BIOPLASTIC SYNTHESIS USING BANANA PEELS AND ITS CHARACTERIZATION C.M. Noorjahan*1, S. Nishra Banu2, V. Subhashree3 1,2,3 Post Graduate and Research Department of Zoology, Justice Basheer Ahmed Sayeed College for women (Autonomous), Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Email: DOI: 10.47750/pnr.2022.13.S07.380 Plastic offers a variety of benefits, in a variety of shapes, such as sheets, panels, film, which can all be flexible as the application requires. Plastic is a price competitive with other materials that offer similar advantages in industrial applications, which is why it is used in a number of applications. It is light weight, strong, visually aesthetic, flexible size, shape and cheaper price. Plastic pollution can unfavourably affect lands, waterways and oceans. Humans are also affected by plastic pollution, such as through the disruption of the thyroid hormone axis or hormone levels. Thus, the biodegradable plastic becomes a promising solution to solve all these problems. Hence the objectives of this research are to develop and produce biodegradable plastic that will substitute the existing non-biodegradable plastic using banana peels, to help in saving the environment as well as to compare the properties of biodegradable plastic based on banana peel with the commercial biodegradable plastic. Furthermore, the environmental pollution can be reduced due to the usage of waste banana peels to produce a new value-added biodegradable plastic. Keywords: Bioplastic, Banana Peel, FTIR, X-Ray powder Diffraction (XRD), Biodegradability test, Solubility Test, Swelling Test. Introduction Environment consists of both biotic and abiotic components. Each and every organism on earth adapts to environment to live in. It serves as a medium to live for all living organisms prevailing in the world. So it should be properly protected to maintain proper balance among organisms. (Bharathi et al., 2016). Pollution occurs when the natural environment cannot destroy an element without creating harm or damage to itself. Environmental pollution has existed for centuries but only started to be significant following the industrial revolution in the 19th century Indeed, without it, or if they were present on different quantities, animals including humans and plants could not survive. Causes for pollution includes industries, radioactive substances, dumping of wastes, higher carbon-di-oxide emissions, unburnt carbon particles from vehicles, etc. Dumping of wastes in oceans and land poses a serious threat to environment and surroundings as it cannot be eliminated or reused and accounts for major pollution (Jayachandra et al., 2016). The word plastic derived from the Greek word (plastikos) meaning “capable of being shaped or moulded” and in turn, from (plastos) meaning “moulded”. The material consists of wide range of synthetic or semi – synthetic organic compounds that are malleable and so can be moulded into solid objects. Plastics are made by linking many monomers together into long chains to form a polymer backbone. Polyethylene, polypropylene and polystyrene are the most common examples of plastics (Ibrahim et al., 2015). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2855 Plastics are main threat to environment as they are non-biodegradable. They are the main concern of every environmentalist and nature conservationist. As we are dumping every plastic into oceans, it has turned out as a disaster for organisms which live in. The major component of plastic which is a polymer (Polypropylene/ Polystyrene) can leach into water and increase the toxicity in water. The plastic materials are floating on the surface of water is mistaken as food by aquatic organisms and eaten which eventually leads to choking death (Pawan Malik, 2013). The plants offer an alternative approach to synthesize these bulk commodity products (i.e) bioplastics at low cost as it relies on water. soil, nutrients, atmospheric carbon-di-oxide and sunlight. In addition, a plant production system is much more environment friendly. A number of plants like Nicotina, Brassica, Gossypium, Medicago and Elaeis have also been well exploited for synthesizing a variety of bioplastics (Mukti Gill, 2014). The term bioplastics was coined by European Bioplastics, an European umbrella organization. Bioplastics are plastics derived from renewable biomass sources, such as vegetable fats and oils, corn starch or microbiota. The major environment concerns behind extensive synthetic plastics usage are its biodegradability and production of toxins at the time of degradation. Therefore there is an absolute need for “eco-friendly” plastics. Bioplastics are used for disposable items, such as packaging, crockery, cutlery, pots, bowls and straws. Beyond structural materials, electroactive bioplastics are being developed that are used to carry electric current. Biopolymers are available for coating paper rather than the more common petrochemical coatings. Low energy costs to manufacture bioplastics. Based upon the above views, an attempt has been made to synthesize biodegradable plastic material using banana peels, to characterize the synthesized bioplastic material using FTIR analysis, solubility test and swelling test. Materials and methods Materials Banana fruits were purchased from local market located in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. Banana peels were used in the preparation of bioplastics as the banana fruit is very rich in starch, which consists of two different types of polymer chains called amylose and amylopectin, made up of adjoined glucose molecules that are bonded together forming the plastic Chemicals required for the experiments were purchased from Scientific and Electrical company, Chennai, Tamil nadu, India. Methods Preparation of Banana Peels for Banana Paste Formation Preparation of banana peels (plate 1) for banana paste formation was carried out by following the procedure of Jayachandra et al. (2016). Banana peels were boiled in water for about 30 minutes Water was decanted from the beaker and the peels were left to dry on filter paper for 30 minutes. After the incubation, peels were completely dried the peels were squashed until an uniform paste was obtained using mortar and pestle. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2856 Plate 1: Banana peels from banana fruit for synthesis of bioplastics Production of Polymer from Banana Paste Production of polymer from banana paste was carried out by following the procedure of Jayachandra et al. (2016). .25 gms of banana paste was taken in a beaker and 3 ml of (0.1N) Hydrochloric acid was added to this mixture and stirred using glass rod, followed by 2ml of glycerol was added, stirred and 3 ml of 0. IN sodium hydroxide was added in order to neutralize the pH up to 7. The mixture was poured on a glass petri plate, kept in an oven at 130 "C and was baked till dry. Later, petri plate was allowed to cool and plastic film was scraped off from the petri plate as the bioplastic film. Characterization of Synthesized Bioplastics Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) FTIR Spectroscopy was used to investigate the interactions between different species and changes in chemical compositions of the mixtures. The FTIR spectra of bioplastics film obtained from banana peels were recorded in SHIMADZU-8400 spectrometer using KBR pellet method. X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) Diffraction pattern gives information on translational symmetry – size and shape of the unit cell from peak positions and information on electron density inside the unit cell, namely where the atoms are located from peak intensities. It also gives information on deviations from a perfect particle. XRD measurement of synthesized bio plastic was drop-located on glass on a Bruker axs-D8 advance instrument operation at a voltage of 40 Kv and current of 20m A with Cu Ka radiate Biodegradability Test (Jayachandra et al., 2016) 1.1 grams of a pre – weighed piece of bioplastics were taken in a beaker which was in turn placed in another large beaker containing soil at a depth of 5 cm from the surface. Some amount of water was sprinkled on the soil so that bacterial enzymatic activities could be enriched. These samples were kept in the beaker for about 15 days and each 5 days of interval it was observed that there was a decrease in the weight of the bioplastic material and results were recorded. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2857 Swelling Test (Jayachandra et al., 2016) Swelling study is generally conducted to determine whether developed material retains the original properties when it was formed during the preparations A preweighed piece of sample were taken in the test tube to check the protuberance and other morphological changes. It was carried out on the medium containing various solvents such as water, chloroform and methanol medium where deliberated samples were kept in the medium for about 2 hours and the results were recorded accordingly. Solubility Test (Jayachandra et al., 2016) The synthesized bioplastics was tested for their solubility .The solubility test were conducted to check persistence of these bioplastic materials. The sample was cut into small pieces and were inserted into a test tube containing different solvents. The solvents were chosen in such a way that the activity of material with parameters like high acidic solvent, polar solvent, non-polar solvent and weak acid were checked and results were recorded. Statistical analysis The data obtained from various experiments were statistically analysed and expressed in terms of Mean, Standard Deviation and ‘t’ Test. Results Preparation of Banana Peels for Formation of Banana Paste The result of preparation of banana paste from banana peels of banana fruit was presented in plate -2. The result of the study showed that the banana paste was brown in colour. Plate – 2: Preparation of bioplastics (film) from banana paste The result of formation of bioplastic film from banana peel of banana fruit was depicted in plate – 3. The result of the study revealed that the bioplastic formed was brownish black in colour. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2858 Plate - 3: Synthesis of Bioplastics (film) from Banana paste Characterization of Bioplastics FTIR Analysis of Synthesized Bioplastics FTIR Spectroscopy was used to investigate the interactions between different components and changes in chemical compositions of the mixtures. FTIR measurements for synthesized bioplastic film were carried out to identify the possible biomolecules present in the bioplastic. The result of FTIR analysis of synthesized bioplastics is shown in figure 1. The results of FTIR analysis of the sample showed revealed that FTIR spectrum of the sample was obtained at the wavelength in the range of 400 – 4000 cm-1.The results of the study also showed that the peak at 3429 cm-1 is due to primary amine that produce 2 N-H stretch absorptions, peak at 2938 cm-1 was attributed to the alkane C-H bonds. Stretching at 2615 cm-1 and 2357 cm-1 was due to carboxylic O-H stretching, peak at 1637 cm-1 was due to C=O stretch. Peak at 1564 cm-1 was attributed to N-H bonding, while peak at 610 cm-1 was due to C-H bond. Whereas peak at 1048 cm-1 was attributed to C-O bonding. Figure – 1: FTIR Analysis of Synthesized Bioplastics Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2859 XRD Analysis of Synthesized Bioplastics The results of XRD analysis of synthesized bioplastics is depicted in figure 2. The results of the study revealed that the sample was semi-crystalline in structure. Figure – 2: XRD Analysis of Synthesized Bioplastics Biodegradability Test of Synthesized Bioplastics The results of biodegradability test of the synthesized bioplastic film was depicted in Table - 1. The results of the study revealed that the sample had turned black in colour with increase in days in soil. It also turned brittle and less-lustrous with proceeding days. The weight of the sample was also decreased with proceeding days. It has also revealed that the sample has undergone degradation in soil for a period of 15 days as evidenced by the decrease in the weight of the sample in the study. Table 1: Biodegradability Test of synthesized bioplastics for a period of 15 days in the soil. SNo. Days Appearance Weight (g) of the sample Mean ±S.D. 1. 5th Shiny and firm 1.1 1.3 1.4 1.2666±0.1247 2. 10th Brownish black 0.9008 0.9006 0.9007 0.9007±8.164 3. 15th Black 0.8631 0.8635 0.8631 0.8632±0.00018 ‘t’-Test 5% 5% level of significance Solubility Test of Synthesized Bioplastics The results of solubility test of bioplastics is presented in Table -2. The results of the study revealed that the material was insoluble in water which makes it more eligible to be a bioplastic material. It was also insoluble in acetone (polar solvent), ethyl alcohol (non-polar solvent), acetic acid (polar solvent) and partially soluble in ammonia (polar solvent) and completely soluble in sulphuric acid (strongly acid solvent). The insolubility of synthesized bioplastic film in water showed that it can be further studied to replace, use and throw plastic bottles. Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2860 Table 2: Solubility Test of synthesized bioplastics in different solvents Solubility Test S. No. Solvents Insoluble Partially Soluble Completely Soluble 1. Ammonia - + - 2. Acetic Acid + - - 3. Acetone + - - 4. Sulphuric Acid - - + 5. Ethyl alcohol + - - 6. Water + - - + = Positive - = Negative Swelling Test of Synthesized Bioplastics The results of the swelling test of bioplastics is shown in Table -3. The results of the study showed that there was not much change in sample when it is soaked in chloroform and methanol, but slight increase in weight when kept in water medium. Statistical analysis The values obtained from the above experiment were expressed in the form of mean and standard deviation. Swelling test were found to be statistically significant at 5% level. Table 3: Swelling Test of synthesized bioplastics in different solvents S.No. Solvent Medium Initial Weight (g) Final Weight (g) Difference (g) Mean ±S.D. 1. Water 0.1690 0.2860 0.117 0.11766±0.001 2. Chloroform 0.1121 0.1672 0.0551 0.0551±5.773 3. Methanol 0.1430 0.1330 0.01 0.0166±0.011 ‘t’- Test 5% 5% level of significance Discussion Growing scarcity and the increase of cost of raw materials has put the manufacture of plastics, based on renewable raw materials, firmly back centre stage Considering that, we are in need of sustainable material which can replace plastics at the same time biodegradable. Such a kind of materials are called "bio plastics" which are biodegradable and at the same time meeting the needs of humans. The plant offers an alternative approach to synthesize these bulk commodity products (i.e) bioplastics at low cost. A number of plants have been well exploited for synthesizing a variety of bioplastics (Ching Huaych, 2016). Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results ¦ Volume 13 ¦ Special Issue 7 ¦ 2022 2861 Hence an investigation has been carried out to synthesize bioplastics film from banana peels and to study the characterization of bioplastic using FTIR, XRD analysis, biodegradability, solubility and swelling tests. The material used in preparation of bioplastics was banana because it is one of the fruits that are very rich in starch, which consists of two different types of polymer chains called amylose and amylopectin, made up of adjoined glucose molecules that are bonded together forming the plastic. The hydrochloric acid is used for the hydrolysis of amylopectin, which is needed in order to aid the film formation, the sodium hydroxide is used in the experiment in order to develop or improve the plasticity of a material. It also prohibits the formation of crystalline structure which makes bioplastic material brittle (Lubis et al., 2014). The prepared bioplastic material was further characterized by using FTIR and XRD analysis. FTIR Spectroscopy was used to investigate the interactions between different components changes in chemical compositions of the mixtures. FTIR measurements for biosynthesized bio film was carried out to identify the possible biomolecules present in the bioplastics. FTIR analysis of the synthesized bioplastic showed that FTIR spectrum of the sample had the wavelength range of 400-4000 cm-1 (Jayachandra et al., 2016). The results of XRD analysis of synthesized bioplastic revealed that the sample was semi-crystalline in structure. The biodegradability is the main factor in which the term “bioplastics” can be fulfilled. The prepared bioplastic material can be bio-based and still not an biodegradable product. Such materials cannot be considered as bioplastic even though they have biomaterial origin. So it is very much important that the material is biodegradable. Results from bio-degradability test shows that the material has undergone biodegradation which proves its status as “bioplastics” (Deeneshwaran et al., 2015). Solubility also plays a major role in choosing a sustainable biomaterial for bioplastics synthesis because if the material is soluble in water and other solvents, then it cannot be accounted for bioplastics. Results of the solubility test showed that the material is insoluble in water and other organic solvents which make it more efficient to produce with a benefit of low cost (Hong Chua et al., 2009). The prepared bioplastic material can be checked for reliability by looking into engorgement properties and solubility characteristics. If the bioplastic material possess the property of less or zero engorgement property that can be considered as an excellent material with stability as characteristic features (Jayachandra et al., 2016). However, if the bioplastic material shows larger engorgement and hydrophilic property, the material cannot be considered for bioplastics synthesis. The results of swelling tests shows low amount of engorgement in water which is more desirable to be a bioplastic material. Thus the synthesized bioplastic material has got all the substantial properties like biodegradation ability, little or zero engorgement and insolubility in water medium makes it worth biomaterial for commercial viability and use of fruit waste, a renewable resource will always be the best raw material for producing sustainable bioplastic material. However, there is a vast scope in this area to work on biodegradation ability by adding chemical additives. The degradation studies (soil burial test) conducted in this present study is helpful in preparation of eco friendly product as they are derived from natural polymers, they can be reused in biocompost preparation (Bastioli, 1998). Conclusion The bioplastic produced through this method could be substantial and the biodegradable ability is one of the main challenges in developing bioplastic material. The current report has made an effort towards the synthesis and characterization of these types of natural polymeric material. Certainly, the research is a long way to go for both economic and environmental friendly products using bioplastic or bio polymer. But synthesis of bioplastic using fruit waste is more reliable method as it is economically convenient and using the waste in effective manner. 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