RES and REA PROGRAM REVIEW AND UPDATES Deval L. Patrick, Governor Timothy P. Murray, Lieutenant Governor Joanne F. Goldstein, Secretary Labor and Workforce Development George Moriarty, Director Division Of Career Services Welcome and Introductions Program Overview RES/REA Program Overview Program Requirements Changes to REA DUA/Career Center Communication MOSES Updates Tools Best Practices Questions/Open Discussion Wrap up/Evaluation 2 ◦ The definition and expectations of the RES Program ◦ The definition and expectations of the REA Program ◦ Updates to the REA Program ◦ Information on how to communicate with DUA/REA ◦ Updates to MOSES and the important documentation for both the RES and REA Programs ◦ Best Practice ideas from colleagues 3 RES ◦There is no Reemployment Service Program REA ◦REA is just a hoop you have to jump through to continue to collect unemployment 4 RES and REA PROGRAM OVERVIEW 5 RES COMPONENTS ATTEND A CCS (ORIENTATION) ENROLL AND REGISTER FOR PROGRAM COMPLETE A JOB SEARCH INVENTORY DEVELOP A CAREER ACTION PLAN (CAP) = INITIAL ASSESSMENT SCHEDULE FOLLOW UP SERVICE PROFILING COMPONENTS (MANDATORY) ATTEND A CCS (ORIENTATION) COMPLETE A JOB SEARCH INVENTORY REFERRAL TO ADJUDICATION IF UI CLAIMANT DOES NOT ATTEND REA COMPONENTS (MANDATORY) REGISTER WITH JOBQUEST ATTEND A ONE-ON-ONE RE-EMPLOYMENT ELIGIBLITY REVIEW LABOR MARKET INFORMATION REFERRAL TO APPROPRIATE SERVICE THROUGH OSCC Please note REA customers must complete the above services. 6 7 LETTER 1: INITIAL TO PROFILED AND RES CLAIMANTS TO ATTEND CCS WITHIN THREE WEEKS LETTER 2: TO PROFILE AND RES CLAIMANTS GIVING THEM TWO MORE WEEKS TO ATTEND LETTER 3: TO THE 400 REA CLAIMANTS, ADVISING THEM OF THEIR ENROLLMENT INTO REA, THEIR REQUIREMENTS AND THAT THEY WILL BE CALLED BY A RE-EMPLOYMENT SPECIALIST SHORTLY 8 The Reemployment Services Program as currently designed provides claimants with the tools, services, and assistance they need to obtain employment in an appropriate job as quickly as possible. The RES program is operated by the 34 Career Centers across the Commonwealth. 9 Enrollment in RES is automatic for claimants that meet the following criteria: ◦ Received a notification letter from DUA ◦ Attended a Career Center Seminar 10 Claimants enrolled in RES must receive four major components – They are: 11 A Job Readiness Inventory A Career Action Plan An initial assessment, which gauges the claimant’s education, work history and skill levels. Enrollment in additional services ( on a different day) to provide essential career development assistance 12 Documenting Services: ◦ All Services must be documented in MOSES, Including the Career Action Plan on the CAP tab In MOSES ◦ Customers must receive a copy of their CAP 13 CAREER ACTION PLAN 14 Career Action Plan…. ◦ Is a comprehensive step by step action plan. Like a road map that outlines a systematic approach for an individual to get from Point A unemployed ---------to Point B Employed. 15 Goal ◦ Clearly defined ◦ Realistic ◦ Attainable Action steps ◦ Time frames ◦ Specific time and place. ◦ Related to Goals Plan ◦ Comprehensive ◦ Living document ◦ Measurable 16 The CAP is developed with the customer, for the benefit of the customer The customer must understand and agree to the action plans on his/her CAP 17 ◦ CMAP CMAP IS A REPORTABLE SERVICE IN MOSES ◦ CAP CAP IS THE ACTUAL CAREER ACTION PLAN DOCUMENTED IN MOSES 18 Are you collecting Unemployment Insurance? As part of your eligibility to receive benefits you may be selected to attend a Mandatory Reemployment Eligibility Review. Reemployment Eligibility Review Meeting: Goal – to help you be successful in your job search One on One meeting with Career Center staff member Review of Job Search Activities Compliance with Career Action Plan Be encouraged by your success Learn helpful strategies to meet and overcome roadblocks to reemployment Failure to attend this meeting and comply with program requirements may cause a delay or loss of your unemployment benefits. 19 Reemployment and Eligibility Assessment (REA) Program serves as the next phase in the reemployment strategy. REA enhances the RES Program by providing additional, targeted assistance aimed at assessing the ongoing eligibility of selected U.I. claimants and identifying their reemployment needs. 20 WORKFORCE AREA % OF REA GOAL AND ENROLLME NT BEGINNING 2012 ALLOCATION Berkshire 2% $36,630 Boston 8% Bristol HOLD HARMLESS TOTAL FY 2012 ALLOCATION S $ 4,937 $0 $41,567 $46,071 ($4,504) $139,947 $ 18,862 $5,309 $164,118 $169,119 ($5,000) 6% $105,830 $ 14,264 $0 $120,094 $122,727 ($2,632) Brockton 5% $83,988 $11,320 $0 $95,308 $98,117 ($2,809) Cape & Islands 1% $24,066 $ 3,244 $0 $27,309 $29,718 ($2,409) 11% $204,025 $ 27,498 $10,375 $241,899 $246,899 ($5,000) Franklin/Hampshire 2% $37,693 $ 5,080 $0 $42,773 $47,227 ($4,454) Greater Lowell 7% $124,967 $16,843 $2,261 $144,071 $149,071 ($5,000) Greater New Bedford 3% $55,380 $ 7,464 $620 $63,464 $68,463 ($5,000) Hampden 6% $111,049 $ 14,967 $3,501 $129,518 $134,517 ($5,000) Lower Merrimack Valley 8% $142,557 $19,214 $3,472 $165,243 $170,243 ($5,000) Metro North 9% $170,682 $ 23,004 $2,028 $195,714 $200,764 ($5,050) 11% $205,185 $27,655 $4,079 $236,919 $241,919 ($5,000) North Central 7% $124,580 $ 16,791 $10,154 $151,525 $156,525 ($5,000) North Shore 6% $117,718 $ 15,866 $0 $133,584 $138,340 ($4,756) South Shore 9% $170,585 $ 22,991 $10,348 $203,924 $208,924 ($5,000) Central Mass Metro South West TOTALS 100% $1854,882 ALLOCATION WITH ADDITIONAL $250K $250,000 $52,147 $2,157,029 FY 2011 ALLOCATION $2,228,644 DIFFERENCE ($71,615) 21 FY12 FY12 RES GOAL WEEKLY WORKFORCE AREA 12 MONTHS RES GOAL Berkshire 1,130 22 Boston 4,316 83 Bristol 3,264 63 Brockton 2,860 50 Cape & Islands 742 14 Central Mass 6,292 121 Franklin/Hampshire 1,162 21 Greater Lowell 3,854 74 Greater New Bedford 1,708 33 Hampden 3,424 66 Lower Merrimack Valley 4,396 85 Metro North 5,263 101 Metro South/West 6,327 122 North Central 3,842 74 North Shore 3,630 70 South Shore 5,260 101 TOTALS 57,470 1,100 FY12 FY12 PROFILING WEEKLY FY 12 FY 12 GOAL PROFILING REA GOAL WEEKLY 12 MONTHS GOAL 9 MONTHS REA GOAL 308 6 308 8 1,177 23 1,177 30 890 16 890 23 706 14 706 18 202 4 202 5 1,716 33 1,716 44 317 6 317 8 1,051 20 1,051 27 466 9 466 12 934 18 934 24 1,199 23 1,199 31 1,435 28 1,435 37 1,726 33 1,726 44 1,048 20 1,048 27 990 19 990 25 1,435 28 1,435 37 15,600 300 15,600 400 22 In addition to the RES services REA customers must complete the following activities: ◦ Labor Market Information (LMI) ◦ Register with Job Quest ◦ Attend an REA Review 23 REA Review MUST BE CONDUCTED WITHIN 2 - 4 WEEKS OF ENROLLMENT(DATE ATTENDED CCS) 24 Customers need at least two weeks to works towards accomplishing the activities identified on their CAP 25 Prepare for the REA Review prior to meeting with the customer: Review copy of CAP Review MOSES screens 26 REA Review must include ◦ Review of CAP activities ◦ Review of work search ◦ Verify registration on Job Quest ◦ Verify LMI 27 In order to Attain REA Review ◦ Meet CAP activities ◦ LMI ◦ Registered with Job Quest ◦ Worksearch Review 28 29 CURRENTLY ◦ JOB QUEST ◦ CIS ◦ MY SKILLS MY FUTURE 30 COMING SOON ◦TORQ ◦WORK KEYS ◦WORK TRAIN 31 UI 32 COMMUNICATING WITH UI ◦ What UI needs to make determination ◦ When to notify DUA on potential issue DOCUMENTING INFORMATION IN MOSES ◦ Information to include in MOSES notes 33 Reason to contact UI: ◦ Claimant fails to attend REA Review ◦ Claimant fails to attain REA Review ◦ Claimant states that he/she is not able or available or looking for work or ◦ Claimant states that he/she is not interested/able in completing program requirements 34 If a potential issue is detected ◦ CLAIMANT REA REVIEW (66) STATEMENT Form will be given to claimant to complete and submitted via fax to DUA REA staff: ◦ Fax: 617-626-6222 ◦ Claimant may also call DUA REA Unit once form has been faxed. ◦ Telephone: 617-626-5766 35 Individuals who do not attain REA Review or REA Goals or attend the REA Review may be denied benefits if… DUA adjudication does not discover “good cause” for non attainment Please Note: Disqualification is for the one week during which the REA Review attendance deadline lapsed. 36 REA DUA Staff will work with REA Career Center staff and REA customers to resolve REA related problems in an expedited fashion so that there is less of a chance of interruption of weekly benefits 37 CLAIM RETURN TO WORK PRIOR TO SCHEDULE REA REVIEW DATE ◦ Enter REA Review as attained. ◦ In the detail box put a note person returned to work and start date ◦ Complete the employment tab on MOSES. ◦ Inform your UI Walk-in staff or the DUA REA Unit of the RTW information so that it may be entered on the UI URTW screen 38 CLAIM RETURN TO WORK Start date or return to work date is after the scheduled REA Review date ◦ Claimant will attend the REA Review. ◦ Enter the information about the employment and the start date in the detail box ◦ Complete the employment tab on MOSES. ◦ Inform your walk in UI staff or the DUA REA unit of the RTW information so that it may be entered on the UI URTW screen 39 REA DCS ◦ Timely documentation in MOSES is important REA DUA ◦ MOSES will be reviewed to make decisions 40 Claimants can not be exempted from the REA Program! 41 MOSES 42 CHANGES IN MOSES In order to Attain REA Review in MOSES the following CAP goals must be attained: ◦ Meet CAP activities ◦ LMI ◦ Register with JobQuest ◦ Worksearch Review 43 MOSES Tracking Procedures 44 Applicant is sent a letter to attend a Career Center Seminar (CCS) 45 Applicant attends a Career Center Seminar NOTE: If Selected for REA, Enrollment in REA starts as of the date of CCS Attendance. Prompt Recording of Attendance is Critical. 46 The REA icon will appear on the Event Participation screen for job seekers who are enrolled in the REA program. This will allow users to determine who has been enrolled in REA immediately after recording attendance at a CCS. 47 REA Enrollment is automatic when attendance at a CCS is entered: If the participant is NOT Profiled; and Weekly Career Center REA Limit has not been met 48 REA Enrollment will display on the Basic Tab along with the Icon 49 CAP goals should be established for all RES/REA participants Entry of CAP Goals will create 2 services CMAP (Job Search Plan) Initial Assessment Interview 50 Schedule the ‘REA Review’ on the Special Programs CAP Tab Target Date must be between 2 and 4 weeks of REA Program Enrollment (Date Attended CCS) MOSES will not allow a date to be entered that is outside the Target Date range 51 The REA enrollment date appears on the REA Review Goals Detail screen. This makes it easier to determine target dates for REA participants. 52 The Following GOALS must be attained before REA Review can be attained: Establish CAP Goal or Enroll in Case Management Research LMI (Labor Market Information) Review Work Search Activity Register with JobQuest 53 To register go to 54 Recording an Attainment Status Enter ‘Attained’ or ‘Not Attained’ and the actual date Time Critical Data Entry –REA Review “Attained” must be ENTERED in MOSES by the deadline* to avoid a UI Sanction. *REA Deadline is 4 weeks from the Saturday after REA Enrollment. UI Sanction will be within one week of this deadline. 55 Attainment of REA Review will automatically create an ‘UI REA/Attained Status Review’ service A UI Sanction will be issued if this service does not exist in MOSES by the REA sanction deadline 56 UI Sanction will result from a ‘REA Review’ goal not being attained within the deadline. 57 REA participants will automatically be exited after 90 days without a reportable service. The exit date goes back to the date of the last reportable service. 58 Right Click on a goal to bring up the print option. Select Print -> Print Data This report will go directly to your default printer 59 MOSES: Timely Data Entry Information-Notes Updating Employment Information Updating Goal Status 60 Union Member ◦ Have a conversation with claimant. ◦ If claimant is actively seeking work through union hiring hall REA Review Worksearch – Through Union hiring hall Seek non-union job paying union wages Enter a note that the claimant is seeking work through a union hiring hall Must meet all obligations of the REA Program 61 If REA Applicant returns to work BEFORE their scheduled REA Review: ◦ Enter the REA Review goal as Attained. ◦ In the detail box put a note that the person returned to work and enter the job start date. ◦ Complete the employment tab on MOSES. ◦ Inform your UI Walk-In staff or the DUA REA Unit of the RTW information so that it may be entered on the UI URTW screen. 62 The Job Start date is AFTER their scheduled REA Review date: ◦ Claimant is still required to attend their REA Review. ◦ Enter the information about the employment and the start date in the detail box. ◦ Complete the employment tab on MOSES. ◦ Inform your walk in UI staff or the DUA REA unit of the RTW information so that it may be entered on the UI URTW screen. 63 REA MANAGEMENT REPORTS 64 Reports: REA Weekly Enrollment Report (MOSES) REA Cumulative Enrollment Report (MOSES) REA Enrollments No Review Goal B (Crystal) REA Review Status E Crystal) REA Sanctions A (Crystal) REA Scheduled (Crystal) Performance Reports Locally Produced Reports 65 MOSES Reports: REA Weekly Enrollment Report (MOSES) REA Cumulative Enrollment Report (MOSES) Crystal Adhoc Reports: REA REA REA REA Enrollments No Review Goal B Review Status E Sanctions A Scheduled Other Reports: Performance Reports Locally Produced Reports 66 List of applicants enrolled in the previous week MOSES Reports Other 67 Lists REA participants who have not completed their REA Review and their deadline is in the future Adhoc Crystal Report on 68 Sharing Ideas 69 Tools Best Practices What is Working Building Program Success Reports 70 BEST PRACTICES ValleyWorks Career Center – RES Group Session Workforce Central – Southbridge CAP Engaging customers in Career Center Activities 71 QUESTIONS WRAP UP EVALUATION 72 RES/REA PROGRAM Donna Gambon 617-626-5053 DUA/REA Mario Marzino Rosalyn Thomas Telephone: Fax: 617-626-5766 617-626-6222 73