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FET Language Teaching Assessment

MARKS: 100
This paper consists of 04 pages.
● Answer all the questions.
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Answer all the questions.
Use academic writing and proofread your assessment before submitting it.
Answer the questions in your own words.
Use the mark allocation per question as a guide to the length and detail of
your answer. For example, you should give 2 facts for a question that counts
2 marks.
Where the question requires you to give examples, please do so.
Revisit the Addendum in the tutorial letter to familiarise yourself with what is
expected of you when you see action verbs such as discuss, describe and
explain, just to mention a few.
Question 1
1.1 CAPS states that the reading instruction involves working through elements of
the reading process. This is a three-phase activity which models independent
reading strategies for decoding and understanding a text.
Discuss and illustrate with examples how each of the three reading phases
assists the learner in getting the deep meaning of a text.
1.2 Explain the following types of reading and discuss their importance in additional
language teaching:
Silent reading
Reading for detail
1.3 Outline the importance of intensive reading of multimodal and visual texts in
the reading skill as explained in the CAPS document.
Question 2
2.1 In literature, stories are about people. We learn how people behave under
different conditions, how they interact with other people and what types of
personalities they have. This means that we need to get to know the characters
in a story well.
Discuss four (4) ways in which you would teach character analysis in
your Grade 10 class. Give examples from any literature book that you
have read.
2.1.2 Name and explain any other two (2) aspects that are relevant in the
analysis of literary texts.
2.1.3 Explain how you would teach one aspect mentioned in 2.1.2 to Grade 10
Examine the following types of intensive reading:
2.2.1 Intensive reading of written text at word level
2.2.2 Intensive reading of written text at sentence and paragraph level
2.2.3 Intensive reading for summary and note taking
Question 3
3.1 Describe group work activities that you would use when teaching degree of
comparison to Grade 10 language learners.
3.2 Plan a critical language awareness (CLA) lesson for your Grade 12 language
classroom. The lesson must cover the following aspects: name of school,
grade, class, date, duration, lesson objectives, teacher and learner activities,
teaching aids and assessment.