Business Meeting 2012 Welcome Outgoing Division Chair’s Report State of the Division Division Finances Highlights/Initiatives Recognitions Transitions Current State of the Division: MOC Membership Academy of Management Total Membership (2012): ~18,834 MOC Membership – July 7, 2012: 1205 Membership Academic: 735 Emeritus: 19 Executive: 98 Student: 353 by Type: MOC Membership Growth (Yearly as of July 1) 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 MOC Financials 2011 Available Funds: Fiscal 2011 Division Allocation 2011 Balance Forward Contribution (Pearson) Total $11,435.00 $ 2,796.47 $ 200.00 ======= $14,431.47 Prepared by: Kerri Unsworth, MOC Treasurer MOC Financials 2011 Expenses 12% 41% 31% AoM expenses (CIR, Social Hour, TAI) Plaques, Food for Thought, Copying Student Consortia 16% Mid-winter meeting Total 2011 Expenses: $ 10,340.24 Year End 2010 Balance Forward: $4,091.23 Prepared by: Kerrie Unsworth, MOC Treasurer MOC Financials 2012 Available Funds: Fiscal 2012 Division Allocation $13,986.00 2012 Balance Forward $ 6,839.49 Payment to OMT for 2011 DSC ($ 2,748.26) ======= Total $18,077.23 Prepared by: Kerrie Unsworth, MOC Treasurer Highlights 2011-2012 New Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition Joint international conference MOC Division of AoM and European Institute for the Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) Where and when? National University of Ireland, Maynooth (just outside Dublin), September 6 -7 2012 Runs parallel with the Irish Academy of Management, just before the British Academy of Management. Thanks to: OIC member Robert Galavan, with co-chairs Anne Huff and Rhonda Reger . Gerard Hodgkinson – Keynote speaker. Highlights 2011-2012 Continuing development of the MOC website/AoM Connect Archives (including Executive Committee meeting minutes) Research, teaching, and practice content Video resources Email capabilities Awards Programs Efforts by our Outreach and Integration Committee chaired by Davide Ravisi Potential conference in the Balkans Highlights 2011-2012 Reviewing in the Rough Doug Lepisto: Student Services Committee Ongoing PDW similar to Cognition in the Rough focusing on Reviewing Consideration of new PDW focusing on work relationships and work habits of productive scholars and colleagues. Examination of Doctoral Consortium Currently joint effort with OMT (wonderful feedback) Questions: Cost, identity, branding, content, and mission Questionnaire to get member feedback Examination of Doctoral Consortium • Clear majority of students (79%) and faculty (66%) willing to participate in a MOC doctoral consortium • 50% identify most with MOC division, followed by OB (23%) and OMT (10%) • Even split over whether MOC should hold an MOC-only doctoral consortium (42% each) with 16% undecided Willing to Participate in MOC Doctoral Consortium Faculty Doctoral Students 3% 18% 22% 12% 66% Yes Yes No No 79% Identification with AOM Divisions 1st Most Identified Other: 9% BPS: 9% OMT: 10% OB: 23% MOC: 49% Tentative Title • DIAMONDS IN THE ROUGH: THE MOC DOCTORAL CONSORTIUM Highlights 2011-2012 Jane Dutton University of Michigan 2012 MOC DISTINGUISHED SCHOLAR Transitions People We’re Thanking Former Archivist Timothy Vogus Vanderbilt University People We’re Welcoming Back! Current Archivist Dick Blackburn University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Transitions People We’re Thanking Former Treasurer Frank C. Schultz University of CaliforniaBerkeley People We’re Welcoming Current Treasurer Kerrie Unsworth University of Western Australia Transitions People We’re Thanking Former Newsletter Editor Sucheta Nadkarni Drexel University People We’re Welcoming Current Newsletter Editor Paul Harvey University of New Hampshire Transitions People We’re Thanking Former Representative-at Large Morela Hernandez University of Washington People We’re Welcoming Representative-at-Large Michelle Andre Barton Boston University Transitions People We’re Welcoming Program Chair-Elect Kevin W. Rockmann George Mason University Past-Division Chair: Gerard Hodgkinson Thank you, Gerard, for Five Years of Outstanding Service to MOC A BIG Thanks to You All! Passing the Gavel 2012-13 Officers DIVISION CHAIR Rhonda Reger Email: DIVISION CHAIR-ELECT Kyle Lewis Email: PAST DIVISION CHAIR Mark Martinko Email: PROGRAM CHAIR Elizabeth George Email: PDW CHAIR & Program Chair-Elect Kevin W. Rockmann Email: 2012-2013 Executive Committee Representatives-at-Large Shelley Brickson Email: Marlys K. Christianson Email:marlys.christianson@rotman.utoronto.c a Frances E. Fabian Email: Michelle Andre Barton Email: International Representative-at-Large Davide Ravasi Email: Student Representative-at-Large Douglas Lepisto Email: 2012-2013 Other Division Leaders WEBMASTER Andac Arikan Email: NEWSLETTER EDITOR Paul Harvey Email: ARCHIVIST Richard Blackburn Email: TREASURER Kerrie Unsworth Email: LISTSERVE (COGNET) MANAGER Charles Watson Email: MOC/AoM 2012 Pre-Academy The Highlights Incredible 2012 MOC Program “Pre-Academy” Highlights Doctoral Student Consortium Shelley Brickson and Frances Fabian OMT/MOC Doctoral Student Consortium Students involved: MOC = 15 Total = 45 Activities (63% acceptance rate) Dinner Talks and discussions Research roundtables Teaching roundtables Talks Majken Schultz – Copenhagen Business School – Keynote speaker Gerald F. Davis; U. of Michigan - Navigating the Publication Process Colin M. Fisher; Boston U. An Insider’s Guide to the Job Market Renate Meyer; Vienna U; Organizational Research in Europe OMT/MOC Doctoral Student Consortium Faculty Facilitators: Jason Davis Julie Battilana Rodolphe Durand Hillary Anger Elfenbein Stine Grodal Spencer Harrison Pursey Heugens Tanya Menon Phillippe Monin Louise Mors Christopher I. Rider Wesley Sine Wendy K. Smith Marco Tammar Tortoriello B. Zilber Eva Boxenbaum Shelley Brickson Frances Fabian Peer Fiss “Pre-Academy” Highlights Cognition in the Rough Marlys Christianson Morela Hernandez Douglas Lepisto Cognition in the Rough Our 15th year! Number of faculty facilitators = 24 Number of papers presented= 48 25 “Diamond in the Rough Award” Winners Student proposal award: Erin Reid Faculty proposal award: 1) Spencer Harrison, Shelly McArdle, and Michael Pratt 2) Elijah Wee and Hui Liao Cognition in the Rough THANK YOU SCHOLARS! Neal Ashkanasy, Andrea Casey, Janet Dukerich, Dov Eden, C. Marlena Fiol, Elizabeth George, Margaret Gorman, Tor Hernes, Gerard Hodgkinson, George Huber, Lynn Isabella, Glen Kreiner, Theresa Lant, Kyle Lewis, Luis Martins, Chet Miller, Frances Milliken, Sucheta Nadkarni, Rhonda Reger, David Schwandt, Kathleen Sutcliffe, Subra Tangirala, Mary Waller, and David Whetten 10 Year Service Award = Janet Dukerich PDWs by the Numbers We sponsored or co-sponsored 18 PDWs Lead sponsor on 7, including Cognition in the Rough, OMT/MOC Doctoral Consortium and Think About it…. Over a Beer (or a glass of wine) Collaborated with 17 divisions/IGs 48 volunteer organizers and over 100 scholars Representing 107 schools and corporations from around the globe Advice for next year’s PDW submitters Large divisions get more PDWs than they can accept Smaller divisions (like MOC) get fewer PDWs than they can accept Easier for a division to be a co-sponsor than a lead sponsor. Ergo: Submit to MOC and request Co-sponsorship from large divisions. The MOC 2012 Program At A Glance 15 Divisional Paper Sessions 10 Papers selected Cross-Divisional Paper sessions 8 Papers selected for Discussion Paper sessions 36 Symposia 32 Jointly-sponsored symposia 4 MOC sponsored symposia 4 Showcase symposia Total Number of Submissions: In 2012 = 242 250 39 200 150 30 37 38 32 22 100 50 48 185 128 142 152 2007 2008 201 169 194 0 2006 2009 2010 2011 2012 # Symposia # Papers Creativity, Decision-Making & Learning 2.86% 2.73% Organizational Cognition, Systems & Dynamics 7.03% Methods 31.90% 9.24% Affect, Motivation & Influence Identity, Identification & Image 9.51% Social Construction, Meaning & Symbolism 11.59% 13.02% Teams, Groups & Communities Institutional Theory 12.11% POS: Positive Organizational Scholarship 257 Reviewers … 94% completed assignments 3 = # Reviewers / submission 2.86 = # Submissions / reviewer Reviewer Status 150 = Faculty 91 = Students & ABD Reviewer 31 Home Country countries represented! Representing 31 countries and especially… USA: 117 Netherlands: 6 UK: 13 China/HK 7 France: 5 India: 9 Canada: 13 Germany 7 Australia: 12 Italy: 5 Finland: 5 Spain: 5 Switzerland: 6 Thank … you to ALL of our reviewers and especially … Our 3+ 26 Outstanding Reviewers reviews >4.5 submitter feedback fast turnaround (avg ~5 days) extensive/developmental reviews Most also reviewed for other divisions! Alan James Krause Roh Pin Lee Emmanuelle Reuter Rebecca L. Schaumberg Mark Bayer Lynne Catherine Vincent Ileana Stigliani Andrea Casey Michelle A. Barton Chet Miller Tomi M.M. Laamanen Michael D. Pfarrer Marc Hoffman Lavine Jennifer Petriglieri Erik Ian Dane Claudia Jasmand Rhonda K. Reger Uriel Haran Andrew M. Carton Samantha Fairclough Naina Gupta Harry B. Knoche Raina A. Brands Toshio Murase Richard Blackburn Victor Dörfler Special Thanks MOC Reviewer Service Award Andrea Casey Tomi M.M. Laamanen For Five Years of Outstanding Reviewing to the MOC Division Special Thanks Best Paper Selection Committee Members Kevin Rockmann Jacqueline Fendt Naina Gupta Mark Bayer Jeffrey Bednar Timo Vuori Daniela Blettner Best Paper Awards Best Student Paper Best (Faculty) Paper Finalists: Best Student Paper Elizabeth D. Rouse “Hunters and Gatherers: Entrepreneur narratives of psychological decoupling” Valerie Rosenblatt “Dominant individuals and unethical decisions: The role of moral disengagement and self-control” Sameer B. Srivastava “Situational uncertainty, cognition, and social capital activation in organizations” Johnna Capitano, Jonathan Ziegert, Katrina Graham “The impact of framing and feedback on decision making” Shubha Patvardhan, Aimee L. Hamilton “Organizational identity change: Review and reflection on three decades of research” Jenny Liao, Nerina L. Jimmieson, Simon Restubog, Anne O’Brien “Antecedents and consequences of transactive memory systems: Constructive evidence from three studies” MOC 2012 Best Student Paper Johnna Capitano Jonathan C. Ziegert Katrina A. Graham “The impact of framing and feedback on decision making” Finalists: MOC 2012 Best Paper Kent D. Miller & Shu-Jou Lin Danielle Tucker, Jane Hendy, & James Barlow “The outsider’s advantage: Social rejection can fuel creative thought” Jennifer Whitson, Katie Liljenquist, Joe Magee, & Deborah Gruenfeld “Sensemaking and social accounts of middle managers” Lynne Catherine Vincent, Sharon H. Kim, & Jack Anthony Goncalo “Analogical reasoning in complex and dynamic environments” “The blind, leading: How power reduces awareness of constraints in the environment” Thomas G. Cummings & Chailin Cummings “A cognitive inquiry into knowledge change in organization studies” MOC 2012 Best Paper Lynne Catherine Vincent Sharon H. Kim Jack Anthony Goncalo “The outsider’s advantage: Social rejection can fuel creative thought” Upcoming in 2012 Joint international conference: New Frontiers in Managerial and Organizational Cognition Where and when? AoM MOC Division European Institute for the Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) National University of Ireland, Maynooth (just outside Dublin), September 6 -7 2012 It will run in parallel with the Irish Academy of Management, and just before the British Academy of Management – so you can pack in 3 conferences in 10 days, should you choose! Rationale AOM-EIASM link will provide a solid outreach component and give the conference solid positioning in Europe and the US With thanks to OIC member Robert Galavan, with co-chairs Anne Huff and Rhonda Reger, for their creativity and hard work in planning it 52 Orlando- 2013 Initiatives for 2012-2013 New New Member Outreach Member Mentors (continuing AOM program)