose • There is a visible expression of diversity in art, culture, heritage and sport • People feel safe and welcome in all areas of the Borough GOOD RELATIONS MISSION “Good Relations is at the core of everything we do” LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE INITIAL PROJECT AIMS – 2002 • Conduct baseline study and needs analysis of Ballymena’s Ethnic Minority Communities • Provide training and support • Develop volunteering opportunities • Develop interpreting and translation support • Develop an inter-agency approach • Promote project – leaflet/launch LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE EXAMPLES OF PROJECTS – EARLY DAYS • • • • • • • • • Ethnic Minorities Project Leaflet High profile launch : Dame Joan Harbison, Chief Commissioner Equality Commission for NI and Mr Mervyn Rankin, Chief Executive, Ballymena Borough Council Multi-cultural Events : Ballymena Arts Festival/Community Relations Week Welcome Pack Interpreting Project Community Safety Liaison Officer funded under Peace II : Local Strategy Partnership Mayor’s Initiative – 2005 Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum – Established Ballymena Inter-Agency Ethnic Support Group - Established LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA INTER-AGENCY ETHNIC SUPPORT GROUP MEMBERSHIP • • • • • • • • • • • North Eastern Education and Library Board Ballymena Job Centre Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum Victim Support First-Choice Recruitment Agency Northern Ireland Housing Executive Ballymena Borough Council (Good Relations Unit, Policing and Community Safety Partnership Mid-Antrim Museums Service Northern Health and Social Care Trust Citizens’ Advice Social Security Agency • • • • • • • • • • • Northern Regional College Ballymena Inter-church Group Bahá’í Community Moy Park Limited Romanian Self Support Group Carers Northern Ireland Ballymena Islamic Cultural Centre Police Service of Northern Ireland SureStart Women’s Aid Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA INTER-AGENCY ETHNIC SUPPORT GROUP • Established in April 2003 • Group of Agencies from the statutory, voluntary and private sectors • Meet quarterly to address the needs and offer support to members of the Minority Ethnic Community in Ballymena LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA INTER-AGENCY ETHNIC SUPPORT GROUP VISION Provides information, advice and support to Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum to facilitate the integration of different ethnic communities and individuals into a cohesive and safe society in the greater Ballymena area LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE OBJECTIVES 1. Information/Networking 2. Advice re Housing, Education, Health and Community Safety etc 3. Support: ‐ Attend Monthly Meetings of Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum ‐ Work collaboratively LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE PROJECTS/OUTCOMES • Working together to develop the Welcome Pack • Presentations on Ballymena Inter-Agency Ethnic Support Group as a model of good practice • Focusing on key areas such a domestic violence • Business Breakfast promoting anti-racism in the workplace • Collective responses to Regional Strategy, for example the Racial Equality Strategy and Cohesion, Sharing and Integration Strategy • Good relationships between agencies LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE COUNCIL’S CONTRIBUTION 1. 2. Council staff sit on Ballymena Inter-Agency Ethnic Support Group – core group and a number of sub-groups Funding a) Council part fund Co-ordinator’s post – since 2004 b) Good Relations Budget : last five years : approximately £5,000 per year • Project based > - Launch of Programme/Leaflet - Welcome Pack - Multi-cultural Events/Ballymena Arts Festival - Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum launch - Community Relations Week - Special events for individual minorities - Bi-lingual Advocacy Project - Dunclug Outreach Survey/Action Plan - Friendship Club 3. Mentoring role – offer advice where appropriate LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE OTHER COUNCIL DEPARTMENTS 1. Community Safety Partnership : £73,000 : Four year funding package for Bi-lingual Advocacy Project • Schools Citizenship Project • Variety of Projects 2. District Policing Partnership • Schools Citizenship Project • Discussion Forum • Funding : Bi-lingual Advocacy Project • Funding of a Variety of Safety Publications ‐ Driving without Insurance LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE RECOGNITION OF WORK BIEF : Winners – Department of Justice Community Safety Award 2010 and Good Relations Award – Runner Up Ballymena Borough Council : 2010 Association for Public Service Excellence : Award for Best Employee and Equality Initiative – Good Relations Unit Northern Ireland Local Government Association : 2011 : Officer of the Year Shortlisted Finalist LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE Ivy Ridge Ballymena Inter-Ethnic Forum LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE OUR VISION To be a key partner in building a culturally diverse community where everyone is safe, welcomed, valued and empowered LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA INTER-ETHNIC FORUM BOARD BIEF Board comprises of seven members from Ethnic Minority communities and five from the majority community Opportunity to have direct links to Ethnic Minority communities Opportunity to encourage members to participate in community events Opportunity to work through Neighbourhood Watch and Community leaders Opportunity to encourage Ethnic Minority communities to participate in consultations – CSI, Race Relations Strategy, IEF etc LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA INTER-ETHNIC FORUM TEAM Ethnic Minorities Project Manager, Administrative and Finance Officer Three Bi-Lingual Advocates : Polish, Slovakian and Romanian Strong team of committed volunteers LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA INTER-ETHNIC FORUM CORE FUNDERS OFMDFM Ballymena Borough Council LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BI-LINGUAL ADVOCACY PROJECT FUNDERS Community Safety Partnership OFMDFM Ballymena Borough Council’s Good Relations Unit District Policing Partnership LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BIEF PROJECT FUNDERS Ballymena Borough Council’s Good Relations Unit Community Relations Council Arts Council Peace III Arts/Development Officer of Ballymena Borough Council and The Braid Arts Centre LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE ESTIMATED BME POPULATION Polish Czech/Slovakian Romanian Traveller Chinese Indian Sudanese Pakistani Ukrainian Filipino Lithuanian Bulgarian African/Jamaican Portuguese Iranian Japanese 1,600 600 400 200 80 60 45 40 30 30 30 25 20 20 20 12 ESTIMATED TOTAL 3,212 LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE STRATEGIC AIMS 2011-2014 To promote Equality of Opportunity – through information, training, advocacy and bi-lingual support To Value Diversity – to engage in programmes that increase awareness, understanding and respect for diversity To Promote Integration through partnership working and service provision To Provide Leadership through Sustainability and Good Governance To promote health and well being LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE CHANGING ROLE Ten years on, there has been a significant shift of focus from sign-posting to providing holistic support to integrate Ethnic Minority communities into the Borough of Ballymena LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS WITH COMMUNITY GROUPS IN BALLYMENA BOROUGH ‘Interweaving Communities’ Art Project ‘New beginnings’ ‘Dancing across the cultures’ Shared Future Concert Waveney Youth Centre Genocide/Holocaust Workshops ‘Peace in the Park’ Lord Mayor’s Parade in Belfast ‘Cultural Fusions ‘My Treasures’ ‘Tandoori & Champ’ Food Fair Lambeg meets the Dhol’ Night Ballykeel Street Art Project LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE CR Week Launch “Interweaving Communities” ‘New Beginnings’ LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE ‘Tandoori and Champ’ Food Fair LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE ‘Lambeg Meets the Dhol’ Night Ballykeel Street Art Project LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE HEALTH AND WELLBEING PROJECTS Outdoor Activity Sessions Dunclug Health and Wellbeing Fair Dunclug ‘Good Neighbour’ Event Volunteer Celebration Event Ballymena Friendship Club LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE BALLYMENA FRIENDSHIP CLUB Launched in June 2011 Over 135 members – 20/25 per night, peaks to 60 during events Events held at least once a month Polish classes English classes provided by Volunteers LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE SCHOOL PROJECTS International Children’s Day ‘Looking Back, Looking Forward’ - Youth Conferences Cultural Diversity Programmes – With Local Schools and Youth Groups LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE ‘Looking Back, Looking Forward’ Youth Conferences LOCAL GOVERNMENT EQUALITY AND DIVERSITY STRATEGY LAUNCH Thursday 19 April 2012 HILLSBOROUGH CASTLE FUTURE FOCUS Continue work in Community Integration To continue promoting learning of English Supporting mental health and wellbeing Supporting families with children Supporting young people Supporting victims of Domestic Violence/ Racial Abuse and Alcohol Abuse